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Heracross vs. Hariyama



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Heracross is better for 11 in every 10 situations. Faster, hits harder, dual STAB, has appropriately sized hands.

You can find it in the South Aventurine woods once you have 7 badges, by clearing a whole bunch of webs and logs then riding a Tauros through.

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Heracross is better for 11 in every 10 situations. Faster, hits harder, dual STAB, has appropriately sized hands.

You can find it in the South Aventurine woods once you have 7 badges, by clearing a whole bunch of webs and logs then riding a Tauros through.

This totes ain't biased, XD but yeah, Heracross is waaaaaaaaay better. But Hariyama has the bulk needed to take some hits.

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Heracross is better for 11 in every 10 situations. Faster, hits harder, dual STAB, has appropriately sized hands.

You can find it in the South Aventurine woods once you have 7 badges, by clearing a whole bunch of webs and logs then riding a Tauros through.

Shots fired.

Honestly, if you're looking for something bulky, wait for Timburr. If you want full-on offensive, go with Heracross, yeah. I'm dubious about Hariyama's ability to hold up effectively later in the game. (Maybe against Noel, but otherwise? Nah.)

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Out of those two? Heracross. The difference between those two is one you can get early on (Hariyama), while the other is obtained later on and is more difficult to obtain).

But I'd prefer Machamp because of No Guard + Dynamic Punch. Timburr is really great...if you can figure out how to solve that puzzle. xD

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Well to be honest it is not true Heracross is better than Hariyama in terms of movepool: I mean yes, Heracross has more choices, but Hariyama has everything it needs, nothing more, nothing less. Early on it is invaluable against Cradily, later on its ability makes it great to take on the dreaded Ice and Fire gyms. Plus it has better bulk.

So yeah, maybe Hariyama is not OU material, but does that really matter in-game? Don't look down on it!

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Also Hariyama gets fake out which is awesome against sashes and sturdy

That's exactly what I meant: the only 4 viable moves Hariyama gets are Bulk Up, Fake Out, Vital Throw (and later Close Combat) and a Rock-type filler for coverage (Stone Edge? Not sure it's in the game tho). However, to make itself useful in-game, that's all it needs!

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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Out of those two? Heracross. The difference between those two is one you can get early on (Hariyama), while the other is obtained later on and is more difficult to obtain).

But I'd prefer Machamp because of No Guard + Dynamic Punch. Timburr is really great...if you can figure out how to solve that puzzle. xD

There's actually a hax way to solve it.

Well, not really hax.

Edit: Put simply, if you want offensive, Go Heracross.

If defensive, Hariyama.

Btw, Hariyama learns Smack Down.

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I thought he also gets Heavy slam after Close Combat. Sadly we don't have Rock moves available as TMs, so Knock off gets a chance there.

Oh yeah, Knock Off. Reborn already implements all Gen 6 mechanics, so Knock Off is actually pretty good, and IIRC Hariyama learns it naturally... Except most non-gym leader enemies you'll be facing won't be carrying any items on their mons, but oh well...

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Except most non-gym leader enemies you'll be facing won't be carrying any items on their mons, but oh well...

True, but you really don't need a solid move pool to handle random trainers.

I personally prefer Heracross, because I like pokemon that do one thing extremely well as opposed to one thing pretty well and another okay. Yeah, Hariyama is bukier, but he isn't bulky enough to serve as a tank, and it costs him speed, which makes him a sub-par as a sweeper. He definitely has his uses, but by the late game he's still going to get outsped and one shotted by any sweeper with a psychic or flying move. He's a life saver against super tanky pokemon that your sweepers can't one shot, but I just find it is more useful more often to have a pokemon that can one shot non-tanks and still chunk those super tanks down to red HP.

All that being said, it really depends on what the rest of your team looks like. Generally, I think Heracross is better, but if you have nothing bulky in your team, Hariyama might be better.

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