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Late Introduction to the forums + a mild rant.

Eclipse Blaze

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Ohmygoshiemehbobberz! HAI! My name is Dustin, but most of you who know me, know me as Tempest Blaze™. I'm not really this peppy, but rather I'm just bored. Back on Gaiaonline a long, long time ago. I was shadowblaze777, the Normal Type Gym leader of a now dead guild called PP UP: A Pokemon Guild. I was was also the ground type gym leader of an also now dead guild called E4 and Gym Leaders of Gaia (I never cared as much for ground types.). My top 5 favorite types are Normal, Dragon, Fighting, Psychic, and Water (...In that order.). In the 4th generation, my favorite ever team was Ambipom, Togekiss, Snorlax, Porygon-Z, Staraptor, and Ursaring. I Hate that Togekiss now a fairy type only because my bias toward it being a part of my normal type team makes me hate it as a fairy type. :angry:

Anyways onto the real me. I'm currently 22 at the time of writing this. My birthday is February 17, 1992. Apparently, the end of the Aquarius part of the year is February 18th..... *that late bloomer*

I'm a Grocery Clerk at Dave's Market in the town of my Dwelling, which just happens to be in Alabama. Exciting, right? Kill me. I can feel the Redneck Aura around me, and it is painful, indeed. Mississippi is still worse though... BY A LOT! I love Pokemon even as an adult because, screw it why not? I don't usually worry too much about what people think of me, unless it affects people I care about negatively, with the exception of the negative effect being completely dependent on whether their perspective about it is stupid or not.

I'm the kind of guy who loves to get adrenaline rushes through means that I can find within the comfort of my own home. Nothing too dangerous for me! :P

I originally took to video games because reality is too cruel and so are the people in it. I'm sure a lot of us here know that feeling. I literally just get up for work, work, come home listen to music, play video games, watch anime sleep, eat, drink, and use the bathroom (...Not necessarily in that order.). that really all I do, ever. Just a boring, simple life. I'm on Supplemental Security Income because of mental disabilities. I only work 2 hours a day, 2 days a week at minimum wage. that's a whopping 116 extra dollars a month before SSI and EBT (Formerly called Food stamps) are deducted from. When all is said ad doe, I probably make a extra 50-60 dollars a month. But, without that, I wouldn't be able to afford to live. Probably because my grocery bill is too high. Sorry this turned into a rant. (I put it in the title too, for extra measure.) I have Tourette's Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Can you feel your Eyes bleeding, yet?


...But yeah. This is me in a nutshell. You might find a few extra things in the "About Me" section of my profile page.take a look. Also, take a look at my interests, if you care.

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Hello again, Blaze.

Welcome to the forums. You might not need the grand tour, but I would appreciate it if you read some of the pinned threads around these parts if you are at a loss for anything. (Jericho has a couple of situational help threads for in-game troubles, for example, that could use more attention.)

Also, Ew, Togekiss.


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Hey there man, seems you've been around quite a while, I don't see any need to go through the usual with you. Good to have you man.

Thanks man. Just don't get me confused with the other member named Tempest. I've been here a little longer than him, but he was a mod at the age of only 15. I thought that was pretty cool. I'm not active enough to be a mod anyways, not like anyone was asking... but you get the idea. XD

Hello again, Blaze.

Welcome to the forums. You might not need the grand tour, but I would appreciate it if you read some of the pinned threads around these parts if you are at a loss for anything. (Jericho has a couple of situational help threads for in-game troubles, for example, that could use more attention.)

Also, Ew, Togekiss.


Thanks! I'll do that if I'm ever unsure of the forums' rules or whatnot. Also Togekiss is My 3rd God, Square Enix being my 2nd epically awesome. End of story. XD

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No double posting please, and that signature is massive. I'll fix both of them in a second.

Normal is a cool type, I like normal. Probably one of my favorite types, but nothing beats bug.

Also, I swear you already did one of these ages ago. Aren't you the guy who changed Tempest's name that one time?

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I am, indeed, that person, but I don't remember ever doing one. If I did on before, and you find it, then just do me a favor and delete the other one, not this one. Also, sorry for double posting. Didn't think about the fact that I could respond to both in that one. Also, when I started typing that first comment, Ib's comment wasn't there. I should have edited my first one though instead.

Edit: I just noticed something. My post count is higher than it should be. I thought when you deleted a post that the post count would drop by one as well.

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Welcome to Reborn, Tempest Blaze! Like Jericho said, you've been here awhile so there's no need to say where you can find help, haha. Just know that I'm almost always available as both a friendly face and a good listener.

I can understand the appeal to escapism, as all of my hobbies are saturated in it, haha. Over time, cynicism and jadedness started to whittle away my once infallible love for the imagination so I put less time into it than usual. It's because of this that I had begun to see what good things reality had to offer me, and I well and truly enjoy the world we live in.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay, haha.

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