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I freaking love watching documentaries and I've been looking for a way to find some interesting ones. This is mainly a thread to collect exceptionally interesting and informative ones n_n. I'll update the OP with links to all the docs!

LAST EDIT: November 13, 2014

HIGH SCHOOL - About a typical day in a highschool in 1968 Pennsylvania.

Cosmos - About the cosmos. Also, Carl Sagan!

Alien Planet - This one is cool. It gives an outlook on just how different extra terrestrial life could be from what we know and understand.

The Origins of Man - Morgan Freeman Simulator 2014

Finding Your Roots -

It's an ever-evolving commentary on race, gender, society, history, and research. They use advanced gene sequencing to trace the "roots" of various people through DNA and genealogical records to create the most accurate picture of where we came from.

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Have to say, if you're interested in documentaries, you ought to watch 'Finding Your Roots' by Henry Louis Gates Jr. from PBS. It's an ever-evolving commentary on race, gender, society, history, and research. They use advanced gene sequencing to trace the "roots" of various people through DNA and genealogical records to create the most accurate picture of where we came from.


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