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Pokémon: Aftermath #3a - In the Thin Ice [IC]


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"Telepathy? That is an interesting trait, not many pokemon have it." Probably some sort of hidden ability Thoron thought to himself the pair seem to have the best intentions but so do many, but he seems trustworthy enough, he then also added "I came to Sinnoh a few years ago to look for Rusgon's homeland that was taken from him many years ago. I never really felt attached to my... home... if you could even call it that." he said, and Rusgon growled an agreement. I heard of the events that had taken place here and we decided to crawl out of hiding and do something about this... tyranny." he said not fully wanting to reveal all of his intentions.

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"Talking about the cold, maybe we should get going ourselves? The others appear to be leaving to find warmer clothing... And I do need something other than sneakers..." Miki suggested to the group. She could see the other newcomers beginning to walk towards the door, leaving them behind in their mist.

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Let's just say I'm not a fan of the cold and leave it there. I'm sure you feel similarly.

"One hundred percent hate it, in fact." Alina replied. "Well actually, cold's pretty tolerable for me, I just dislike it because Maple hates it and Ive got quite a disadvantage on ice, type-wise and terrain-wise." She looked down at her bare legs as they headed out. "Eh, should we go and dig for some winter clothes before everyone snags the good ones?"

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"Well, I am all set but yes we should get the rest of you something suitable. The snow up in Snowpoint is deep so dressing warmly is a bit of an understatement. You need to make sure no snow gets in your boots and aren't wearing something that loses all ability to retain heat when it gets wet. You don't know how itchy these wool pants are." He said, adjusting his glasses again. Lupus knew a bit about survival, the outside world had always intrigued him as a boy, though he didn't go out much. He was more interested in machines and technology and preferred to stay in. You tend to read a lot of stuff when you stay in though to just past the time. "Anyway, after all of you." He said, smiling. These people, they were alright, and if Miki considered them friends, they had to be good people.

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Flux smiled at Lupus, giving a short wave as he walked by.

"Nice meeting you!" He called out cheerily. He could be heard singing softly as he walked into the next room, ready to get changed.

"...Oh, how I do love the snow~!"

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"Vis and I have been able to communicate through our thoughts for a long time now. He can do it with others, but apparently the human mind can't connect with other humans that way, as I've failed to do so after much testing." Nemir said, and for the thousandth time wondered why that was. "We were only here to see the region, and to train more. Unfortunately we were at the wrong place at the wrong time when Dawn took over, and we haven't been able to leave. In the meantime she's committed many....atrocities to us and the people of the region." There were more personal reasons of course but he decided not to talk about those now.

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"Hmph, so We're not the only people trying to leave this god forsaken region (Literally). Thoron replied. "We left Hoenn a some years back trying to find where Rusgon originally came from, though I later found out that that would be the Unova region, it didn't really matter because of how high the security of the region is, and i'm not risking death for a chance at leaving." Rusgon used his illusionary powers to disguise himself as a Lucario as show of skill to the other pokemon. Seeing this Thoron replied "Rusgon always likes to show of his skill because he spent so much time perfecting it..." Thoron abruptly ended sensing that he almost gave way a well guarded secret...

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Miki gestured for her hyper Jolteon to follow them to the clothing room. She smiled as Flux began to sing before she went over to the female's clothing and picked out some thick pants and a pair of blue boots. "Maybe I should get a jacket too, if Lupus said it will be really really cold..." she said quietly as she searched around for a suitable coat. "Too bad Sunyshore never gets snow there, so I don't even know what to expect. All I know is that it's the frozen form of rain, it's white, and fun to play in." 'Too bad we can't play anymore...' She finally found herself a waterproof jacket before she went into a women's bathroom to change.

Raito, meanwhile, was just observing the scene as the members of Team Dusk hastened back and forth between the piles of clothes to find their right size and style. He went into a corner and stretched himself out on the floor, waiting for his human and her fellow companions. He thought he might get some relaxation in before heading out into this snow. Despite his attempt to make himself invisible, however, he is still visible to the naked eye, since yellow is the most visible color in the color spectrum.

