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Heyo everybody! So, the RP forums have been receiving many new members lately, and frequently we see phrases like "I'm new, to this" or "this is my first RP, is it OK for me to come in?".

The truth is that role playing is not that hard, and if you take your time to read and plan your characters/stories and pay attention to a few key points and tips, you'll soon be writing great stuff and having loads of fun!

Now, our sensei Hukuna has been posting a series of very instructive videos regarding various aspects of RPs, and I decided to gather them here to make it easier for new (and also old) players to check out. So, without further ado, here it goes!

Player Related Videos:

Note: While he talks mostly about D&D, these tips apply to most RPs as they are focused on the story aspects of Role Playing rather than in game mechanics.

Hosting/DMing Related Videos:

Videos by Neal Erickson, Koibu's Corner.

Special thanks to Hukuna sensei for introducing those!

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Wow, I wasn't aware that you introduced us to something like this, Hukuna. I'm incredibly grateful that you took the time to make something like this, truly I am. On behalf of all those who would watch these videos for your knowledge and wisdom, I thank you. I apologize if that got really sappy, but that's just how I feel about things like this, haha!

Oh, and the videos work fine Notus!

Edited by GotWala
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Juust checking, this post will be deleted after this.

Are the videos regularly opening in the post itself, or is everyone only seeing links? I tried copy pasting them normally from You Tube, but it seems to me that I only linked them... :blink:

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Thanks DL, but what I meant to ask was if you can see the video on the post itself or if you need to click a link and get directed to You Tube.

Oh, I see. When I did it, it opened a tab for me to Youtube (and it still does on my laptop).

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Links are working perfectly fine for me, soldier.

EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, it should be showing up on the actual thread itself. Weird why it's glitching out... I insert videos (Mostly Music) from Youtube Playlist all the time on here and they always show up right and work properly for me...

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Yeah, I use to do this all the time and it generally works, but since I've rebooted my PC recently it might be a problem on my end. I'll ask Hukuna or Sheep if they can try fixing it, thanks for the feedback guys!

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Well, when did the Commander do this? I never noticed...

I think that requesting this be pinned wouldn't be too unreasonable.

He occasionally posts them in the OOC thread for his RP, Graterras. That's probably why you haven't seen them.

As for why the videos aren't showing up, perhaps there are too many in one post? Otherwise I have no clue why it would do that...

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He occasionally posts them in the OOC thread for his RP, Graterras. That's probably why you haven't seen them.

As for why the videos aren't showing up, perhaps there are too many in one post? Otherwise I have no clue why it would do that...

nope, that;s not it. I've got a crap ton more videos in the OPs for the OCCs of both PSS and Surge Story, and there's no issue about it there for some reason

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Oh, nice Notus. and yea Surge these videos were posted throughout the OOC in Graterras. I felt they were very helpful so I sahred them there. Koibu ((guy that does the videos.)) is a DM I respect a lot, and while a lot of this stuff is geared towards D and D, it is still helpful. He posted a new one every week, though I forget the day.

Koibu DMs a well Known D and D show on Youtube and Twitch, Known as Roleplay: Solum. It was all put together long ago by a big twitch Streamer and youtuber ItmeJP. It is kinda the show that reignited my passion for RPGs, and just RP in general and I definitely recommend at least giving it a try. ((going to say now the backlog for Roleplay if you start with Roleplay: Original [or the original series.] is over 400 hours as this campaign has been running at least a year now. Roleplay: Solum is the reboot of the original set in the same universe many years later. [basically a Total Party Wipe happened in the original Roleplay series, so the campaign couldn't be salvaged and a new one had to be started.])) It should be noted this point is very important, cause in a way if it wasn't for this show, I might not be hanging around these forums like I am today.

Should mention Koibu is a big advocate of 2nd Edition D and D is the best edition, and I agree with him so I maaaaay be a little biased.

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This is worthy of a double post. I would really like to sahre this with anyone who wants to see it, so I deem it fine to post this in another post form the one above. ((also i can structure it better without making the above post even bigger.))

