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Which Emotion Describes You Most


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Hate. I am so full of Hate. Luckily, my nineteen years of learning self control keep me from doing anything I might regret (Three cheers for cool facades). But I kinda like it. Yeah, I said it. I like hate. I can isolate it by concentrating it on myself, use it as a fuel to do better than the thing I hate. Unfortunately, the better I'm looking for is currently... a long way off to say the least.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One would ahve to define emotion. It can be many things due to how broad the subject matter is. We all know the easy ones, sorrow, anger, happiness. But what about things like hope, awkwardness, anxiety and that kind of stuff?

If I had to pick something for myself, I would pick Cynicism. I hardly believe in people, think most too be pretty horrid. I always think the worst of people. And yet, everyone who knows me, tells me much differently. They tell me I am anything but cynical. They tell me I am all sorts of things other than that. A lot tell me I really see the best in people, and wish to help them realize it, or at least a very good friend of mine told me that once. They told me that I am cynical....and yet..not at the same time. They told me because I am a cynical bastard, I can see the good in people. I recognize that people are people, we each are unique. I see people for who they really are, and I never ask them to change because of it. This world... it would be boring as hell if we were all the same.

So, I personally don't know what describes me best((mostly because I don't believe you can knock a person down to one emotion, we have them all for a reason. We aren't people without all those emotions, every one of them is important, each one is a part of us and makes us who we are.))... I was never a good judge of character for myself.

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Oh now this is a deep one

Back when I first came here, I probably would have said hateful, maybe depressed in a few cases

Up until recently, pained and hollow would have been the only ways to describe me

But having found myself recently, I finally know the word to define myself. I guess it's not really an emotion, but it's the closest I've got. I'm vicious, no other word for it. Vile~

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I've been coming back to this thread for a few days and trying to think of something to describe myself... and it's not happening. I'm just curious, does anyone feel like they know me enough to suggest something? It might not necessarily be correct, since I feel like I might act a bit differently around here than I do in real life, but I suppose it's still me in the end. Some things are just hard to convey through text.

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You continue to come off as that quiet guy who's really funny when you get to know them, but I haven't spoken with you all that much so don't trust me

Don't trust you? I thought it was don't trust the quiet guys. They're hard to predict.

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