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Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets


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The method for obtaining/hatchign eggs quickly never seems to work for me. There always ends up being the wrong number of values (Ex, while trying to hatch 5 eggs, doing step 3 always reduces the number to 4). Is there an actually physical demonstration of this anywhere? Because I feel like I am screwing something up but can't for the life of me tell.

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  On 9/23/2015 at 12:50 AM, BijutsuYoukai said:

The method for obtaining/hatchign eggs quickly never seems to work for me. There always ends up being the wrong number of values (Ex, while trying to hatch 5 eggs, doing step 3 always reduces the number to 4). Is there an actually physical demonstration of this anywhere? Because I feel like I am screwing something up but can't for the life of me tell.

Got anything with Flame Body or Magma Armor? That doubles by how much a step decreases the "steps until hatching" value. So either use 4 instead of 2 for step 3 or deposit whatever has Flame Body or Magma Armor.

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Hello, after reading this guide, I tried my hand at breeding TM moves using the Reborn E12 game from the OP. In Reborn E15, I put my male Blaziken (Bulk Up as the slot 4 move) and female Scraggy in the day care, walked into the candy shop and saved. Then I loaded the E12 game, and walked around until an egg would appear at the day care. Then I saved and loaded E15, walked to the daycare, and took the egg from the Daycare man. However, each time when the egg would hatch, the hatched Scraggy wouldn't know Bulk Up.

Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong?

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  On 9/29/2015 at 9:33 PM, DAD 4 Game said:

Hello, after reading this guide, I tried my hand at breeding TM moves using the Reborn E12 game from the OP. In Reborn E15, I put my male Blaziken (Bulk Up as the slot 4 move) and female Scraggy in the day care, walked into the candy shop and saved. Then I loaded the E12 game, and walked around until an egg would appear at the day care. Then I saved and loaded E15, walked to the daycare, and took the egg from the Daycare man. However, each time when the egg would hatch, the hatched Scraggy wouldn't know Bulk Up.

Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong?

All of an egg's specifics, including moves, are chosen when you take it. So take the egg in E12, then go back to E15.

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You must have misunderstood the guide a bit. You do have the right intention of going back to Episode 12 to breed the TM move. However, you must stay in Episode 12 and get the egg there so that the move can be passed down.

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  On 9/29/2015 at 9:37 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

You must have misunderstood the guide a bit. You do have the right intention of going back to Episode 12 to breed the TM move. However, you must stay in Episode 12 and get the egg there so that the move can be passed down.

Pretty sure you only need to take it in E12. You got the egg, it's already out of the day-care, so the moves and all should be determined already.

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  On 9/29/2015 at 9:37 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

You must have misunderstood the guide a bit. You do have the right intention of going back to Episode 12 to breed the TM move. However, you must stay in Episode 12 and get the egg there so that the move can be passed down.

Yeah, that must be the issue then. Thanks for the help guys :)

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  On 9/29/2015 at 9:57 PM, CallMeFreak said:

So I kind of freaked out a little (get it/sarcasm) when I read "Cheat Engine."

Cheat Engine is FULL of viruses, unless somebody made a clean one? But I kind of doubt that.

Cheat Engine is completely clean. Some antiviruses report it just because it's a hacking tool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

may i add something for galvantula? Thunder + CompoundEyes = 91% accuracy, so thunder is definitely a beast.

Galvantula (Electabuzz Lv 55 gets thunder (Humanlike) -> Volbeat/Illumise (Bug-Humanlike) -> Joltik).
The downside is, you can't get energy ball :( so you got to choose either thunder or energy ball. EB for coverage while thunder if you already have another grass type. I can't find the chain breed in bug group that can learn both EnergyBall + Thunder.

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  On 10/15/2015 at 8:42 PM, Hiroki Tatsumi said:

Hello ^^

Cant get cheat engine work for quick egg drop and hatch.

Has someone a video tutorial for starting it? x_x

Check your PMs.

  On 10/18/2015 at 7:52 PM, jameslfc said:

may i add something for galvantula? Thunder + CompoundEyes = 91% accuracy, so thunder is definitely a beast.

Galvantula (Electabuzz Lv 55 gets thunder (Humanlike) -> Volbeat/Illumise (Bug-Humanlike) -> Joltik).

The downside is, you can't get energy ball :( so you got to choose either thunder or energy ball. EB for coverage while thunder if you already have another grass type. I can't find the chain breed in bug group that can learn both EnergyBall + Thunder.

Wai-what. WHY are those 2 in the human-like group??? Well, um, either way, thanks! Gonna add that to the guide. And yeah, this is the only way to get it Thunder, the Bug Group is really limited, so you gotta choose between this and EB.

Also, took Simon's idea and edited the guide . Now, the moves you can only get in E12 are written in green, to make the guide easier to use.

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thanks etesian for accepting my suggestion. yea volbeat and illumise is nothing like human.

btw how do you quote a reply?

anyway here are some sets that i use


Set A : Bullet Punch (from Hitmonchan) + Blaze kick + High Jump Kick from Hitmonlee (gen 6 mechanics)

Tyrogue you get from trading Dunsparce in route 1 science center.

  • Steel type priority + adaptability (when mega is available) + STAB is quite scary.
  • HJK > Close Combat if we use wide lens (+10% acc)

Set B : Earthquake + Stone Edge + Swords Dance

Rhyhorn -> Lucario

Set C : Rock slide + Earthquake + Swords dance
Drilbur/Tirtouga -> Quagsire -> Lucario

Yeah lucario literally can learn almost anything lol


Set A : Moonlight (Espeon) + Close Combat (Primeape) (gen 6 mechanics)

Try using this in double battle with contrary spinda skill swap. Close Combat raises defenses, while recovering with moonlight ggwp. Moonlight is good for recovering recoil damage from flare blitz too.

