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what to do between episodes


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I know this is a pointless topic but what do you guys do between episodes. I am training my team plus 3 more to lv 70 (lv 75 level cap) and ev training every pne of those Pokemon, erasing wrong evs.

Edit: I have a major hunch because of two new water fields the nexy gym is amaria. I have been training a swift swim ludicolo and trace gardevoir to take advantage of or negate the effects of the field.

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You can do many wonderful things between episodes like breeding (only after endgame for me), grinding (done) or catching Pokemon you don't have (also done), you can do side quests (if you haven't done all of them already like me) or idk you can play other games (yes i'll do this) or do other things entirely (but shh that's a secret ^_^)

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