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Pokémon: Aftermath #3a - In the Thin Ice [IC]


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The luxurious scent of cookies and soup and marshmallows began making their way around the camp. As the humans around them began to tell their stories and rejoice on the small things, Raito the Jolteon finally toppled over and found himself face to face with a Will-o-wisp. As soon as he settled down and listened to the voices around him, Raito picked up the scent of food... Lots and lots of food... The Eeveelution got to his feet and followed his nose towards the bowls of Pokefood that Nemir had set out for them. After giving the homemade food a whiff, Raito gave a happy cry and chowed down on the treat.


Miki had been content with listening to the various conversations that are going on near the campfire. She was never much of a talker to begin with; the Japanese girl could be seen eating a few marshmallows and cookies as she finished up her soup. When the roar echoed through the woods, however, Miki gave a frightened yelp and clutched onto Lupus in fear. "W-What was that?!" she asked in a high-pitched voice.

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Immediately alarmed by the Roar, Lockhart flew over to Adam, who held out a leather wrapped arm. "What the fuck is it now?!" Adam barked, looking in the general direction of the roar.

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The wind's picking up. Must be the snowstorm starting to blow in, he figured. Jory noticed how stiff he was acting and tried to relax, moving closer to Carissa for warmth. "Nothing's the matter. I'm just... It's been a long time since anyone's hugged me, is all. I can't even remember the last time that happened. It's the little things that you notice, I suppose," he said softly. Suddenly, a loud roar was heard in the woods. Jory quickly upended the can of soup into his mouth, finishing what was left of the hot liquid. "Shredder, up!" he commanded. The Zangoose mimicked his Trainer, shoveling the last of his food into his mouth before standing up in front of Carissa and Jory in a combat stance. "Everyone needs their partners out, now!" he barked. If that's what I think it is, we're in big trouble. He began to scan the treeline, looking for signs of danger. "Carissa, stay with me," he said quietly. "If anyone gets separated, they're as good as dead."

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"Shit...that doesn't sound good" he said, and then muttered "Vis....get ready..." "Is this....?" "It could be....remember last time?" "How could I forget? That thing damn near killed me." They thought to each other as they took combat stances.

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"idiots, whilst you're setting up, whatever's out there could launch an attack. We don't know what's out there, even with our numbers, we may not be able to defend you whilst you're getting ready." Adam scolded the two. He had no intention to let anyone die, but damn if he would let someones foolishness hinder him.

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Seth had been enjoying this time with his allies, most of which had slowly started to become friends... at least in his mind. He was thinking that maybe, just maybe, things were gonna be alright, at least until they got to their destination. Those thoughts were sent flying when the huge roar had sounded. He sprung to his feet and signaled Giga.

"Gigawatt, battle time." he said with a deadly calm. Gigawatt's dumb smile faded, replaced with a mask of focus just as cold as the snow beneath their feet. Giga stood up, showing just how foreboding the gentle giant could be in times of urgency. He took on a strong battle stance, arms by his sides, tails curling up behind his back, their red tips crackling with electricity. The pair stood back to back, surveying the area, ready for anything.

Seth noticed that Pine had set up some Stealth Rocks. "Good thinking." he said as he addressed the trainer.

Adam spoke up, surprisingly Seth was in agreement. "He's right, that's enough setting up for now. Just be on your guard from here on out."

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Carissa was about to speak when the roar rang through the camp. Oh boy, just when I thought things were getting normal. Carissa got up and kept close to Jory, in a back to back position so to say. Carissa looked regrettably at Lila's Luxury Ball. Sorry to let you out so early again. She pressed the button and Lila appeared in a flash of gold. Irritation was not the only thing present on her face, but also a sense of worry. She wrapped herself around Carissa as a form of protection, but also ended up coiling Jory with her too, as it was most convenient for her. A marine ring began spiraling down Lila's body, and her scales seemed to become brighter colored. She had preemptively put up an Aqua Ring just in case she was this creatures first target. Carissa calmed down after knowing she was protected by Lila. "J-Jory, do you know what that is?" Carissa shivered and wrapped one arm over the other.

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"Vis...can you sense them?" "They're over there..." he said as he pointed towards the direction of the roar. "Great. That was what I was afraid of. Try communicating with Flux telepathically" "I dont think I can reach...I'll try though.Flux? Can you hear me?"

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"Gah, we need to get them but if we go in we risk getting caught out." Pine wasn't ready to leave the campsite, Not after he just set up, "Someone needs to go and bring them back. Otherwise we might never get to the city" It was risky to go look for them but it's just as risky as to take our bets on finding the city by ourselves he thought.

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Thoron had spent most of the trip a good distance behind the group subconsciously acting as a sweeper (a scout who follows behind a group at a good distance and stealthily watches out for predators or other potential dangers.), but settled down near the main group when they hunkered down for dinner. Thoron took their meals out of his pack hidden under his cloak and got Rusgon his favorite pokeblocks that he packed in advance for the zoroark, and got his own ration of jerky and bread with peanut butter spread on it. Thoron was always discreet about his peanut butter never wanting to share with others (or Rusgon). He had turned his double sided cloak from it's black side to it's white to blend in with the snow early on in the trip. (probably why most of the group didn't notice him, Rusgon had a similar cloak that bulged in the back due to his immense length of hair.). Remembering from the last time that they had came up this trail, that they were ambushed by a group of abomasnow. Thoron instantly sensed the increase in the snow and remembered the previous encounter. "Damn" he muttered under his breath and quickly tossed his loose food into his pack and swiftly but stealthily rushed to the outer group, hearing the immense roar just before he arrived. Thoron stopped and quickly gave a set of instructions to Rusgon "Be ready to use your illusion to at least try to scare them off, but be ready for a flamethrower as well, if it... or they are abomasnow again it would be a devastating move." Thoron said as he started to turn away he quickly whipped his head back to add "Don't count on it being an abomasnow or multiple of them, be ready for anything.... AND DON'T CATCH YOUR CLOAK ON FIRE AGAIN!!!" Rusgon nodded and quite obviously smirked at the last comment.
The others had their pokemon setting up for a battle and laughed at the fool's comment on their foolishness of setting up and replied "If something is out there and is making a commotion it isn't going to rush out and attack a camp in a hurry, it is probably going to try and intimidate us into leaving, which I do say would be a very valid strategy right about now or lumber its way into sight of us and attack" he said finishing the last part quickly as he ran out of breath, and cursed himself for not voicing his previous thought to not camp close to the forest.

