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The most frustrating moment/moments in Pokemon Reborn


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Frustrating? Never. This game's far too much fun to frustrate me.

Challenging? Trying to beat the Taka and Zel double battle after Taka got his PULSE Tangrowth but before Zel's team was nerfed. So episode 12 I think. I was trying that with a fairly mediocre team with the restrictions that I wasn't allowed to grind or use healing items. Eventually I realized Vespiquen OP.

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Anytime Taka showed up and I didn't have an Electric Pokemon. (Emolga is a GODSEND against him).

Both times I had to fight Serra (first save got corrupted). I also hate her character too, so I'm glad I didn't see her after that.

Grinding. All that freakin grinding.

Back tracking before getting the bike.

The Arcade...

Anytime Fern opens his god damn mouth.

Confusion/Para Hax

I think that's about it. I still love this game tho

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The most frustrating not-gym leader related events were, for me:

1)Taka's chatot.

2)Chrysolia forest's puzzle...

3)lv.45 Klingklang AKA Mechanightmare.

4)Kiki's ghost AKA That-damn-Gastly.

5)Second battle against Fern (inside the school, before Florinia's gym)

6)Trying to catch Beldum (|:<)

7)Ditto-Arceus when we first met.

8)Having to beg Fern to get me out of the damn cage before knowing that you can actually wait for Taka's chatot to come and rescue you ¬¬

9)When you have to sneak outside of the helix fossil club El's religious parade. And then I came back thinking that Ame ((((might))) put a klefki event in the jail zone. Fool me once....

10)A pokémon fell from above! A wild woobat appeared!

11)Obsidia's alleys/sewers puzzle, and trying to get a friggin' scraggy.

12)First time on byxbysion, that place's a purple labyrinth...

13)Grinding. Pretty self-explanatory.

14)Clearing the pinsir/heracross event.

And, gym leader related, are:




Edited by zimvader42
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Chrysolia Forest. Every time. It's supposed to be as easy as doing loops, but I always end up getting lost anyway.

...That was not a pun this time I swear.

The cultist puzzle is only frustrating on that one guy at the very end who looks back and forth- always takes me so many tries to get past him.

All the frustration in the world wouldn't be enough to get me to stop playing, though- I enjoy Reborn too much. Getting hopelessly lost and being smashed into the ground by difficult bosses is part of the adventure!~

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Noel.... fuck him and his normal team. Never really had problems early game with Taka or Zel unless I chose a non-fire type. Then this whole game gets a tad frustrating. Looking at you Greninja. (Still an op poke after first gyms)

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Let's see... for non-battle moments, I'd have to say:

1) Anything related to Fern (I hope we eventually get to force-feed that stuck-up narcissistic jerk to a rabid Groudon)

2) That giant boulder puzzle thing in the section of Byxbysion wastleland that's only accessible from Tanzan Mountain

3) Going through the Magikarp event for the first time (It's the only thing you can get via old rod in the original games! Why is it so hard to get here?!)

And for battle moments, I'd have to say...

1) El's Pseudo-Arceus

2) Shelly's Gym battle (seriously, she wiped the floor with me until I set the field on fire)

3) Charolette's Gym battle (Everything dies with fire: The Gym battle)

I don't really mind grinding; I mainly just move the game to the corner of my computer screen and watch Youtube videos while I grind. It's kind of relaxing, actually.

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1) Took 8 hours (screwed up the breeding chain and had to grand a pidove to lvl 45 for facade) to breed a swellow with brave bird, roost, and facade, Ame adds the tm for roost and facade a week later

2) Bug mono Shelly took 30+ trys to beat her

3) Bug mono Taka and you thought chatot was bad enough

4) Digging for a helix fossil, I never want to see a skull fossil again

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Well..mine were: 1. That goddamn aventurine forest with these spider webs, tree logs..pinsir and heracross...searching for these glasses took me like 3 days..thank god I found them though.

2. Noel..what else can I say here?

3. El-fake Arceus..I couldn't defeat it after a zillion tries..

4. I hate Fern.

5. Finding Mudkip and catching Beldum.

6. And on my first and second time I've played this game (that's my third..after 2 save-file deletes from my step-dad)..I hated Corey's gym and team..it took me like forever to defeat him.

But such moments make the game even more challenging, riiight? ^_^

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