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The best pokemon you didn't know you had


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Scolipede, no doubt. You see my biggest struggle with this game has always been Luna's party. My scrafty easily OHKOed her bisharp and if I was lucky, her tyranitar after that. But there was no way for me to get pass her umbreon and honchkrow, even having manectric and mawile. And her malamar... that thing was hideously, ridiculously powerful with that stupid superpower. By that time, I didn't know bug was super effective against dark, so I pretty much tried to make my scrafty survive til the end.

But then one day someone told me scolipede was a good mon against Luna, and I was all like "hey I have a venipede, maybe I should train it". And then it happened, scrafty's hi jump kick + scolipede's steam roller and bug bite = win.

EDIT: Also I just remembered trubbish on my second playthrough, that thing's pretty good in the first gyms, intoxicating everything. And this seems to be my post nº123. Yay!

Edited by zimvader42
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Mine would also be scolipede. I wasn't aware that it got baton pass through level up until I trained it, and baton passing speed boosts off to other party members has saved me too many times to count.

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emolga was mine

i used it once as a filler pokemon but then i found it to be really good

im a person that keeps multiple save files and every time i miss out on getting an emolga i realise how much it helps

in my latest save i just beat ep 13 and i still have it in my team and have no intention of replacing it

nuzzle, electro ball, and acrobatics make it a fast mixed attacker PLUS a great support pokemon by paralyzing opponents for my other pokemon

and its typing plus ability give it many opportunitys to switch in

also since its a fully evolved pokemon that you get early on in the game it gives you extra power to your team

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Probobly Dusclops. I used it to beat Solaris, but his Curse is so good I grinded him up a little. He's not a fire type though, so he's relegated to my backup backup team.

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Gyara...no that's wrong...hmm this is a difficult one...maybe Linoone? Usually i bring with me only Pokemon which strength i'm sure of so Linoone is actually my HM slave and strangely enough he was pretty good in the early game, killed so many things that he reached lv 45.

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I guess mine would have to be Meowth/Persian. I picked one up really early in the game, thinking that I might be able to get some quick cash by using Pay Day in the Agate Circus (this, of course, was before I knew how late in the game the Agate Circus was). It turned out to be surprisingly powerful once it evolved: it played a pivotal role in taking down Shade with its dark-type moves, and having it use Fake Out proved to seriously come in handy multiple times.

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...I still remember that my Persian critted Shelly's Yanmega with Power Gem, which, along with Pignite's Heat Crash one-shotting the Volbeat, went on to win me that battle on the first try. Which is not something I can say for every other Gym battle on my first playthrough, heh.

I still think the Pokemon that surprised me the most was Pachirisu early game. Once you manage to get it something other than Bide, it will literally stall out anything you toss it out against. Your choice of Pickup for the items or Volt Absorb for Julia is pretty cool, too.

Granted, I'm not kidding when I say almost anything will surprise you then. I try different things every time I start a new playthrough, and everything I can remember using did really well.

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Mine would be Moxie having mightanya never knew it could have that ability was useful all the way up to shade gengar now it sitting in my Pc with because it not helpful the more types that have come and it move pool not the best for leveling up and no good tms for this game but I have gain a new respect for that pokemon as dark type is my favorite I would rank it have crack the top 10 because who would think mightnya would sweep the first 3 gyms on it own just wow now if someone says something good about Lepiard that would be a major surprise lol

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I was breeding fire pokemon for fun and got a shiny Growlithe with flamethrower out of the egg. I also enjoyed my Carnivine, but the moves were pretty poor. Kept it for Sweet Scent. Very, very ugly creature.

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Rapidash was the star for me. Initially, it was on my party for the sake of having a fire type move against Shelly and I kept it since. And JUST when I was thinking of replacing it, it saves me from being destroyed by Charlotte because of it's flash fire ability.

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There are quite a few pokemon that make this list for me.

Duskull - This pokemon's short stint in my party enabled me to walk past Kiki. Prior to addition, I couldn't beat her if I wanted to.

Kricketune - This pokemon is -VERY- good. Technician is an ability that will make any move below the bar nice and strong, but Fury Cutter has the capability to put anyone Kricketune outspeeds, regardless of types and resistances, away if it shows up late enough in the battle.

Hariyama - This thing.....this thing is reliable. Fake Out? Check. Thick Fat? Check. A pokemon I wish I grinded up a little before taking on Serra. If it wasn't for liking Gallade more, I might have done it to. This thing scoffs at Florinia's Cradilly.

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Huge tie between Pidgeot and Cofagrigus. Pidgeot with Roost and Feather Dance, Cofagrigus with Curse and Will-o-Wisp, saved my as more times than I can count. I never liked Cofagrigus, I always thought Pidgeot was near fully outclasses in every way. Cofagrigus grew on me after crippling SolarisChomp and Pidgeot was just fast enough, just tank enough to assure my Gardevoir to set up on a -6 Attack Pokemon. Two of the biggest bad asses ever.

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Mine are Espeon, Simipour and Hariyama. Hariyama sweeped Florinia's Cradily, some of Radomus's pokemon and almost all Luna's party. My Espeon helped me very much with Charlotte with rain dance. It helped me through numerous battles too. Simipour has helped me through numerous battles too and with Acrobatics it took down many grass-fighting types but now it sits in the pc because of it's critical-low defences.

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