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Pokémon: Aftermath #3a - In the Thin Ice [IC]


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Carissa obediently rushed behind Jacob. Milotic shot a displeased look Jacob's way, completely unappreciative of the man suddenly taking over her job. Carissa could do nothing but watch as everyone's pokemon began assaulting the Abomasnow. Nilotic covered Carissa's face with the fan of her tail to stop the icy wind from hitting her trainer. Carissa almost blew her lid when the Snorlax had jumped about as high as the trees to deliver an earthquake. "Are you all stupid?! If we make such a commotion, someone from the city is bound to notice. Why should our mission end before it's even started?" Carissa shrieked at her teammates. But she places her hand on top of Jacob's to show he was an exception of course.

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"Lockhart, get rid of the hail, use Heat wave and Sunny Day to try and get rid of that Hail!" Adam commanded, as the bird flew into the air, finding the warmest air currents and using his wings and body heat to stir up a powerful Heat wave, then letting out a caw to summon the remnants of heat from the sun to banish the hail the Abomasnow had summoned

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"Idiotic is right. Show concern with those earthquakes! Half our team could be wiped if that happens again." Concern and panic were the top two things on Pine's mind. Carissa was right, if they didn't what trouble at the city they needed this over and fast. "Gah! Can anyone put this thing to sleep?!"

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"It's a grass type, that wouldn't work even if you wanted it to," responded Drake. "If it comes down to it, we sacrifice those who went in for an attack to stop the ambushes to come while the rest escape with their lives. It's too late for anything else as they already will know we're coming." Drake shook his head. For the last hope of humanity, this group seemed rather hopeless.

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"Damnit,Snorlax no mercy.Use Fire Blast to burn the Abomasnow down"Micheal told his pokemon as the Panda once again opened its mouth only this time it charged fire into a ball which it shot out.The fire split into a five sided Kanji and started making its way at the Abomasnow.

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"Damnit you idiots! We need to end this quickly and peacefully before the whole of Sinnoh knows we're here." Carissa pushed a loose strand of hair off of her forehead. "Lila, be a doll and end this quickly. Hypnosis." Milotic's eyes flashed a deep red and a blue swirling pulse flew from them, striking the Abomasnow.

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"We're in the wilderness for fucks sake, and there are plenty of pokemon around, we do have some leigh-way, though I do agree less is more." Adam growled at Carissa. He eyed the Snorlax warily, gad that Lockhart, who had retaken his place on Adams arm, was unaffected by the quake.

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Sensing the immediate shift as people had their pokemon mindlessly rush the Abomasnow and attack it with little to no strategy, also noting how reckless and careless of the other people and pokemon the trainer of the snorlax was. Thoron stopped halfway through taking his bow off of his back and figured that maybe it would be best to send a sensible message to the rest of the groups. Almost reading his mind Carissa, none to gently voiced her opinion of the subject of how stupidly obvious the others were making their presence in the forest. "Rusgon stand down, we don't want to make this any worse than it is, but be ready to try to scare it off with an illusion should things get out of hand, preferably a pure fire pokemon." Thoron calmly said to Rusgon.

Thoron grabbed his oil out of his pack and soaked an arrow tip covered in cloth in the flammable liquid just in case it was needed and stood by next to Rusgon to see if the Hypnosis from Lila was effective in solving the skirmish.

Edited by M_Cowher
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"When you face a Large Monster like this Abomasnow,we have to take it out quickly,if we don't it might call on it's friends to attack us!"Micheal shouted back as he checked the surrounding area.

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"Use your brain you imbecile! If it's asleep, how do you expect it to call its allies? I swear none of these people have any common sense." The last sentence was quiet and hushed, but the others were audible enough for the others to hear. "The damage is done, but no point in adding salt to the wound!" Carissa cracked her knuckles, attempting to assert her intellectual and physical authority in the situation.

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"There's a move called SleepTALK,you know.It let's you attack while asleep...."Micheal muttered under his breath as he walked forwards with his Snorlax coming closer to Carissa."By the way,don't think you can fool me by muttering under your breathe,i've done that enough to know that you probably sent a snide remark our way."Micheal said outloud as he yawned in harmony with his Snorlax.

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"Is anybody hurt?" Nemir asked worriedly. "I can have Vis heal both pokemon and people if need be with heal pulse, but if not, we'll go find Flux and Fria before this thing wakes up. Vis has the general direction down at least, and he can call them with telepathy."

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"First of all, Sleep Talk can only be taught to an Abomasnow through the use of TMs, and the fact that it's in the wild, makes that a highly improbable scenario. Second of all, instead of causing an unnecessary altercation, how about we actually start acting like a team instead of making accusations without evidence?" Carissa's stare was cold and unforgiving. Lila sensed hostility and prepared to send Snorlax flying with a Dragon Tail if necessary.

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"Hey, the threat is right in front of us, and Mike has a point, it could still be a threat, it won't sleep forever if at all. I have no fucking clue what just happened now because we're all so damn uncoordinated. so let's et our shit together" Adam barked at the two of them

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"We'll go with you Nemir" Thoron replied gesturing to Rusgon "I don't think the pokemon had the chance to even attack due to the fact that most of the group senselessly attacked it, and rather aggressively I may add. I don't anyone was physically hurt, but it seems that a senseless arguments argument has sparked over some people's... methods" Thoron said as he glanced in the direction of the argument that broke out, not wanting to get involved.
"I'll be right behind you, but I have to warn you that Rusgon doesn't like to waste any time... and neither do I"

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"By now,you should know that everything is possible.I'm merely suggesting a possibility,it's not like Dawn came down here and taught this Abomasnow sleep talk personally right?"Micheal retorted while he nudged Nappy to make sure he doesnt get hit."Anyways,i'm gunna agree with you there.Anyone could attack us and probably take a few of us down if we are like this during the entire trip towards Snowpoint."He told them as sat down on the snowy floor.

