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Pokémon: Aftermath #3a - In the Thin Ice [IC]


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{Tunnel Group}

"Well....so much for running." Nemir said as the steelix emerged directly in front of him. "Another few steps and it would've got me....gotta be more careful...Hmm...Wait! It can't hit what it can't see..and even if we only blind it for a short time..Yes.." "Vis...aura sphere. In its eyes." Vis grunted and did as commanded. Only after Vis had sent the orbs spiraling towards the metal beast did he realize how cruel that was. He knew the pain of never seeing again...well partially. But some things had to be done.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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{Tunnel Gang}

"GAH NO NO NOT AGAIN NEVER AGAIN" Pine began to kick and scream. As the mans break down continued Skamory released itself from her pokeball. Seeing it's trainers panic. It started to whip up an freezing breeze. Icy wind shot from under the steel Avian's wings.

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Flux stopped in the clearing. He looked up at the Crobat that had been following him. He'd noticed it a while back, though he had hidden that fact, preferring to let whoever was following think he was oblivious. Now that he was in the open, though, things were a different matter. He was confidant that the Crobat would be no match for Ogre if it came to that, especially in this open area.

"Whoever is following me, now would be the time to either show yourself or flee."

As he watched the treeline behind him, his thoughts turned to Fria. She had said she would meet him here, and there was no sign of her yet. That was to be expected, as she had been behind him. Perhaps the Crobat was hers, sent to keep tabs on him or perhaps guide him to this place. Still, he couldn't deny the possibility that it was a threat, perhaps leading the acolytes right to him. His hand reached inside his coat, removing the heavy ball from the pocket, just in case he needed it.

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{Tunnel Crew}

"Not again!" Miki shrieked as Steelix blocked their path once more. Upon hearing Pine's terrified screams, however, she snapped out of her fear and held out her shaking Jolteon, looking straight into his eyes. "Look, Raito, we are one of the only veterans here. We need to protect the newcomers now. I need you to help the others deal with the Steelix, please?"

Raito eyed his trainer, the screaming Pine and finally the huge, lumbering Steelix. The screaming coupled with the other Pokemons' battle cries finally allowed his battle instincts to overcome his fear of the underground. With a confident nod, Raito jumped out of Miki's arms and fired off a Shadow Ball towards the Steelix.

Miki sighed with relief before running over to try and comfort Pine. "Pine! It's okay. It's not going to happen again! We are all here! Pine, please!" She screamed as she tugged on his arm.

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{Flux and Drake}

"Typhoon, hold fire," ordered Drake. The Crobat was a bit disappointed. It seemed that this one was willing to fight which would give him the enjoyment of ripping his arm off. The Crobat followed orders and hovered over his trainer who approached Flux. "You'll have to forgive him. He can be a bit psychotic. I guess it's fortunate I found another one of you still alive. Have you seen any of the others?"

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Thoron seeing the Miki would look after pine stood up ready to help against the Steelix. "Rusgon scary face, try to slow him down." The zoroark still disguised as a Camerupt cave a very intimidating look (Obviously influenced by the illusion) to try to slow down the rouge pokemon. "All of my arrows will just bounce off of it's skin." Thoron muttered to himself angerly.

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Tunnel Crew

There was not much space for the Steelix to move and avoid the attacks - and not only that, Nemir's idea got it by surprise. The twin Aura Spheres hit it's eyes, followed by Raito's Shadow Ball in it's lower body. Unfortuntely for Rusgon, the pokémon couldn't see anymore and thus rendered Scary Face useless. Pine's Skarmory Icy Wind did not do much to it either, but everyone soon started to feel the cold.

The enormous metal snake roared in pain and anger, red dripping from it's eyes and painting the floor beneath it. Impressively enough though, it was not yet done: going into a blind rage, the pokémon started attacking like mad. The floor started to shake and break from Earthquake, ice and rocks started to slide from the roof over the group. One almost got Jon, but Kyte was close enough to knock it aside with one arm. Shit. te boy thought, worried. If this keeps up the whole cave will collapse over us. They needed to take out the raging pokémon as fast as possible, but right now he had more pressing matters to attend.

"Kyte! Get those stones!" He screamed, running for the group. It wouldn't be much help if someone was crushed before they could attack, and so Kyte nooded and started trying to protect everyone from the falling rocks like he did with Jon, resorting to both Hydro Pump and his tough arms.

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Carissa stared at Adam with absolutely no expression. I honestly don't know what to do. They very well might just spill the beans now that we're here. They're completely safe now and we're not. I hope they have some sort of morals or at least are grateful we did this for them. She then shuffled over to Jory. "What should we do? I honestly can't tell where their heads are at so I don't know if it's safe to stay or not."

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Gigawatt was trying desperately to keep both the rocks at bay and the his Fire Punch lit. If that fire went out, they'd be in even more trouble. One trip, one blow to his fiery fist and he might not be able to concentrate to get it re-lit before it was too late. Suddenly, a huge boulder started heading start for Giga, too big to dodge. He'd be able to lift it out of the way, and maybe even use it to his advantage, with both arms, but he was still restrained to one. Right before it struck, a huge torrent of water blasted the rock into the wall, breaking it with huge force. Giga and Seth turned to the Swampert named Kyte.

