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The thing with Crawdaunt is, if you don't get a turn to set up Dragon Dance, it'll most likely be one-shot by almost anything. It's a really-high-risk, high-reward kinda dealie.

Swampert's got great attack and defenses, Grass-type moves being the only thing stopping it;

Empoelon tops all others if you do some breeding in E12, godly Special Defense, great Defense, a steel typing and great moves from a 111 base Sp.Attack stat such as Hydro Pump/Scald, Ice Beam and Grass Knot (Agility is recommended, but a fourth attack is fine too);

Clawitzer is great as well, it essentially has ~190 base Sp.Attack with M.Launcher boosted moves (access to a very strong Dragon move sure will come in handy when we face off against Saphira);

Azumarill's got about ~160 Attack due to it's ability, it's bulkier than Clawitzer and has priority (and Belly Drum, if you manage to set it up);

Mantine is surprisingly useful, after a single Amnesia, Special attackers can't put a scratch on it (it's also got access to Tailwind and can get some neat moves outta breeding);

Any of the Shell Smashers are also quite good.

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Shell Smash, Cross Chop/Earthquake, Razor Shell, Stone Edge.

Also, go Yanma huntin'. Those things can carry Wide Lens, an accuracy boosting item which is a must for Barbaracle's set-Shell Smash reduces defenses, so a single hit is likely going to kill you, can't quite afford to miss then.

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