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"Everyone calm down, We don't need to act like two year olds. We ended it without to much damage taken, so good job to all... It won't be long before it wakes up, so lets get packing. We can heal and and rest when were farther away from this monster" Honestly surprise was all over Pine's face, This thing took several sharp fire moves and still didn't go down. As he grabbed his pack he returned Skarmory to it's pokeball. "We need to get moving, all of us. Thoron if your going with Nemir make sure you guys can find you way to us. Thank you guys for going to get them." Pine nudges Micheal with his foot "Can't sit down yet"

Edited by Rielly987
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"NO! Don't use Earth---" Miki had began to scream as the Snorlax caused the earth to rumble beneath her. She did manage to stuff her bag of treats into her backpack but, as a result, Miki couldn't call back her Jolteon in time. The young girl landed on her behind thanks to her unsteady steps as her Jolteon cried out in pain. As the arguing broke out, Miki crawled over to her yellow friend to see the injury. Raito was panting heavily from the damage; Miki sighed with relief. He could still walk and run, but the Jolteon wouldn't be able to help them out without a good healing. Once she heard Nemir offer his assistance, Miki jumped up and called over the chaos. "Nemir, wait! Can Vis spare a Heal Pulse on Raito? He got caught in the Earthquake!" 'No thanks to that guy...'

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Before the Gigawatt's Fire Punches could connect, he was thrown off balance by a rogue Earthquake and sustained heavy damage. Seth recalled him before he could hit the ground, and called him back out, placing him at his feet. He crouched down and tried to comfort him.

"Yeah, sign Giga up for one of those Heal Pulses too, if you could."

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Jory rushed over to Shredder, looking at his injuries. He had fared better than the Electric-types, but Jory shook his head. "Yeah, Nemir, Shredder's hurt too." He then glared at the idiot who'd thought to use Earthquake when they had the Abomasnow outnumbered six-to-one. "Moves like that will cost us big-time at Snowpoint. Don't let it happen again," he said sternly.

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Alina, who had been sitting quietly within the branches of the tree the entire time, suddenly slipped and faceplanted in the (thankfully) soft snow. The usually quiet girl glared at the source of the earthquake, and opened her mouth to scold the trainer for making such a bad choice. Thankfully, someone beat her too it. Also thankfully, the girl with the milotic put the giant of a pokemon asleep, earning the team a moment of peace. "Uh, guys, maayybe we should get away from this thing before it wakes up?"

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"Fria, the snow guide and Flux the professor. What do we have to fear?"

"Not much indeed" Fria smiled back to the professor. "They on the other hand... Abomasnow love this weather, and due to their ability the blizzards get even worse when they start coming out. It might be a pain for them to even find the right path."

They walked for a few time searching for the group, and it was not long before Fria's prediction started to prove true. The wind picked up even more, and even witihin the cover of the trees it was starting to get hard to see the way. The temperature dropped drastically too, though the woman did not seem too bothered by it... The look in her face was more of concern than disconfort.

Suddenly they saw a flash of light to the south, followed by various fighting noises. "Look Flux! Could it be them?" She said, rushing in that direction.


A barrier of light floated in front of the Abomasnow, Protecting it from the first barrage of attacks launched hastily at the same time... But not stopping the explosions of fire that followed. The woods trembled with the noise of all the combined attacks, and the Abomasnow, finding itself obviously outpowered, retreated with an angry look to the woods.

The team's problems didn't end there however: soon they heard voices shouting to the south and the east... The huge fight must have warned the patrols of the Church. Not only that, the short break of the snow storm caused by Sunny Day ended quickly, only to show them the blizzard had gotten even worse than before. It seemed they were between a rock and a cold place...

((Net is being a pain, it might take a while for me to post. =/))

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"Shit" was the first word to come out of Adams mouth. "We need to get gone or hidden, fast. But first, we need to take care of that abomasnow. Carissa, think you can put that thing to sleep this time? Lockhart, Taunt it to make sure it doesn't use a supporting move. I'll also need someone to cover for Lockhart, he's gonna be in danger!" Adam barked these orders as Lockhart flew into the air, taunting the Abomasnow with the same mocking screech as earlier.

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"Well....this is bad. Vis. Hide our auras, preferably in a white color in case they have anything to sense us out with. Those of you that need healing call back your partners and follow me. Vis and I lived here for a while so we know the twists and turns of this place, and I think we can find a place to sit this out for a short while, where I doubt they'll find us easily." Nemir said in a rush as he hoped nobody had discovered the place he was thinking of.

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"You idiots! I told you!" Carissa shrieked at her teammates again. She turned to Adam. "I'll make an attempt, but regardless, we need to move." She then turned to Nemir. "Make sure everyone's pokemon get healed. Lila doesn't need a heal, so just get working with the people here." She then spun around to the retreating Abomasnow. Without looking at the rest of the team. "Everyone, start moving out with Nemir now! If I'm not back soon, don't follow me! I'd rather they find only me than the whole group! I have my own ways of getting out of a bad situation, but I'll need to be alone for it to happen!" Carissa ran off after the Abomasnow, Lila trailing behind.

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