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Shameless Plugging

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So I have begun a Kickstarter campaign to create a YouTube channel to teach Physics to viewers using video games. Of course being a Pokemon nut, I think that a number of problems will involve the game engine. For instance, what would be the minimum pushing Force your Pokemon would need to push those pesky boulders out of the way?

Anyways, this is a way to get the idea started. I'd appreciate any help and be extremely thankful for it.


Edited by Raviel the Phantom
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hmm ill think about it but teaching some ppl stuff they dun really understand can sometimes be a bad things u know keeping the unsaid stuff unsaid :0 nah im just being ignorant good luck on your endeavors and hope it goes well relate-able subjects have been known to increase the attention span of some potential students by turning it into something they enjoy (sorry i just explained the premise on to which you are working towards) anyways good luck ^^

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