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Pokémon: Aftermath #3a - In the Thin Ice [IC]


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Adams eyes widened in surprise as a strangled scream of shock lodged in his throat. What the everloving fuck? Is she really Candice, why the fuck is she here and why are we trying to storm the conclave if she's on our side? "I have too many questions right now. Get to explaining" He demanded amongst the others startled reactions.

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Startled out of his thoughts to the point of drawing his sword, Nemir said "....You. I should've known you didn't really give in. Mandarb always believed in you..." Then he smiled. "So how did you keep them convinced for so long? It couldn't have been easy."

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Flux stood silently as Fria revealed herself to in fact be Candice, the city's leader herself. He hadn't expected this, and he was already inwardly kicking himself for not being more observant. It explained how she was able to escape from the acolytes so easily, as well as how she had gotten them into the city. It seemed that most of the group trusted her despite this fact, but Flux remained cautious. Despite his earlier friendliness towards Fria, this was Candice, the Gym Leader of Snowpoint and likely the head of its conclave as well. It was not safe to assume that she was their ally simply because she led them into the city. It would be an open area for battle here, and they would be vastly outnumbered. He stood silently, waiting to see what Candice had to say for herself.

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Like the others around her, Miki stared at Fria, now revealed to be the Candace, in total shock. Most of the group surrounding Candace had already voiced most of Miki's concerns so she shyly just asked one more thing before she fell silent. "Miss C-Candace... Umm... Does that mean that you told Regice to find us b-back at the temple?"

Miki's Jolteon, however, was jumping up and down happily. This was such a pleasant surprise to the Eeveelution, having a gym leader being on their side and all.

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"Wait does that mean we don't have to fight for the city? cause if thats the case if you could just let me back into the ruins that would be grade A" Pine says with a quizzical look "... That's not the case is it... You need us for something here, don't you? Pine settled into a small depression. Hopefully whatever it would be wouldn't take forever.

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Thoron was relatively surprised by the revelation that Fria was Candice but as always not much emotion passed visibly outside of his hood. Candice was almost instantly bombarded with questions from half of the party, so Thoron thought it best to let Candice explain the situation on her own, but felt the need to ask one small thing. "Candice, do you have somewhere that we could go to explain all of this, because at this point it is pretty apparent that you don't intend to kill all of us, or at least I hope not."

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Jory stood still, unfazed by the development. Like Lucas said, I suppose. Not all the Leaders have become slaves to Dawn's will. Although I'm a bit confused as to how she's gotten away with it thus far. The young veteran looked her up and down, sizing up the Ice-type expert as more than a few questions began to race through his mind. However, seeing as everyone else had already begun to play Grand Inquisitor he decided to stay quiet for the time being. He looked to Carissa and smiled lightly, taking her hand. "At least we're not fighting another Gardenia. That woman was insane and powerful. Hopefully that won't be the case this time," he said quietly.

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Candice tried to hold a laugh - with little success - as she saw everyone's surprised faces. "Hehehe,surpriiise guys!~ Anyway, I realize that I have a lot to explain, but I'll try to make it short and sweet. Despite how it may look, we actually don't have that much time to spend." The leader extended her arm and raised her index finger to ask everyone for attention - more of a theatrical move than anything, as it would be hard for anyone to have more focus than her in that situation.

"First let's clear something that some of you might have gotten wrong: I've always been against Dawn's rule. The thing is, I first met her when she was just a kid and even then she managed beat me nicely. I actually know her, and I can tell you that girl is not just a psycho who managed to catch a legendary, she is really an amazing battler. I think you can imagine why when she appeared around here with freaking Arceus I realized any resistance would end up in a bloddy massacre for me and the whole city." She sticked her tongue out of her mouth making a disgusted face. "So, I chose to play along for some time until I could contact the other leaders to take her down. I managed to convince everybody in Snowpoint to not fight her, accepted her proposal for the new regimen and that seemed to be enough. However, it soon became clear to me that my first plan was out of question. Gardenia and many others were really on her side and it would be pointless to just go all alone against them and die for nothing. The only thing that can take care of Dawn is a group of really strong and determined trainers, something that we lacked... Until now that is."