Edited by M_Cowher
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Jory looked back at Carissa, concern evident on his face. "I don't know, but there are only three species of Pokemon native to this climate that could make that kind of sound. Personally, I'm hoping it's none of them. None of them are particularly friendly, to say the least," he said. He resisted the temptation to hug Carissa to warm her, staying on guard in case of attack.

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"Hate to be rude here, Jory, but I can't be prepared for the both of us if you don't tell me what it could be!" Carissa looked over her shoulder at Jory, giving a look of concern. We haven't even gotten to the city and somebody's life is at risk. Why the hell did I sign up for this. Carissa slipped up her hood and peeked out into the woods, hoping maybe she could catch sight of the creature.

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"L-Look, everyone, h-how about we take his advice and find Flux and Fria," Miki suggested from her seat, gesturing to the man with the Zoroark. "He has a point; if we move now, we could start looking for them and get away from those Pokemon... We could discuss what Pokemon that is and what to do along the way..."

Upon hearing the roar, Raito gobbled up his dish of food and ran to pick up the marshmallow bag. After he dropped the white dessert back into his trainer's lap, Raito let out a few sparks from his fur and growled threateningly, hoping that the Pokemon out there would heed his warning.

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"Absolution, sense anything?" The Absol shook his head. Can't be a disaster, then, and it's probably not a legendary Pokemon. Probably. He was struck with a thought as he started to head toward Snowpoint, assuming that Flux and Fria had gone in that direction. "Anyone here have a Pokedex? It might be able to identify the roar."

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There was no need for a pokedex though. Suddenly a blast of strong wind came out of the woods straight at the group, and hail started to fall hard. Snow powder flew everywhere, making it difficult to see and breath. Moments later, a second gust blew on them, and along with is came, basically flying, a very battered Jon Gale.

The boy hit the snow with a soft tud - lucky it was so thick - and stood there for a second before making an attempt to get up. His Dive BBall was still in his belt, closed. "A... Abomasnow" He managed to tell the others. "A big one."

Just as he finished saying that, a behemoth of a pokemon forced it's waty through the treeline. It was really an impressively big pokemon, towering abve trainers and partners alike as if they were little kids. It stared at the group for a moment, and then roared again as the icy wind picked up.

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"ABSOLUTION, FIRE BLAST, NOW!" The Absol reared up and slashed his horn through the air three times, each motion leaving a trailing bit of flame behind. The slashes formed a distinctive 5-pointed pattern that suddenly grew into a roiling inferno and launched itself at the massive Abomasnow.

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Well Shit. Drake thought to himself looking his now freed Crobat hovering above him. I could try using Sunny Day, but then none of us would be able to see and Rain Dance would only freeze into hail. He looked over to the trainer with the Houndoom. I have an idea for a last resort, but I want to see what this thing is capable of before stricking it. "Typhoon, Double Team." The Crobat followed orders making copies of itself. He then watched an Absol release a Fire Blast and awaited for the behemoth's next move.

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"Carissa, behind me!" Jory shouted, stepping in front of the girl. "Shredder, Swords Dance now! Then follow it up with a Fire Punch!" The Zangoose nodded, then began to focus deeply. He began to enter a trance, swinging his claws as he stepped through various forms. Suddenly, the Icy Wind began to hit. Shredder managed to stay upright, finishing his dance and letting out an enraged roar. "Now, GO!" Jory roared. His Zangoose began to rapidly close on the Abomasnow, his claws enveloped in balls of fire as he swung at the snowy beast.

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"Vis, Blaze Kick !" Nemir shouted as Vis lept into the air and brought his flaming foot down hard on the abomasnow. The icy wind seemed to not affect him because of the calm mind he had used earlier.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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"Finally decided to show itself, huh?" said Seth as the Icy Wind blew past the squadron. He shielded his eyes from the whipping wind and stood his ground. "Giga, Fire Punch." Gigawatt backflipped over Seth, twisted in mid-air and landed square on his feet. He then ignited both of his hands and rushed towards the Pokemon that was even bigger than he was. Both fiery fists connected with the behemoth one after another.

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Flux smiled as Fria rambled on. He enjoyed conversation, but even he was having a bit of trouble keeping up with her. Still, he enjoyed speaking to someone who could be so enthusiastic in these times. They talked for a while, before Fria stopped, a worried look on her face.

"Uuuh... oh. I.. Think I got a little too carried on. Guess we should try and go back to find them, eh?"

Almost as if the weather itself knew what she was thinking, a sudden blizzard obscured their view.

"...Aand we better do that fast."

Flux gave a reassuring smile.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about the others. They're still young and filled with energy. And I've got you to lead me back, right?" He gave a wink. "Fria, the snow guide and Flux the professor. What do we have to fear?"

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Seeing the Large Abomasnow,Micheal stepped back as the Behemoth roared loudly."Nappy,throw it of balance by using earthquake.After that use Gunk Shot!"Micheal screamed out as the Snorlax jumped up into the sky and fell down make the very earth rumble,then he charged up a large poisonous blast.

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