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Sarcus nodded at Lupus and hurried his way to the clothing storage room. He found some long underwear to put on underneath his pants, and a pair of snow pants to put over them. He also scored a pair of boots that smelled a bit. . . unusual . . . but felt like they were well-worn and sturdy. Like most of the clothing there, all articles were black. For his upper half, he found a warm-looking turtleneck that he could probably squeeze into with a little effort and a pair of gloves. He already owned a pair, but they were fairly thin; while he owned his own winter clothing, it wasn't suited to extended periods outside of shelter, especially with the weather around Snowpoint. A white coat that was slightly too large nearly completed the ensemble, though it was trimmed with fur. Though it was almost certainly fake, it still made him uncomfortable, but warmth was warmth. He topped the outfit off with a bright red scarf wrapped around the lower part of his face. The upper part would be protected by his hood and his fairly thick hair. Idly, he wondered if either of his parents had ever made the trek up to Snowpoint. Not that it mattered now, for a number of reasons. Shaking his head to throw off his wandering thoughts, he headed back to his room to change and pack.

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Eterna City - East Exit

One by one, all the Unit Sylveon members arrived on the meeting place to find Lucas, along with Silver, waiting for them. Both trainers had Pokémon of their own out: an Gallade and an Alakazam, respectively, both seeming extremely strong.

"Good to see everyone here in time." Lucas said. "We've just received word from Fria saying there's a snow storm on the way, so we don't have the time to walk through Mt. Coronet to meet her. Instead, Gallade and Silver's Alakazam will Teleport you to the north exit of the mountain, and from there you follow Fria. Don't worry, she is already there so you won't have trouble finding her." Silver then stepped forth, looking straight at everyone's eyes. "Generally I'd ask if you have questions, but this time I'll let Fria handle this. Now group up, you got to help the pokémon's work a little too." Once everybody was near each other, he signaled to Alakazam and Gallade affirmatively. "Good luck" was the last thing the trainers heard as a purple flash blinded them.


Route 217

The group landed in the middle of a thick forest. Although the trees blocked all the sky over them, the floor was completely covered with snow and they found themselves up to their shins in it. All was already getting dark in there, with only a faint red glow coming from the setting sun somewhere beyond the trees which borrowed a menacing atmosphere to the place. Laying lazily against a tree, a short woman wrapped in heavy ski clothes waited for them, glasses, trecking sticks and all.

"Hey you guys! You must be Unit S right? My name is Fria and I will be your guide to the beautiful route 217 to Snowpoint City! Who is hyped for a good walk?" With that rather cheerfull greeting, she turned and started walking north, gesturing for everyone to follow her. "I know, it is a shame we need to do this at night, the landscape is much more beautiful with the sun shining... But if we want to sneak past those pesky acolytes there are not many options available, sooo keep your eyes and ears open and never lose sight of me right?"

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Sarcus exchanged a glance with Absolution before following Fria. He trudged through the snow, trying to walk as lightly on the snow as possible and having mixed success while his Dark-type partner looked on with what appeared to be faint amusement. The Absol walked softly behind him, leaving only dainty-looking footprints behind as he walked on top of the snow.

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Jory sighed as nodded to Fria, then signaled to Shredder to follow. His goggles bobbed against his chest as they hung freely from his neck, an identical pair in an inside pocket of his jacket for Shredder to wear when it began to snow. His feet crunched softly through the snow as he trudged through it, the Zangoose doing his best to follow in his Trainer's footsteps to avoid having to blaze the trail himself.

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Miki couldn't help but admire this flaky substance as she followed behind Fria to their intended destination. This was the first time she and her partner has ever saw, much less touch, snow! Her giddiness, however, was quickly extinguished as the cold began to settle in. Miki quickly put up her hood to try and keep herself warm. 'Maybe I should have gotten a pair of gloves too...' she thought as she put her hands into her jacket. 'Well, can't cry over spilled milk now... Talking about that, I haven't drank good Moomoo milk for years...' Random thoughts continued to circle in her head as she trudged through the snow; she didn't appear to be annoyed at the wet flakes that are hindering her walking speed at all.

