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[OOC] Brailens Gifted


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@Dobby: After the whole Timms thing with Richard, I knew I had to place Emelia in the same place as Richard. I love when Emelia's pride kicks in because it clashes well with Richards...ignorance? (can't think of the word).

@Gotwala: It's all going to depend on the situation Dobby throws her in. If you want to ever bounce character development off of Emelia, go ahead. (I guess that could go for anyone else as well).

@Charizard: 90% of my posts are pretty much straight improvisation. I always keep a couple ideas to pull back on, but that's about it.

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Haha, I think ignorance would be a good word for what ails Richard's psyche! The deeply entrenched values of fear, hatred, and self-loathing are strong within him. As for character development to bounce back and forth... I suppose it depends on what happens! Though expect Richard to bother Emelia a lot since he desperately wants a comrade who trusts him... Or if he'd stop lying to himself, just a single friend in his godforsaken existence.

Jesus, that got depressing! Though I suppose it comes with the territory of having an Anti-Hero/"Villain" character, haha. As it stands, I imagine Richard will get to add Emelia to the list of people who've beaten the piss out of him eventually!

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So, this is gonna be a hectic weekend for me, so I'm putting this on a hold for the weekend. Sorry for this, but i have other things to focus on, I can't be doing decent updates for you with all the shit flying around. Quality updates on monday, I promise.

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Reyn is still in the area surrounded by the police, Jakler, charizard and Typhlosion are still in the pub if I recall correctly. It's a pretty big pub with two exits, one of which is not accessible to the public, so it's slow to get people out. You'll have to fight through.

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Note to self: Be much more descriptive, this is my fault. There are no windows, it's a basement turned into a pub, so there's no windows.

I feel like I should apologize, so farit feels like there has been many misunderstandings because of my sub-par description of where you all are. I'll be sure to be more descriptive of the area you are all in.

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Ah that's alright. I'll try to think of a way to get Travis out of there so he can regroup with Desmond... not sure how though since it's surrounded by police. :l

Okay, done editing. Whether he gets caught or not is up to you.

Edited by SilverJakler
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  On 12/8/2014 at 7:13 PM, EXLink32 said:

So has Ryen been noticed by any police yet or is he still unnoticed?

Can't really say as that's up to Dobby. Just keep in mind Emelia was also there during the Golem murder and might recognize you as long as you don't try anything funny.

@SilverJackler: It's up to you whether or not that arrow hit. It's just that a man jumping up into the air would obviously be seen by somebody.

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  On 12/8/2014 at 7:25 PM, SilverJakler said:

Well I know he was seen, but he's pretty tired right now. He'd be easy pickings right about now, especially after getting hit with the arrow.

It wouldn't be a RP if you could easily get away in one single post. And if I don't do something, Dobby definitely would find something for you on that roof (probably another gifted, but a lot stronger then the ones in the bar).

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Dumb question incoming, but right now, i'm not 100% sure where myself and typhlosion (Desmond) are, are they at the front or back of the pub or already outside? My guess is at the far back or so?

Edited by Red'sCharizard
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  On 12/8/2014 at 8:01 PM, Red'sCharizard said:

Dumb question incoming, but right now, i'm not 100% sure where myself and typhlosion (Desmond) are, are they at the front or back of the pub or already outside? My guess is at the far back or so?

You can say you woke up and made it past Richard if you want. Emelia is going to be outside taking care of the ones who escape his path. You're going to have to think outside of the box to get out of this one.

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@Charizard, yup, as far as I can tell.

@Strat, rather dim, most of the light is coming from a fireplace at the back of the room or some windows from the side you entered.

And commander is right. Generally being creative is the aim of the game in this RP

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Dobby, sorry to bother you again, but do you have anything (or person) planned to fight Emelia? I'm just wondering as I don't to post her beating up random unnamed NPCs that'll interfere with your plans.

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