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Which Emotion Describes You Most


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Hello to you all again! I had a discussion with my best-friend on the phone and we were talking about emotions and stuff and it suddenly that question came to my mind in general. So..which emotion describes you best and why? (It can be more than one, just in case you feel to say more).

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Detached, I would say. In essence, I always look at things in the big picture with little to no consideration for how I would personally feel. The big picture is usually all that matters to me, and my idealistic pragmatism honestly comes off as arrogant, haha. (Y'know, I don't think self-deprecation is an emotion, but if so, it might be another accurate one, haha)

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I do believe that I am normally jolly, joyful and such now, as well as optimistic, (yes I know that's a trait not an emotion).

I used to be very serious and empty, but if you know me then you know what changed that ^^

I'm sure that it takes two to know the "real" answer to this, but my friends literally just said the same thing. You may know who you are better than anyone else in the world, but most of what you think you are comes from the opinions of others. Mostly negativity, sadly

Have a good day everyone!~ ^v^

Edited by VoidStar
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I believe it could be easily considered an emotion by a great number of people, haha! *Must resist urge to interject, in a well intentioned way, about how to center and/or focus your emotions while sounding like a busybody*

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Kinda hard for me to pick one emotion. I kinda just tend to switch between serious and happiness. Although, its rare for people to see me in a total serious mood. Joy and laughter is mostly seen. I just usually keep the seriousness to myself, which can be good and bad sometimes.

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Nostalgia. The memory that gives me the most sincere smile while rolling a tear down my cheek. That is the feeling that embodies me. Those moments when that person was there or everything fell into to place just right and existence became worth it. Those moments are gone, but you feel them even now. Times might be hard now, but these gems are anchors in any storm. They happened without searching for them, and in unexpected places. So you know, they'll find you again as long as you keep looking.

So maybe nostalgia isn't the right word then. As sappy as it sounds, maybe Hope is the right one. Keep your Despair, Ame. That's just the rough that hides the diamond.

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