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Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets


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That's a mammoth effort right there. I thought my Fate magic summary was long.

As far as recommended pokemon/sets go maybe anyone can contribute? As long as you're the only one with input into what is recommended people that use this as a guide are going to have their playthrough constrained somewhat by what you like/find effective which is not necessarily everything out there.

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As far as recommended pokemon/sets go maybe anyone can contribute? As long as you're the only one with input into what is recommended people that use this as a guide are going to have their playthrough constrained somewhat by what you like/find effective which is not necessarily everything out there.

Sure thing, this is for the community after all. I'll just edit the main post to have what I'd consider "first class", sets/options I really like or think would be very effective, but I don't have experience with every single Pokemon, so I may be missing/overseeing something.

I COULD make a Tutorial on YouTube about how to do the quick Egg process step by step. From obtaining Eggs to quick hatching over and over about 5 eggs every minute or so. Up to you Etesian.

Yeah, I saw and addressed this in your PM, we'll sort the details there.

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You might wanna revise some of this, considering that all event pokés can now come with at least one egg move.

btw, you're going to add some of the new pokés from episode 15?

I don't know if would be worth it putting breeding sets for some of the pokés that can only be obtained with the Mystery Egg. Not everyone will be able to get it, regardless. But I'll leave teh decision to you~

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You might wanna revise some of this, considering that all event pokés can now come with at least one egg move.

btw, you're going to add some of the new pokés from episode 15?

I don't know if would be worth it putting breeding sets for some of the pokés that can only be obtained with the Mystery Egg. Not everyone will be able to get it, regardless. But I'll leave teh decision to you~

Is there a list of what gets what Egg moves when you get 'em? Although, either way, that doesn't really change much for this guide, I don't think. In E12, you'd lose that Egg move since the mother can't pass moves. In E13 and onward, it'll be passed on along with the other moves you breed.

Yeah, I'll have that up later, my laptop will be dead for another 2-3 days and there's a lot of combos, it look like.Honestly, I just forgot to do it while the thing was still working, haha

They're still in the game, I figure just cause not everyone can get themthem now is no reason not to cover 'em

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I think Ame said she choose 2-3 possible egg moves for each event pokemon.

Thanks for the info! Still, that doesn't change what I said in the last post, they don't affect anything, but that's good to know at least.

Aaaanyways, updated the guide with E15 additions and Axew's Egg Groups are suuuuuch a pain to work around. I'm really sorry this took so long, my laptop wasn't working until today, so I couldn't do it any sooner. Again, sorry for the wait.

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Liking them additions alot, especially the Weaville one. Will attempt this probably within this week to add on.

But yea, I have a couple of other sets I could suggest if you don't mind em.

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Liking them additions alot, especially the Weaville one. Will attempt this probably within this week to add on.

But yea, I have a couple of other sets I could suggest if you don't mind em.

Thanks! Yeah, we got some really good stuff this episode (potentially...).

Go for it. Like I said, this is for the community, so everyone can contribute, I'm just adding the stuff I think real good to the OP, others' suggestions included.

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I haven't tried what im gonna recommend but IF i understand correctly you can get Armaldo to have Earthquake and Rockarrow-10x10.png Slide.

Wooper/Quagsire > Corsola > Archeops(as you showed) > Anorith

Hopefully it will work and i wont be wasting anyones time :wacko:

Edited by OldSoulja
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Unfortunately, with that, you'll only be able to get Rock Slide onto Anorith since Anorith cannot learn Earthquake as a TM, only as Armaldo can it learn the move.

Ah....dammit you're right :(...well still having Rock Slide is better than having Rock Blast i guess

Also i checked and i found a better set of egg moves for it.

Aqua Jet Curse Knock Off and Rock Slide Drapion > Carracosta > Anorith ....I really hope that this works...

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First of all, swirlix doesn't learn psychic, so clefairy only gets it via spritzee.

Anyways, some sets.

Ludicolo with ice beam and hydro pump. Remoraid > Lotad (don't evolve lombre until it gets hydro pump, and use rain dance plz.)

Carracosta with hydro pump, ice beam and stone edge. Remoraid > Wooper > Corsola > Barbaracle > Tirtouga. Tirtouga gets hydro pump at level 50.

Malamar with rock slide. Tirtouga > Inkay

Pangoro with swords dance and aerial ace. Farfetch'd > Pancham

Shiftry with swords dance. Raticate > Seedot

I would love to suggest dragon rush druddigon, because it can be a beast with LO + sheer force, but it can't learn it. I'll post more sets when I discover them. Would you prefer for me to post here or do I need to PM you the sets?

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