"Damn, thanks dude!" said Seth to the Swampert. He turned his attention to the now blind Steelix. He started trying to wrap his head around strategies to take the behemoth down quickly... but its pained roaring was breaking his heart. Is this really what we have to do to stop all this? But there wasn't any time for mercy. It needed to be stopped, here and now. Gigawatt can't use any close range attacks, gotta keep that light lit... wait a sec. He knew what he had to do. It was simple, he didn't want to do it, but it was either the Steelix or them.

"Giga... Flamethrower." Gigawatt looked at Seth questioningly, thinking the same thing as him. But he did it, nonetheless. A red hot stream of flames shot out of Gigawatt's mouth straight at the Steelix, Seth hoping that it'd do the trick.

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As the steelix went into a (literally) blind rage and Seth tried to turn it into a pile of ash Nemir decided to take a chance. "Vis, avoid the flames. Go for close combat on its already weakened head." "Hopefully this works. We really need to stop those quakes." "Tell me about it, you aren't the one weak to them." Vis thought back before leaping onto the steelixs back whilst trying to bring a flurry of blows down on its head.

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Thoron debated running ahead into the tunnel for a moment, but took the reality that the Steelix could still collapse the tunnel or worse, and that it had to be dealt with quickly. Rusgon realizing that the Steelix was blinded didn't bother to keep up the illusion for a blind pokemon. Thoron still defensively stood near Pine just in case. The Gigawatt used flamethrower and Thoron decided that quickly dishing out as much damage as possible and ko'ing the pokemon was probably the best tactic now. "Rusgon flamethrower." Rusgon looked back obviously thinking ​'Is this even necessary' and Thoron replied "We couldn't leave someone having a mental breakdown." Thoron replied to Rusgon's glare. A stream of fire spewed from the Zoroark's mouth aimed at the Steelix, but unfortunately (and again) Rusgon's cloak caught fire, and the pokemon rushed to get the burning fabric off of him. Thoron sighed and replied "I really should have seen that coming at this point." and Rusgon replied with an apologetic gaze.

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Tunnel Crew

Taking both flamethrowers and Vis' Close Combat, the Steelix finally blacked out. It's huge body stood still for a second, and then fell... Backwards, blocking most of the tunnel ahead of them - there was space for one person at a time to pass, if they climbed it's head.

They were too late, however. The cave floor kept falling down, growing weaker with each passing second, and it was clear that there was not enough time for all of them to get past that little opening...

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{Tunnel Group}

"DAMN!!" Nemir yelled as the tunnel was nearly blocked. He began thinking of options as fast as he could while dodging the rocks falling from the ceiling. Then he realized what it was that he was trying to get into. "Tunnel....tunnels...digging...That's it!." "Vis dig! Try to make us a way around it!" he said as Vis began digging a decent sized tunnel underneath the steelix . He called out to the others about it before muttering "Well...now or never...." and then jumped in behind the lucario.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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"Guys, wait! Don't forget about Pine!" Miki shrieked as she pulled on Pine. "Come on! We have to go! Your friend wouldn't want to see you dead yet!" When she saw the tunnel collapsing around her, Miki looked frantically for her Jolteon. "Raito, Agility and connect us to Vis' hole with your own Dig!"

The Jolteon immediately sped past the others that were combating the Steelix and quickly began to dig for Miki and the others nearby to hop in. Whether this tunnel was quickly made due to the Agility or his fear, Miki was not sure. However, she did see Raito poke his dusty head out in Nemir's hole shortly after she gave the orders. The girl then began pushing Pine to hopefully get him to move. 'Wait, his Skarmory could help.' "Hey, Skarmory! Is there a way to snap him out of it?" she asked the metal bird nearby.

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{Flux and Commander}

Flux returned the heavy ball to his coat as the Crobat's trainer stepped out from the trees. He recognized the man from earlier, back at the base, though he did not recall his name.

"Have you seen any of the others?"

Flux shook his head.

"I was with Fria until a short while ago. We were looking for the others, but unknowingly walked into a group of around 20 acolytes approaching the cabin back there. She ran off to distract them, despite my protests. I was told that she would meet me here."

He shrugged. "I'm confident that she'll make it. She's a strong woman, and she knows these parts better than anyone else." He stopped. "And what about you? I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm Professor Flux, though you can simply call me by my name. Titles get weary after a time."

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"Move!" Seth yelled to everyone as he rushed behind Nemir and Vis. "Giga, try to keep the place lit with a Flash" Gigawatt blew out its Fire Punch and generated a light from its twin tails. It was brighter than the Fire Punch, but it wouldn't last more than a few minutes. If they were to get out of here alive they'd have to do it now.