At that she smiled towards them and raised her middle finger, making the number two. "Now, as for the little facade that I pulled back there in the forest: I'm reeeeally sorry, but I had to get to know you guys. I had to see what kind of people I'd be backing up, or it could end up being Team Galactic all over again. Luckily, except for some slight slips, you are a nice team. Just try being more cautious about breaking people's bones and blinding wild pokémon ok? Oh, and yeah, after we got separated I sent Regi and some of my pokémon to look for you and try to help you out."

Now, following the order, it was a three that she made with her fingers. "And last of all... Nope, that doesn't mean I'm just handing you the city for free." Candice grinned again, playfully. "If I did that, Dawn probably would simply say you played outside the rules and would intervene herself. The only reason you guys still have Eterna is because you beat her in her own game, and thus she respects your win. Well, that means you'll have to honestly best me too, but if you couldn't I woudn't be very confortable with you as allies anyway. Are you OK with that?"

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Jory looked to Carissa, then stepped forward and nodded to Candice. "Fair enough. After all, we defeated Gardenia as a team. We'll do the same here and show Dawn that we're a force to be reckoned with. And as for you," he added. "Thank you for not giving in like the other leaders did. It boggles my mind that the simple promise of power was enough to send the other leaders into a craze like she was. By the time we brought her down she had planned to kill every one of us who had gotten in her way. And it's good to see that not everyone is so weak-minded."

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Carissa's confident attitude dropped so quickly at the mention of breaking bones. Her arms fell limp and her cocked hip straightened. She then shot Candice a look of regret for speaking up. "I-I'm sorry Candice. I was far too harsh. I was just scared and concerned." Carissa sighed, stepping forward feebly. "I'll be gentler from now on, but that doesn't mean my strength will fall with it."

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Nemir slid the sword back into its scabbard and listened. "Hmm....Team Galactic..." he had heard stories about the team and their leader, Cyrus. He had tried to create a world free of emotion and spirit. Nemir often wondered how close Dawns world came to that, since the spirit has been beaten out of so many and the only emotion left in the common people is fear. Shaking those negative thoughts from his head, he said "Vis and I never got the chance to battle you back when I lived with Mandarb.....So I guess now is our chance." then turned towards the other Dusk members. "With help from the team, of course." As he finished Vis cut in. "What about the conclave? Is it with you.....or her?"

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"Huh,well there's a first for everything i suppose."Micheal muttered as he turned around."But there remains the question,Gardenia was the second gym leader back in the days before dawn...that means she was relatively low on the food chain so to speak.You were the seventh,second only to Volkner ....i suppose if you werent on our side you would be far harder than most of the other gym leaders and you still might be."He said out loud as he went into his bag and got a bottle of water out and glugged its insides out.

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Adam still wasn't too sure what to think, but there was one thing in Adams mind that niggled at him. "So, you won't be trying to outright kill all of our pokemon..." He asked in a very small voice, glancing at Lockhart who continued keeping an eye on the group and their area.

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Seth still wasn't sure what to say. He was grateful and all, but the whole situation just threw him for a major loop. Candice seemed like she was really on their side, but they still couldn't be too careful. He decided he'd just give her a nod in agreement and not say anything else. He'd might wind up regretting talking, because he wasn't too sure what would come out if he did.

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First Candice smile grew bigger at Jory's remark, as if she was flattered by it. Then she turned to face Carissa.

"You should apologize to the girl - Claire, was it? - after she recovers, not to me. I know sometimes we need to be harsh, but I always make a point of trying my best to avoid hurting anybody. When you reach a certain level, it is really hard not to. Don't worry though, you look like you learned your lesson."

The leader then turned a little more serious to adress the other questions. "I won't hold back against you guys, but that doesn't mean I will try to kill everybody. It's been quite a little time since I had a proper, pure pokémon battle and I am looking forward to do it like it was on the old times. Also note that the Gym hierarchy was something designed for teaching back in the time, to make challenges progressively harder for new trainers. No leader is any weaker than the others if they decide to go all out."

