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Psychic Mono


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So I have been inspired by all these other mono runs on the forums so I decided to try my hand at my own mono. I decided to go with a psychic mono because I just hate myself. The biggest challenge that I will have will be getting past shade. Currently as it sits my rooster looks like this right after unlocking the lapis ward.

Spoink (Spring) lv. 28

calm nature

Own Tempo

Woobat (<3) lv 29

Mild nature


Meowstic (Mao) lv. 30

Mild nature

Keen Eye

Braixen (Arsonist) lv. 31

Timid Nature


Any advice on getting past shade other than hope and the best of luck?

Edited by gdteatime
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Unless you can get Girafarig before Shade's battle (and I am pretty damn sure you can't), this run of yours is gonna be a pain I am afraid...

Maybe Inkay? I know that fella is in the game, and is the only Psychic that is not weak to Ghost as of Gen 6 (except the aforementioned Girafarig), but can you get it before Shade?

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Unless you can get Girafarig before Shade's battle (and I am pretty damn sure you can't), this run of yours is gonna be a pain I am afraid...

Maybe Inkay? I know that fella is in the game, and is the only Psychic that is not weak to Ghost as of Gen 6 (except the aforementioned Girafarig), but can you get it before Shade?

You find Inkay in the wastelands which is after Shade, you can get a lunatone/solrock I believe under the grand stairway that might help but i don't think it can take a shadow ball from chandelure. i believe you can find a smoochum in the cave next to Shades gym if you evolve it you may be able to lovely kiss Chandleure as jynx has base 95 speed compared to chandelures 80. Just some suggestion good luck with your mono! ^_^

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Ooooo! Someone else who did a Psychic mono!

You are correct when you say that getting past Shade is a task and a half. I don't know how much advice I can offer, since I fought him before he got his new field, but:

Light Screen is your friend in this battle, first and foremost. Meowstic already has it (or should) and Braixen gets it soon enough, so you'll have it to use. Once Braixen evolves, Mystical Fire is a huge help in cutting down how much damage you take from Shadow Ball as well.

As for Psychic-types... I think the only other ones you'll have access to before him are Gothita and Smoochum. The former did okay for me, but I did grind her into a Gothitelle and spam Common Candies before that battle, so I don't know... The latter also requires you fighting some obscenely high leveled Beartic to obtain now, so I don't know how feasible that endeavour is.

Oh yeah, you can also breed a Sunkern, and trade that for Mime Jr. in Lapis Ward. I didn't keep Mr. Mime for long, but it lacks a few of Psychic's more irritating weaknesses (Dark and Bug). It also gets Light Screen, and Reflect for that matter.

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