"Now, help Raito and Vis with Dig!" Gigawatt started breaking more of the rock away to help the two others with the side tunnel. He'd hoped it'd be enough. He looked back at Miki trying to help Pine up, and she asked if there was anything the guy's Skarmory could help. "Have it carry Pine and get him over here as quickly as possible. It's gonna have to drag him if it has no other choice. We cannot lose anyone, not here!"

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As the cave began to collapse Thoron gave a concerned look in Pine's direction and saw that Miki was pushing pine and decided that he lingered too long in the cave and was about to take off running behind Nemir, but then stopped dead in his tracks to the horrible realization that he was about to remake the biggest mistake of his life... "Will..." Thoron muttered under his breath and ran back to help rescue Pine. Miki was struggling to try to save Pine but to no avail yet, and Miki and Seth both asked the Skarmory for help in aiding him Thoron quickly said "There is no time, Rusgon grab him. If his Skarmory is smart it will follow." Rusgon replied and picked up Pine.Thoron also added to Miki, Seth, and the Skarmory, "Lets get out of here, we have lingered too long." and followed Rusgon into the tunnel dug by Vis, hoping for the best...


I got ninja'd there and had to edit a bit.

Edited by M_Cowher
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"Nappy,try and buy us some time and keep the rocks up there with Psychic"Nappy said as said Snorlax's latent psychic abilities where used to try and temporarily stop the ceiling from collapsing."Guys hurry up,Nappy can't hold this forever!"He shouted at the group

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"Maple, shelter us with frenzy plant," Alina said as she sidestepped a smaller rock. The serperior nodded in reply, and its tailed glowed. Moments later, huge, thorned vines slithered out of the cracks in the ground and formed a "tent" over the group, shielding them from the largest rocks.

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Jory wordlessly grabbed Carissa's hands and began pulling her away from the entrance to the city, remembering each turn he had them take along the way until they reached a narrow alley. He then stopped and looked around, making sure they were alone. "Now that we're in the city we have to be careful who we talk about the mission around. Anyone who overhears us could report us to the Conclaves." He then thought for a moment, recalling the look on Adam's face as he had left them with the Acolytes. "I never gave Adam enough credit. He's a brave one if a bit stubborn. He's a valuable member of the team, and today he earned my respect." He then focused on the matter at hand. "First order of business is finding somewhere to stay. We're going to need to change clothes and begin gathering intel until we can rendezvous with the rest of the team." He then looked down and, realizing he was still holding Carissa's hand, turned redder than a shiny Gyarados and immediately let go.

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Skamory picked it's trainer up by his shoulders dragging him with the rest of the group. As the frenzy tent sheltered the group and muffled the sound Pine began to calm a little. "Wha... Whats happening?" As Pine glared at the crumpling floor. "Shit! Skarmory buy us some time! Stealth rock a bridge!"

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{Tunnel Group}

Vis ended his tunnel and popped up on the other side of the steelix with Nemir following close behind. They could see the walls of the temple not so distantly ahead of them. "Good job buddy. I'll make a special batch of pokefood after the gym for this." Then he turned and noticed Giga and Raito had helped as well. "Don't worry. You'll get some too. Now you should probably go find your trainers, huh? We'll wait here and keep count." he said to the pokemon. Then he slumped against the wall and waited.

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{Tunnel Crew}

"T-Thanks, you two." Miki responded before she ran for the tunnel that Raito and Giga had made for her. Luckily, Maple's Frenzy Plant and and Nappy's Psychic shielded her from the biggest rocks, allowing the girl to run down the side tunnel safely. Once she reached the first entrance (underneath the Steelix), Miki peeked out at the edge to see if the others are coming.


Raito gave a happy yelp before he darted back inside to find his human. He was a lot agile than when he first entered the tunnel, as his eyesight has finally adjusted to the dim lighting that the tunnel provided. The Eeveelution finally poked his head out once he found the other entrance, glancing at Miki as he awaited her next command.

Miki turned when she saw a yellow flash out of the corner of her eye. She smiled once she saw that it was her partner. "Good boy, Raito. Now, what I want you to do is to break any stray boulders that happen to get by that Frenzy Plant and Psychic. Then, we could run back and join up with Nemir. Got it?" She saw her Jolteon give a confident cry before he turned his attention to the ceiling, releasing a Shadow Ball or two once he saw a huge rock about to fall on top of them.

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Rusgon was startled with suprise when the Skarmory ripped Pine out of his hands and rushed on ahead of him and looked to Thoron with a look that said 'Well less work for me' "I'm sure that you would do the same for me, and I for your partner."and with that both of them finally rushed into the tunnel leaving the ruins behind.

Edited by M_Cowher
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{Carissa and Jory}

Carissa couldn't help but blush like a Cherubi when Jory dragged her around the city. She flew behind him like a rag doll, her feet barely making footprints as they barely touched the ground. Her hair ties had fallen out and by the time they stopped, Carissa's hair was completely down and was incredibly windswept. She listened to Jory's plan, trying desperately not to blush worse than she already was. "B-but how are we going to get someone to just take us into their home? Sounds a bit farfetched to me." She paused and looked into Jory's face. "And why are you blushing to much?"

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