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Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets


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  On 1/28/2016 at 5:11 PM, Jimmy said:

Can somebody make a fast guide on how to breed "perfect" mon from scratch?

For example like, having a male Infernape (Hardy, Blaze, bad IV's) and want to breed a 5/6 IV's with Jolly nature and Iron Fist ability. What's the best way to approach this goal?

Disclaimer: I'm definitely not an expert here so if anyone knows more than me please correct anything I say that is wrong. Mostly I'm just summarizing info from bulbapedia and other sources.


Whenever you breed pokemon the IV's of the egg will be determined like this:

- 3 IV's inherited from parents at random

- 3 IV's not inherited will be randomly generated from (0-31)

If one of the parents holds on EV-enhancing item (e.g - power anklet, power bracer, etc...) then the corresponding IV will be inherited from the parent. If both hold an EV-enhancing item however it will only be guarenteed to inherit one of the IV's.

If one parent holds a Destiny Knot then 5 IV's will be inherited from the parents at random and the last IV will be random from (0-31).

The pokemon that will hatch from the egg is determined by the female pokemon. In order to get an egg the male must be a part of the same egg-group or evolutionary family as the female. If you breed with a ditto then the non-ditto pokemon will determine the type of pokemon.


So to get your perfect Infernape you will need to breed mutliple generations of Infernapes with progressively better IV's. I've tried to outline the basic steps below for your reference:

Generation 0 - Get a female Infernape (either your starter or by breeding with Ditto until you get a female egg).

Generation 1 - Breed until you get one perfect IV - parent for Gen2. Make sure to give it the right EV-enhancing item to guarantee that the perfect IV is passed down

Generation 2 - Breed until you get two perfect IV's - parent for Gen3. Replace both Male and Female anytime you get one with better IV's since you need both with four perfects eventually

Generation 3 - Breed until you get three perfect IV's - parents for Gen4

Generation 4 - Breed until you get four perfect IV's on both Male and Female - parents for Gen5

Generation 5 - Equip one parent with a Destiny Knot and breed until you get five perfect IV's

Typically this is where you stop as most mon's only care about 5 IV's (HP, Def, SpDef, Spd, and either Atk or SpA). For Reborn this process is also simplified because we don't care about nature or ability since these can be changed:

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Edited by MellowSlinky
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else had issues using Cheat Engine 6.5?

I've been encountering lots of game crashes when using this to breed. When i start talking to the man to get the eggs / in a middle of the talk the game just crashes occasionally.

EDIT. Well, first it looked like it happens every now and then, but i think it starts happening now constantly.

Edited by Jimmy
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/18/2016 at 2:29 AM, TheMightyPickaxe said:

Is it not possible to breed tm moves onto pokemon anymore? I tried to breed swords dance onto my torchic but it did not have it so I am assuming most of the recommended sets are now void if this is true.

Download E12, which has Gen 5 breeding mechanics (meaning TM breeding). There's a link in the first post.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/20/2016 at 1:38 PM, Bafabon said:

So destiny knot + power item doesn't stack on E12? I really wanted to IV + TM moves some pokémons lel

they do but its really hard to get a 4iv or 5iv in ep12
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  • 2 months later...

Hello there,

I can't get Cheat Engine to work when trying to obtain eggs. When I click on "First scan", an error message is displayed saying Scan error:controller:Cleanup:ResultsPrepare:Error when loading results. I'm on 6.5. Anyone knows why ?

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  • 1 month later...

from what i've found out, due to research and i haven't tried out yet, but will do so, you could get Drapion's move chain a bit better by doing this

Beedrill > Escavalier > Drapion

That way you can still get Swords Dance and X-Scissor like listed, but you also can get Poison Jab and if you wanna be that guy you could rock out with that powerful Twineedle though you'd have to lv up that Beedril to lv 37 and that Escavalier to 52 first

hopefully this works. (In EP12 obviously)

Edited by OldSoulja
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm trying to breed a few tyrogue's to get all the hitmon pokemon. The tyrogue I got from the trade on route 1 is a male so I put him in the day care with my ditto. The guy tells me that my pokemon play more with others than with each other. Will they ever be able to breed? How do I fix this?

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  On 8/17/2016 at 5:56 PM, Issege said:

I'm trying to breed a few tyrogue's to get all the hitmon pokemon. The tyrogue I got from the trade on route 1 is a male so I put him in the day care with my ditto. The guy tells me that my pokemon play more with others than with each other. Will they ever be able to breed? How do I fix this?

baby pokemon cannot breed, you have to evolve it first
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! I would like to use a cheat engine to accelerate the game's speed because, well, I noticed about 10 hours of my playthrough already went into breeding half of my team and I do not believe I will have as much free time with what is to come.

I have 2 questions:

1- Does it still have the risk of corrupting the save?

2- Which engine do you recommend if the answer to question 1 is ''no''?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  On 12/17/2016 at 6:13 PM, dotahkin01 said:

Is there a way to breed with shiny pokemons to get a shiny mon?



I'm pretty sure that this is not possible. I think  that the factors for shinyness are randomly generateed for each mon, taking very little from their parents (in reborn)

Edited by Strider
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  On 12/17/2016 at 6:50 PM, dotahkin01 said:


that saddens me :( I wanted to start a shiny IV imperium


Well, if you didn't know, the shiny rate in reborn is much higher than in the regular games.

I spent six hours breeding abras, and got about six shinies.

It would be possible to create something like that, it would just take a bit more effort.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/17/2017 at 4:37 AM, shymango said:

Great job, thanks a lot for this nice post, since it helps.

I just want to know one thing, how can I teach Smeargle the moves (should I battle with it, teach the move then capture it?)

If anyone knows how, please answer


Thanks! :D


Smeargle has the move "Sketch" which copies the last move used in battle, so if the last move used was the one you were looking for then you can then use sketch and breed that smeargle.

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