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Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets


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  On 6/10/2015 at 2:40 PM, Follow said:

First of all, swirlix doesn't learn psychic, so clefairy only gets it via spritzee.

Anyways, some sets.

Ludicolo with ice beam and hydro pump. Remoraid > Lotad (don't evolve lombre until it gets hydro pump, and use rain dance plz.)

Carracosta with hydro pump, ice beam and stone edge. Remoraid > Wooper > Corsola > Barbaracle > Tirtouga. Tirtouga gets hydro pump at level 50.

Malamar with rock slide. Tirtouga > Inkay

Pangoro with swords dance and aerial ace. Farfetch'd > Pancham

Shiftry with swords dance. Raticate > Seedot

I would love to suggest dragon rush druddigon, because it can be a beast with LO + sheer force, but it can't learn it. I'll post more sets when I discover them. Would you prefer for me to post here or do I need to PM you the sets?

Aslkjdsalkjfölksadjf Swirlix is supposed to be able to learn that, but this isn't the first oversight I've found. Nor is it the first time I'll have to edit stuff because of oversights. Thanks for the report.

Hydro Pump is a level-up move anyways and it gets Ice Beam the exact same way 99% of all Water types get it, figured I won't have to point out every single instance.

Same as above. Stone Edge is a thing, but with something that's frail on both sides if you use Shell Smash or on the special side if you use Curse (SS>Curse though), you can't really afford to miss and Rock Slide's high flinch chance works very well with the Speed increase.

You also don't need Wooper there. Remoraid is Water 1 and Water 2, Corsola is Water 1 and Water 3, so you can skip Wooper.

Huh, thought I had that one. Thanks.

The guide's main purpose is to teach others how to do this stuff, something that simple isn't quite main-post-worthy, IMO. Based on what's already there, people oughta be able to figure that out easily, no need to point it out.

See above.

It doesn't get Dragon Rush. And DR has horrendous accuracy anyways. All it gets from TMs are EQ and Rock Slide, and I've shown on others how to get that into the Monster Group.

EDIT: I actually forgot to answer your question:PMs would be ideal, this topic could get cluttered rather quickly otherwise. Even more than ot already is :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/24/2015 at 3:33 AM, HopeMagical said:

Can you add the link from episode 13 please so i can try to get the razor fang and razor claw

Nope, because that's got absolutely nothing to do with what this guide is about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately, you would only be able to pass down Wish as Eevee learns it as a Egg Move. Eevee cannot learn Psyshock or Calm Mind so you cannot pass it down in order to get a Sylveon.

Also, Hyper Voice can only be learned from Move Tutors, which we have not received the Move Tutor that gives this move.

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  On 7/3/2015 at 10:00 PM, foovy10 said:

How does getting ice beam on greninja go? Do i have to find a pokemon in the same egg group that learns ice beam and then bread?

Please actually read the guide, ty.

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Was the Male Pinsir holding a Destiny Knot?

Remember with Generation VI Breeding Mechanics using both a Destiny Knot and EV-Enhancing Item can guarantee that the IV from what the EV-Enhancing Item influences. So, if you want the Male to pass down the Attack IV, make sure the Female Pinsir continues to hold the Power Bracer while the Male Pinsir holds a Destiny Knot, Otherwise, reverse the order in which the items are held to have the Female Pinsir Attack IV passed down.

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So, I'm not sure what exactly is going wrong, I'm breeding a male Tyrantrum that knows Head Smash, Earthquake, Dragon Dance and Stealth Rock, I'm breeding him with a female Aron.

The egg I get inherits Head Smash and Stealth Rock, but not Earthquake, shouldn't Earthquake be passed along too because it's a TM move that both pokemon can learn?

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  On 7/4/2015 at 8:56 PM, nez said:

So, I'm not sure what exactly is going wrong, I'm breeding a male Tyrantrum that knows Head Smash, Earthquake, Dragon Dance and Stealth Rock, I'm breeding him with a female Aron.

The egg I get inherits Head Smash and Stealth Rock, but not Earthquake, shouldn't Earthquake be passed along too because it's a TM move that both pokemon can learn?

You sure you're using Episode 12? SR and HS are Egg Moves, so you can breed those whenever, but for TM moves, you need E12 (linked in the guide, along with instructions) or earlier.

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  On 7/4/2015 at 9:56 PM, Etesian said:

You sure you're using Episode 12? SR and HS are Egg Moves, so you can breed those whenever, but for TM moves, you need E12 (linked in the guide, along with instructions) or earlier.

Oh my bad, I glanced over the basics since i knew stuff from before, Didn't realize it's ONLY episode 12 and not any episodes after, guess I'll have to get the older version.

Gee, why would you remove this from game.

Edited by nez
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  On 7/4/2015 at 11:22 PM, nez said:

Oh my bad, I glanced over the basics since i knew stuff from before, Didn't realize it's ONLY episode 12 and not any episodes after, guess I'll have to get the older version.

Gee, why would you remove this from game.

No prob. Just make sure to read that paragraph about instructions on how to go back, so that you encounter no difficulties. And it was removed because the devs wanted the mechanics to be as close to the main games as possible, iirc.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 8/25/2015 at 9:00 AM, KokoroSunagaru said:

So is there a way to manipulate what IVs you get from wild pokemons with cheat engine?

Obviously there's no safari here where you can get good IV stats easily like in X/Y. Or is it?

It's going to take alot of time to breed perfect IV pokemons if that's the case.

I don't know for sure, but just with how CE works, I don't think there's any way to edit IVs. Though if you use the quick getting/hatching eggs thing and Power Items, it doesn't take that long. I think it took me 5-ish minutes to make a HP Rock Lilligant, so it's not like it takes that long. And I don't think perfect IVs are worth the hassle IMO.

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  On 8/25/2015 at 6:32 PM, Etesian said:

I don't know for sure, but just with how CE works, I don't think there's any way to edit IVs. Though if you use the quick getting/hatching eggs thing and Power Items, it doesn't take that long. I think it took me 5-ish minutes to make a HP Rock Lilligant, so it's not like it takes that long. And I don't think perfect IVs are worth the hassle IMO.

The tedious part is finding pokemon with 31 IV stats to inherit over to said pokemons you want perfect IVs.

And also the correct egg group and stuff. Ughhhh it's annoying. Isn't there an easier way?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/17/2015 at 7:40 AM, Vlad said:

do anyone know if the ep 12 dl that is in thie topic si still working? i did dl it 2 times but both of time when i try to unrar it it say error ...

yes it's still working, I downloaded it few days ago
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Forgot to mention this, I think a color key could be useful for addressing which moves can be passed down either Pre or Post Episode 13.

It can be at times difficult to tell which moves can be passed down through either method due to the large amount of text.

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  On 9/17/2015 at 4:06 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

Forgot to mention this, I think a color key could be useful for addressing which moves can be passed down either Pre or Post Episode 13.

It can be at times difficult to tell which moves can be passed down through either method due to the large amount of text.

Good idea, will do that...once I get done with exams.

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