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What video game world would you live in?


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If you could choose what video game world or universe to live in, where would you be, and why?

I'd be in Yoshi's Island, because the world is amazing there. why not

It has Yoshi, awesome music and the island is so good-looking.


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I would just say pokemon but to be original I will say Earthbound because it's like ours in many ways but also completely crazy and seems fun. Also if I could be one of the main party Chrono trigger could be an interesting world to live in but otherwise it would be pretty normal if I wasn't one of the main characters of that game and same with the world ends with you and in most cases it would kind of suck to be stuck as a main character in that game.

Edited by Sir_Bagel
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I'd have to go with the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon world. While it is fun controlling a fire breathing dragon, it'd be way more fun to be a fire breathing dragon. If we remove Pokemon, I'd have to go with Chrono Trigger's world. Just the idea of a time machine never gets old.

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The Phoenix Wright world even though it sorta technically still ours. I mean who wouldn't want to protect innocent clients, shout 'Objection!' at the top of their lungs and deal with wacky witnesses. Plus who wouldn't want a world without Apollo, Phoenix, Edgeworth, Franziska, Athena, etc in it.

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umm i wouldnt chose pokemon because you always see em eating meat in the anime and all there is is pokemon so what they are doing is eating poke's :0 i couldnt eat my close companions could you ?

More to the point ide chose the kingdom hearts universe <3 coz there is soooooo many places to go and waiting for KH3 is a pain so i wouldnt have to wait anymore

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Oh I like this topic, I would totally live in either the Chrono Trigger universe, or Earthbound. Time travel never gets old, and Chrono Trigger's time mechanics are the best. Earthbound because who wouldn't want to be a psychic wunderkind.

Edited by Magus
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I would either live in the regular pokémon world (somewhere in Kalos or Hoenn, with beautiful sights of the sea, but as far away as possible from those big noisy cities) or in the mystery dungeon world, since it is incredibly beautiful as well. Also it seems to be quiet in there, since there are pokémon but no technology that could possibly disturb me.

From other games, I guess I would like to live in Spore's universe (yeah I know it's kind of a lame game by now but I played the hell out of it back in the day) but only once in the space stage; since pretty much you only do whatever you want with your spaceship and don't even have to come back to your planet unless you need to get free stuff. I would, um, dunno, troll the shit out of the Grox or create planets with new life and explore all I could of the galaxy.

Also, the devil may cry universe....the problem here is that it would be no fun unless I was either a demon or half demon, because otherwise I would have to deal with the fact that the world is pretty much filled with monsters that can kill me in seconds... and if I was a demon in here, I would have to assume that there's the son of the legendary dark knight sparda that could kill me in the blink of an eye. Huh. I don't know how would I make that work...

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Kingdoms Hearts really is the cop-out world that lets you have it all. Probably be a keyblade wielder, whether it's a regular one or one for darkness. And there's all those Disney worlds to visit and explore and talk to some cool characters, with some FF series characters thrown in for good measure. C'mon Cloud, teach me to Omnislash.

Other than that, Pokemon seems to be a crowd favorite around here. Until they get mauled by a wild ursaring/tauros/ryhorn/onix/gyarados/sharpedo/basculin/rabid rattata etc. Every region is susceptible to complete destruction via rampaging legendaries. But everyone would be fit, because cars are pretty much nonexistent, and people have magic/capsule corp. backpacks that can carry all sorts of shit. Speaking of backpacks, that's just a regular old bag/messenger bag and stuff. Can you imagine how much gear a hiker or backpacker's big pack can probably handle?

So yeah, that was just some comments on choices so far. I still have to take my time and pick a world or two for myself. I've been busy lately...

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Pokemon's totally too easy, so although that wins, aside from that I think I'd pick Baten Kaitos. Everything so pretty, and all the gorgeous wings <3333

how to be superficial, a guide by ame

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Well, it would be Pokemon. Any version on the Game Boy / DS consoles would do.

Other than that, i'd probably live in the world of Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.

What do you mean, that's just Pokemon again?

Anyway, if it'd be any other world, i'd probably choose to live in the world of Infamous.

Edited by Red'sCharizard
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Probably in the world of Elder Scrolls, preferably in cyrodill, but not during the oblivion crisis or anyhting during the Great War, shit´s too serious for a milkdrinker like me. ^^

Either that or pokemon, cuz despite dem sitnking muks and grimers and dittos who could clone anythign and conquer the world and all those creepy and deadly ghost pokemon and all the other fucked-up things you can look up in the pokedex, it´s all just awesome ^-^"

Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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  On 11/25/2014 at 1:06 PM, Lits said:

If I wanted my life to be easier, probably pokemon, if I wanted it to be difficult, then the wold of dark souls is for me.(although, I would probably just find a corner and cry in it)

I personally think Dark Souls would be easier irl. Your character is so slow and laggy when it comes to actually doing moves and attacks. Dark Souls isn't hard. It's just like playing Smash at max lag. It just isn't fun.

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But the world of Dark Souls itself is something where most people will sit in a corner and cry until they go hollow. Or the keep dying and dying, give up hope and become hollow, because that´s what´ll eventually happen to all undead. If I´m a superpowered chosen undead who never goes insane like the other npcs, I´d be alright ´n happily undead. But if I was a normal human in there or even if I was a normal cursed undead, I´d be freaking scared because a blow from any big enemy would break my bones, doesn´t matter if I have my shield or not.

And if I´m a super-powered undead, I´d still be scared shitless because dying over and over might not be that cool and the world is just fucked up to say the least ^^"

(Damn... But I´d do everything to get to priscilla... I MUST. TOUCH. THAT. FLUFFY. TAIL! <3)

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I honestly find the combat to be one of the most fun experiences in the game, despite its slowness. I've played fast, action-oriented games such as Devil May Cry 3, and I really enjoyed that game, but Dark Souls is fun in a different way. Knowing that almost any attack could either kill you or set you up to be killed really adds an intensity to the battle, and it's really satisfying when you learn how to dodge the attacks and fight back. It's definitely one of my favorite games, for both combat, lore, and the atmosphere and aesthetic look to the areas.

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