Set A : Thunderbolt + Energy Ball
Stunfisk (ThunderBolt) -> Swirlix (Energy Ball) -> Ralts. if you just want energy ball, go with Swirlix -> Ralts, TB Stunfisk -> Ralts.
Set B : Shadow Ball + Thunderbolt.

Stunfisk > Drifloon > Ralts.


Set A : Nasty Plot + SolarBeam + Drought. Solarbeam hits 1.5x harder than Energy Ball, GG.
Deerling -> Ninetales

I have modified my team heavily from the guide here. I think i want to help contribute some as my thanks. Well, if it's too much work for you then it's ok if you don't post this. Keep up the awesome work man!

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You quote posts by clicking the quote button to the bottom left of any post. Anyways, about your sets...sorry. It's rather easy to figure out how to get those moves onto Lucario and Gardevoir (and they're not the best for Lucario, cuz coverage and lack of STABs), so I don't think I'll be putting that in the guide (I'm only trying to put really useful or tough-to-figure out things like the Roserade chain in the guide). Moonlight on Arcanine is completely pointless since we have healing items, and Ninetales can't have Solar Beam cause Vulpix doesn't learn Solar Beam via TM.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 4:57 PM, Etesian said:

You quote posts by clicking the quote button to the bottom left of any post. Anyways, about your sets...sorry. It's rather easy to figure out how to get those moves onto Lucario and Gardevoir (and they're not the best for Lucario, cuz coverage and lack of STABs), so I don't think I'll be putting that in the guide (I'm only trying to put really useful or tough-to-figure out things like the Roserade chain in the guide). Moonlight on Arcanine is completely pointless since we have healing items, and Ninetales can't have Solar Beam cause Vulpix doesn't learn Solar Beam via TM.

sorry. i see, so that's the criteria for the guide. yes it's true, it's easy to figure some of them lol. people can see from bulbapedia about egg moves and such. eq + rock attacks was popular back in gen 5, super effective against a lot of pokemon.

haven't played competitively since then. maybe the usefulness has changed now. okay then. my bad about ninetales, didn't see the vulpix + solarbeam compatibility. thanks! if i find something gimmick like thunder+compoundeyes, i'll let you know.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 5:22 PM, jameslfc said:

sorry. i see, so that's the criteria for the guide. yes it's true, it's easy to figure some of them lol. people can see from bulbapedia about egg moves and such. eq + rock attacks was popular back in gen 5, super effective against a lot of pokemon.

haven't played competitively since then. maybe the usefulness has changed now. okay then. my bad about ninetales, didn't see the vulpix + solarbeam compatibility. thanks! if i find something gimmick like thunder+compoundeyes, i'll let you know.

No no no, Rock+Ground is great coverage, but it's great because it's almost perfect neutral coverage (so almost nothing resists it). But Fighting+Dark+Steel IS perfect neutral coverage and that's a combo that involves 2 of Lucario's STABs, so that's just way better.

And no worries, happens to everyone lol. I remember when I was SURE that Venipede could have Swords Dance bred onto it .-.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 5:41 PM, Etesian said:

No no no, Rock+Ground is great coverage, but it's great because it's almost perfect neutral coverage (so almost nothing resists it). But Fighting+Dark+Steel IS perfect neutral coverage and that's a combo that involves 2 of Lucario's STABs, so that's just way better.

And no worries, happens to everyone lol. I remember when I was SURE that Venipede could have Swords Dance bred onto it .-.

speaking of vulpix - solarbeam and venipede - SD, joltik CAN'T learn Thunder either >_> i'm sorry for misguiding you.

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  On 10/21/2015 at 6:16 PM, jameslfc said:

speaking of vulpix - solarbeam and venipede - SD, joltik CAN'T learn Thunder either >_> i'm sorry for misguiding you.

WELP. We're both idiots XD Or too lazy to double-check things. Let's go with lazy lol

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joltik cant learn thunder no mater what even if you use the electabuzz>volbeat>joltik chain because joltik cant learn thunder only galvantula can learn thunder. But.. you can use that chain to make joltik to learn thunderbolt. Yeah the down side of this is it cant get energy ball. but yeah what is the use of galvantula having thunderbolt.



Rk9 can not learn moonlight but it can have morning sun i think you meant morning sun since that is the egg move for Rk9

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  On 10/22/2015 at 10:36 AM, Luna said:

joltik cant learn thunder no mater what even if you use the electabuzz>volbeat>joltik chain because joltik cant learn thunder only galvantula can learn thunder. But.. you can use that chain to make joltik to learn thunderbolt. Yeah the down side of this is it cant get energy ball. but yeah what is the use of galvantula having thunderbolt.



Rk9 can not learn moonlight but it can have morning sun i think you meant morning sun since that is the egg move for Rk9

yup i mean morning sun. sorry lol

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Is it possible to get near perfect IV through breeding here in reborn?? I wan't to breed my starter blaziken because he has bad IVs.. like 24 is the highest.. Can I breed him with other pokemons with high IV? , I dont really get how the IV is passed on to the egg..

Edited by bash23
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you can get perfect iv pokemon with little work on reborn. To pass ivs you need to use power items and destiny know on pokemons that you are going to breed

read the guide on first page and google how to breed perfect iv pokes to understand how breeding works

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  On 10/27/2015 at 12:13 PM, Njab said:

you can get perfect iv pokemon with little work on reborn. To pass ivs you need to use power items and destiny know on pokemons that you are going to breed

read the guide on first page and google how to breed perfect iv pokes to understand how breeding works

I see thanks.. sooo in this Ep we use Gen VI right?

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