I am going to plop some of the playlists for the Rollplay Shows here, and probably give a small blurb about them if I deem it is needed.

Rollplay: Original

THis is where the whole thing started it it was a show I watched whenever I got a chance. It started rolling out around when I joined this forum, and it really reignited my passion for RPGs, and RP in general. It is a 2nd Edition AD and D campaign running with some modification from 3rd and 3.5. ((such as building armour class, rather than the THAC0 system....not explaining THAC0 for you new bloods....because it is a pain in the ass.)).

Rollplay: Solum

The Reboot of Rollplay Original. It takes place in the same universe on the same storyline....I think 20 years later? I don't really remember XD. Either way it is the continuation of the story that was left unfinished at the end of Rollplay Original due to the rather... unfortunate stuff that happens at the end of the Original campaign. The players are all the same, but the characters are all new!!!

Rollplay: R and D ((Research and Development))

THis is the series for discovering new Tabletop RPGs out there. it is sturutured to run some Tabletop for a span of 6 to 8 weeks to get a good feel for how it runs and operates. ((more than you can get out of a One-Shot campaign.))

Some of the RPs covered on the show so far in order they were played. ((while be a playlist for each below.))

Apocalypse World: Somewhat like your typical Fantasy RP, but in a Post apocalyptic shithole of a world. It is a very narrative focused RP on top of this, highly encouraging the players to forget the world around them with the GM. Classes in this game are things that would appear in your typical Apoc World having interesting abilities to go with them. Driver, think Mad Max, and the Gunlugger, a dude who just runs around toting a personal arsenal, these are just a few of the classes in Apoc World.

Dungeon World: Made by the same people who created Apoc World, this game is your typical D and D type game. However, this game, like Apoc world is very much Narrative and world building oriented, encouraging the players to get involved in the creation of the world along with the GM.

Pendragon: An RP set in the Legendary Arthurian Legend period of England. Players play as Noble Knights, who start off as nobodies following the tale of Uther Pendragon, and later Arthur Pendragon. As this time spans longer than a single life span part of the game is continuing your Knight's Lineage etc. It is a prefect RP for those that enjoy Arthurian Legend or would like a more "accurate" and low fantasy style of world. ((there is no magic in this game at all....other than like Merlin, but you as a player never really see any.)). Pendragon set the way for Fantasy RPGs, and is one of the first ones that was ever written, the original being written before even 1st Edition D and D.

Numenara: I really don't know how to explain this one other than it is insanely Sci-fi. Let me explain one of the weapons one of the characters acquired just to give you a taste of the wackiness of this RPG. One Character acquires a Bio-Poison at a point in the story. When applied to another person this poison quickly rushes to the brain of that person where it congeals. it then waits for a command phrase/tone or frequency to activate it ((this particular ones being the NBC jingle....I knew they were evil.)), Then the poison expands, literally exploding the victims skull. It only works once, but yea....pretty flashy if you ask me. If that sounds like it is up your alley, I recommend watching the series since it will be explained pretty well in the opening character creation video.

No more as of now. ((I may update this when others are completed.))


Rollplay: Swansong

A campaign that is run in the Stars without Number ruleset. It is basically 2nd Edition AD and D, IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!! But really though, it is a sci-fi oriented RP, that was structured in a way that would be super familiar to D and D players. Honestly, it is one of my more favourite of the Rollplay Shows because the cast works so well together. They are a bunch of silly dudes who just don't give a damn. ((It doesn't help that they have Mister Sicarian, the character of one of the players....that is pretty much the T-1000. literally everywhere that guy goes he writes a tale of death and bloodshed. In battle he dances the waltz of death as his foes fall around him.))


I really enjoy all the work these guys do, and it has been entertaining me for some time now. It reignited my passion in RPing, and I hope it shows you guys just why I love RPing to death.

I hope you guys watch some, hell you might learn soemthing about RPing when you are watching. ((tough this show isn't to teach, but sometimes it is nice to see RPing in action. Just don't learn from JP.....that guy...such a troll XD.))

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