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There is no way to guarantee that people will read it anyway. Even if we implement a system to make people read the rules before registering, they could find ways to avoid it. Overall, I don't see a way in which not reading rules can truly be prevented.

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  • Support Squad

Do you really think punishing people for double posting is necessary? I mean what would you propose said punishment be?

Kick 'em in the oesophagus.

Honestly it doesn't need punishing, unless people are repeat offenders.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The first and third issues are temporary, so I figure recording them isn't too huge a deal. The OP was also edited to reflect the implementation of the Community Rules link and repositioning.

So, since PZA has ended, the Miscellaneous bar on the left tab could be removed. I'm for Neo's idea to create a new sub-section on the left tab that holds only the rules. Either that or place it above the Reborn Showdown! link. Additionally, the PZA items should be removed from the store, as their use is void now.

1) Remove the PZA link in the miscellaneous tab.
2) Replace the PZA tab with the Community Rules?
3) Remove PZA items from the store.

Edited by Arkhidon
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I'd suggest changing the color of the Community Rules link like so.

Community Rules -> Community Rules

Just to make it stand out ever so slightly more. As for PZA, I'm sure that was Ame's intention, but she's been busy and hasn't got around to it, I'm assuming. Or she forgot. But I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

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That's awfully considerate.

Now everyone reading the OP can see how considerate you are.

And consider you.

to be a butt

From what I've heard, Ame has the capability to remove your individual trainer card, but many people would like to keep theirs to show off their past accomplishments, so removing them from everyone, while being quicker, isn't the best solution. It'd be a long and tedious process to get rid of them for everyone who doesn't want them.

As for the Alliances. She's been rather busy with Episode 14 being released and getting it fixed so give her however much time she needs. I mean it's not like she'd forget about something like that.

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Took a look at the OP myself and I asked Ame about the alliance tags- at first I asked if she could just remove them but then I thought "what if they just went invisible if "None" was selected kind of like other fields don't show up if they're empty," but, easier said than done, apparently, so she'll just remove them for now

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I actually think I might be able to do it, if I knew where to look... I'll see what I can do and if I can't find it, then I'll threaten Ame with an Itemfinder until she does it herself.

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