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Short pause

Tomas Elliot

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So, when a new game comes out, it is bound to cause some unrest, with people getting paranoid about overhyped new threats (not naming which one I find to be particularly stupid, because I don't want this topic to turn into a "lol dude you crazy? That thing is so broken!"), lots and lots of posts around the forum about how awesome the new stuff is (which frustrates me, as this is the first Pokemon game I am going to miss), and the new ladder on Showdown being swarmed by random noobs with 3 Pokemon with mega stones per team.

So yeah, as it generally takes a couple of weeks for things to settle down and life to return to normal, I have decided that, in order to retain that little sanity that I have left, it is better for me to stay away from Pokemon-based communities (even a cool, relaxed one like this) for a short while.

This is in no way a farewell, a "life is busy, gtg" or a "taking hiatus, will maybe return": I am merely staying away from Pokemon for two weeks. I can already give you the exact date for my return: monday the eight of december, at 22:00 GMT+1. I'll see you guys then, bye for now!

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I know that feel, and I can understand you completely.

It is a total pain as an EU citizen who is yet to get that game to endure this torment :P

Have fun whatever you are going to do, wherever you do it

No no no you don't get it: I am MISSING it. Not buying, not emulating, not playing, nothing. Too broke to buy (plus stuff happened), my computer is too old to emulate. This is going to be the first Pokemon game ever I will NOT play in any way whatsoever...

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So this is a rage quit because things have not settled yet? We had the same issues when X&Y first came out but it turned out just fine, didn't it? Sure, it took some of us some time to make decent teams and now we will have to start all over due to the new threats. Even if you can't buy the game, play online. You don't miss on the meta.

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