"And as for the Conclave... Well, that's the reason we don't have much time to waste. The Mother here is not that nice at all - actually, she always acted like she was suspicious of me for some reason. If word gets to her of what happened in the woods when you guys bumped in the acolytes, it will mean trouble to everyone. They're vulnerable now since most of the acolytes are still on patrol duty so... That said, I suggest that some of you head for the Conclave and the rest come with me to the Gym."

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Carissa stepped forward unfazed. "I know I can't be much help against you Candice, so therefore, I will go to the conclave instead. Maybe then I'll get a chance to apologize for everything I did to Claire."

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"...So there are others as well," responded Drake. He had remained silent up until now. "This world is not kind to people like us wishing to change it. It's a relief that a few other cities haven't fallen victim to this corrupted world. I'll be heading over to the conclave with whoever else wishes to go. I may have overheard certain rumors about what happened in Eterna, but I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen again. I just have one quick question. What happens to the mother and gym leaders who are defeated by us? Seeing how Dawn rules with an iron fist, I have a hard time believing they walk freely from this."

In truth, Drake wasn't sure whether or not to trust Candice, but he decided to follow the group. He had been backstabbed again and again by people who claimed to hate Dawn and be against her rule. Even he started to feel conflicted which side to side on shortly before joining Team Dusk.

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Adam was unsure about what he could do. If he went to the gym, he wasn't sure he could fight Candice very well, not with the type and supposed skill disadvantage, if the rumours he'd heard were true, but at the same time he wasn't sure he could go and potentially kill the enemies waiting at the conclave. He ad known what was expected of him right off the bat, but facing it now... Adam tried not to let this internal struggle show on his face, but he remained silent, looking to the others to see what they thought.

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As the only one whose partner was capable of healing others without items Nemir was conflicted about where to go. Then he realized that Vis was also one of the only ones of their group to have a type advantage over ice, let alone two of them. "Vis and I will help take on the gym. However....if any of you are injured, find a way to contact us immediately." he said. Then he added "And.....avoid killing if you don't have to. Your first priority should be yourselves, but if you can save anyone...the offer of healing extends to them as well." He wasn't sure why that thought had come to him, but he knew that it was right.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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Jory looked to Carissa and then to the others. With the assortment of Pokemon the rest of the group had, he knew they wouldn't have too much trouble in terms of type matchup against Candice. And so, he made a decision. "I'll go to the Conclaves. Candice, as much as I'd love to test my skill against you, a Normal-type like my Zangoose has invaluable versatility when we don't know what the Conclave Mother is going to throw at us. Plus, I'm not sure how my buddy's gonna stack up against that Medicham my parents used to tell me so much about," he said with a sly grin. He then moved back to Carissa, looking to her for validation of his choice.

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"So you're with us, then..." Flux mumbled. He looked up at Candice, his usual carefree grin appearing on his face.

"Looks like I'll be seeing you in the gym then, m'lady." He gave a short bow. "You ran off on me in the woods, despite my protests to your 'distraction' idea." He shrugged. "I guess I'll have to personally show you that I can hold my own in battle."

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{Main group}

Thoron spent a moment contemplating where he would be the most useful and decided that Rusgon's special ability would be most useful there. "I'll head to the gym as well, and I feel the need to add that we probably don't want to spread our forces unevenly." Thoron and Rusgon took off after Nemir, because he had no idea where to go in the first place. Thoron's long swift strides caused him to soon catch up with Nemir.
{Thoron and Nemir}

"I really don't know what to expect, Candice seems to be a very competent trainer, but with her ice typing she would seem vulnerable at a first glance, but as experienced as she is she probably has a few tricks to deal with these weaknesses, any thoughts?

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{Thoron and Nemir}

Nemir turned as he heard Thorons remark. "Yes....some types do look weak at first glance. However we must remember that there are strategies to every type...and mastering them is what can make or break a team. She is obviously capable, so I would expect multiple things. Hail, icy floors, icicles hanging from the ceiling....anything to do with ice really. Many ice types are dual types as well....so we must expect pretty much any kind of move to be launched at us. Ice is also closely related to water.....so even if we have fire on our side, it might not do as much as we expect."

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