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Ideal Armaldo move set?


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So I finally got a claw fossil on my bug mono and i was wondering what moves to breed on it? Armaldo has a pretty bad natural movepool (x scissor at lvl 73 -_-) so I really have no choice but to breed. My planned set is currently

Swift Swim


-Aqua Jet

-Rock slide

-Metal Claw/Rain Dance/Rock Blast

The idea is I can either use it as a curse sweeper or set up rain and turn it into a somewhat speedy attacker, however for this set I need to get a tirtouga to lvl 45 which will be petty tedious. Any suggestions to improve this set would be appreciated.

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I think Curse, Knock Off/Brick Break, Fury Cutter and Rock Blast/Aqua Jet.

Curse is obvious, and also kinda necessary with that moveset despite the 125 Base Attack.

Fury Cutter seems inferior to X-Scissor at first, but after one use, it's already got equal power power, double after 2 uses.

Knock Off is a generally great move and hits Steel types better than most of the other moves this guy gets (not counting TM(which we don't have (*sigh*))) so it's not completely worthless against them. Though Brick Break also gives some neat coverage, so that's a valid option as well, but Knock Off has way more utility.

With Rock Blast, there's a 33% chance it does more damage than Rock Slide, 33% chance to do equal, and R.Slide's flinch chance is useless with that low speed anyways.

Aqua Jet can also be used as a good "parting shot" of sorts.

I think the Rain Dance set has speed, but lacks power, so Curse would be better IMO.

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Fury Cutter seems inferior to X-Scissor at first, but after one use, it's already got equal power power, double after 2 uses.

Go with X-Scissor. If what Etesian is saying is correct then after one turn of using X-Scissor you'll have done more damage, after two turns you'll still have done more damage, and after 3 you'll have done a bit less. Armaldo is naturally slow, and it's unlikely you'll get that many hits off.

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Go with X-Scissor. If what Etesian is saying is correct then after one turn of using X-Scissor you'll have done more damage, after two turns you'll still have done more damage, and after 3 you'll have done a bit less. Armaldo is naturally slow, and it's unlikely you'll get that many hits off.

3 Fury Cutters actually do more than 3 X-Scissors, it's 40+80+160 as opposed to 3*80, since FC's power doubles every turn it's used. It also has a fair amount of physical bulk, with a Curse or 2, it'll live enough for at least 3 neutral attacks, I'd say.

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That's what I said. Also, you have to live more hits to set those curses up.

Ah, my bad, misread that. Though if the foe uses a physical attack and takes ~50% of your health, you can just use healing items while Cursing up, till they don't do much damage and you can start spamming moves while occasionally healing. If that's not the case, what move is used really doesn't matter much, you wouldn't be doing much with it anyways in the few turns you'd have.

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