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Well it said this was the place to make introductions so here I am.

I'm Dama, favourite pokemon Scizor as you may or may not have guessed.


I totally didn't rip my title straight from this... word.

I only actually found out that RPG Maker Pokemon games were a thing about... 3 days ago. I started with Zeta, then Godra and now I found this and I have to say it is nice to see a darker tone taken in a game based around Pokemon. I mean Black and White had their darker moments but Reborn just takes the cake. Anything that starts with a train bombing isn't gonna be all sunshine and rainbows... Unless you're an Electric-gym Leader, apparently.

My current run on Reborn entails not catching any Pokemon I don't find in an event of some sort. Thanks to this my team is currently a Squirtle, a Kricketune, a Pachurisu, a Swirlix, a Loudred and a shiny Venonat I found randomly (Yes I broke a rule I just made but its a SHINY)

Anyway, I'm not big on the competitive scene, but I dabble on occasion. Me and my Scizor show a couple of peeps what's what (here's a hint, its me) now and again. I'm more of a "simply play to have fun" kind of guy. I don't pike my 'mons to dominate people, not to crush the competition. I pick what I like and I like what I like for the reasons I like them, not for their strength. I think that makes sense.

If I'm gonna get competitive with something it will be one of 3 things. Tekken, Yu-Gi-Oh or Dota 2. My preferences being Dragunov/Hwaorang, Noble Knights and Crystal Maiden respectively. Even then I am not the sort to rage if things get tough. If you play Dota 2 but don't want to get too competitive with it, just wanna have a laugh feel free to add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030999125

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh play I'm a relatively active member of the YGOPro forums, going by the username KaizaUrai. I run a deck workshop specializing in Character Decks based off of the anime and manga series. Speaking of which that may be a major addiction of mine. I watch way too much anime. I mean ridiculous amounts. I'm not weird. Not at all...

Here's a link to Kaiza's Character Deck Emporium!!!! (No gratuitous self advertisement at all, folks): http://www.ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/10043/Kaiza-s-Deck-Emporium--Taking-any-requests

I'm currently on 150 character decks, but help is always appreciated when offered so don't hesitate if any of you Yu-Gi-Oh fans present in Reborn want to lend a hand or words of encouragement/Ramsay-esque-derision.

Aaaaanyway I'm a Sixth Form student, studing Psychology, Computing and Maths in the hopes of doing a Computer Games Design degree in the future. My aim here is to build a JRPG-style thing I've been planning for a while called 404: Life Not Found. Its kind of a light hearted jab at gamer culture and half-parody of MMO games, though it isn't all *puts on sunglasses* fun and games YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH DUN DUNNNNNN.

I've been working on it a while, but I'm still learning the ropes of coding and spriting and such.

Anyway feel free to drop me a message whenever, I'm always happy to meet new nerdy weird fri- I mean totally normal and well-adjusted members of society. Yeah.

Dama out!

Edited by Damashii
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Ahh, welcome to Reborn, Dama! I'm not quite as helpful as the other regulars here, but I'm always willing to lend my services as both a friendly face and a good listener.

I hope he profession of Game Designing takes you far, especially if you apply your knowledge of Psychology to you work, haha.

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  On 11/12/2014 at 10:21 PM, Jelly said:

is there a tl;dr of this anywhere?

I'm awesome.

  On 11/12/2014 at 10:23 PM, A Happy Elf said:



u wot m8

ill besh ur hed in

But in all seriousness I'd happily have a game on Showdown with ya if you wanted, just gimme a shout!

  On 11/12/2014 at 10:24 PM, GotWala said:

Ahh, welcome to Reborn, Dama! I'm not quite as helpful as the other regulars here, but I'm always willing to lend my services as both a friendly face and a good listener.

I hope he profession of Game Designing takes you far, especially if you apply your knowledge of Psychology to you work, haha.

I hope so :D I think Psychology studies could prove quite useful.

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  On 11/12/2014 at 10:37 PM, Portgas D. Ace said:

Wow man, Zeta and Omicron series was kinda crap compared to Reborn. Zeta has it's place, but...Reborn's better...like literally the Reborn file size is like 500 MB and Zeta is only 140 MB.]

Either way I'm new here too, but I've been reading up aroun here for like a month. Welcome fellow n00b.

I meet your Bullet Punch and raise with a Fire Punch.

Curses, fire! My one weakness!

Yeah, I prefer Reborn, Zeta's scaling is all screwy and it has more than its fair share of problems. It seems enemies get exponentially more of a pain in the ass, and I don't feel that you should have to spend hours grinding to continue with the story. It just gets annoying,

Oh and by the way, I despise Lightsworn with a vengeance. Just a personal vendetta kind of thing.

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Ayyyyy studying game design eh? Well I'd love to have a conversation about things of the like. I'm messing with sprites as of now too.

I'd say the whole intro thing sheep does but currently the only thing coming to mind is Hukuna and the roleplay forum. Someone help me out here!

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  On 11/12/2014 at 11:01 PM, Saber12 said:

Ayyyyy studying game design eh? Well I'd love to have a conversation about things of the like. I'm messing with sprites as of now too.

I'd say the whole intro thing sheep does but currently the only thing coming to mind is Hukuna and the roleplay forum. Someone help me out here!

Yeah I'm still a total novice. For my A2 project I'm making chess tutorial software and I've done a couple of really bad Dragon Ball Z Android 17 sprites as practice, but I'm still in the shitty stage (just can't get palettes right... or hands... hands suck)

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  On 11/12/2014 at 11:11 PM, Jericho said:

Hey bro, hows it hangin? Anyways, if you have any questions about the forum, don't hesitate to ask any of the forum staff, Minerva, or me.

Side Note: I've never even heard of Godra before.

I'm doin' pretty good.

Godra is a Pokemon RPG that prides itself on player choice.

It boasts an array of somewhere in the range of 40 starter pokemon, player jobs like military or a ranger or something.

Its alright, but not great. There's almost definitely worse out there.

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Ok, let me just say two things real quick first. CB Scizor wrecks train with bullet punch. Seriously, I use one on my bug mono team and it can sweep late game with priority. Secondly, as much as I admire Scizor's abilities, you've missed the mark when it comes to bug types, let me just help you out with a close combat from my boy Heracross. Oh and grats on the shiny Venonat, when that thing evolves I guarantee your jaw will hit the floor.

Welcome to the forums. I'm one of those staff members that Jericho mentioned and a good person to go to with questions, but I don't know anything about game design so probably try to keep it Reborn newbie related. There are a bunch of little rules and stuff that I spend time everyday reminding people about so if you could read the pertinent topics pinned in the Grand Hall that'd be great.

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  On 11/12/2014 at 11:54 PM, Abbey Street said:

Your profile picture is what drew me to this thread.

Anyway, if I were to say anything, I'd just be repeating Jericho. Have fun here!

Bow to the glory of our benevolent deity Nic Cage!

  On 11/13/2014 at 12:48 AM, Sheep said:

Ok, let me just say two things real quick first. CB Scizor wrecks train with bullet punch. Seriously, I use one on my bug mono team and it can sweep late game with priority. Secondly, as much as I admire Scizor's abilities, you've missed the mark when it comes to bug types, let me just help you out with a close combat from my boy Heracross. Oh and grats on the shiny Venonat, when that thing evolves I guarantee your jaw will hit the floor.

Welcome to the forums. I'm one of those staff members that Jericho mentioned and a good person to go to with questions, but I don't know anything about game design so probably try to keep it Reborn newbie related. There are a bunch of little rules and stuff that I spend time everyday reminding people about so if you could read the pertinent topics pinned in the Grand Hall that'd be great.

I see your Heracross close combat and raise you a baton-passed swords dance into an aerial ace.

I'll read those topics when I get the time tonight. Computer Science keeping me nice and busy.

  On 11/13/2014 at 1:07 AM, Arkhidon said:

Welcome. Have a song.

Why thank you, I am more of a hard rock/soft metal person but the sentiment is appreciated.

  On 11/13/2014 at 2:19 AM, AnimeFg said:

Welcome, good sir, get comfy and have a nice stay

I intend to, thank you.

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  On 11/12/2014 at 10:16 PM, Damashii said:

Aaaaanyway I'm a Sixth Form student, studing Psychology, Computing and Maths in the hopes of doing a Computer Games Design degree in the future. My aim here is to build a JRPG-style thing I've been planning for a while called 404: Life Not Found. Its kind of a light hearted jab at gamer culture and half-parody of MMO games, though it isn't all *puts on sunglasses* fun and games YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH DUN DUNNNNNN.

I've been working on it a while, but I'm still learning the ropes of coding and spriting and such.

Sounds awesome, actually. I see a lot of potential in a game concept like that. It's always fun to look at some of the funny/extreme things that can pop up in gamer culture and then have something that brings back levity and insightful meaning to something we enjoy.

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