Raito, being a light Pokemon as is, was frolicking around silently by Miki's side. He was surprised to find out how cold it was when he took a bite of it. The Jolteon immediately spat out the cold water to avoid a brain freeze; it was one thing to play in it and another to try and eat it.

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Pine covers he mouth with his scarf. So this is what snow felt like... He didn't like it. Although it being the dead of night he thought it might be best to get a look at what is there for them. "I'm sending my Skarmory to scout are you all okay with that?" Pine has only just released it from it's pokeball and snow had already begun to pile on it.

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Carissa felt herself up and down after being teleported. Legs? Check. Arms? Check. Head? Check. Feet? Check. She had never been manually teleported by a pokemon before, and was astonished by how it turned out. Teleporting requires either A.) The transfer of all cells in the human, their clothing, and any and all other components of the person from one place to another, reorganized perfectly in the order of which they were originally in, or B.) The destruction and reconstruction of the human or object in the the perfect order. How they manage to do it still boggles my mind. She snapped out of her thought, realizing her sudden body check was probably unusual and peculiar. She regained her cool and composed posture, crossing her arms and pushing one boot to the trunk of the tree, letting the bottom of it slide against the tree, feeling the rough surface and snow filling the creases. She stared coldly, no pun intended, at Fria as she explained their current situation with a disgustingly chipper attitude. We're about to seize a city and you act like we're little kids seeing a pokemon center for the first time.

She slowly moved along behind mostly everyone, digging her feet in and out of the deep snow as she trudged along. She gave a look of disgust upon seeing a sudden yellow patch of snow. She sidestepped, and saw as a little Piplup hurried deeper into the forest. Damn thing probably made that mess. Watch where you piss next time! Carissa shook her fist inside her head.

She looked up and stared blankly at the girl with the joyous little Jolteon. She quickened her pace to catch up to her. Upon getting what Carissa deemed close enough, she tapped the girl on the shoulder. "Are people always this joyous over trudging through snow, or...? My apologies, I guess I'm just a little upset that this terrain isn't convenient for Lila, my Milotic." Carissa stared down at the snow again. "My name is Carissa, by the way." Carissa pulled at the blue tear jewel attached to the silver chain around her neck, as if asking for guidance on how to approach the girl in a better manner, even though she had already ruined it in her own mind.

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Drake didn't say anything on the subject and followed close behind Fria. Even though he was dressed quite heavily, he felt a small chill on the small part of his face he left exposed. He was not used to the weather and he could feel it. However, he did not complain as this was what he signed up for. Unlike most of the other trainers, Drake's Pokemon still remained in it's Poke Ball. His Pokemon was not made to move around like this, especially if a blizzard were to come.

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Jory looked over his shoulder and shook his head, disturbed that Miki had forgotten to bring gloves. Did she think we were vacationing in Pacifidlog Town or something? he wondered, amazed that someone could be going to Snowpoint City and not dress warmly. He once again sighed heavily and reached into an inner pocket of his coat, taking out a heavy pair of mittens. So much for Shredder's pair, he thought to himself. He'll be fine with his fur. He does love mittens, though. The Trainer stopped and waited for the girls to catch up, then held the mittens out to Miki. "I brought these for Shredder, but he'll be fine without them. Next time make sure you come prepared," he said sternly. Shredder appeared to glare at Miki, but in actuality was looking angrily at the mittens. Jory noticed this and flicked him on the ear, causing him to snap out of it and rub his head. "Don't scare the girl just because she got your mittens. I know you like how they feel, but her not getting frostbite is more important."

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Adam trudged along with the group, occasionally cursing as he stumbled along. In his mind, he was whining and bitching far more than necessary, but in reality he was mostly silent, too cold to muster the energy to whine. He saw the girl with milotic, who seemed to be struggling, approach a girl with one hell of a jolteon. He heard the girl introduce herself and snapped a little. "Hey, wasn't the whole point of our break before the mission to introduce ourselves, and you wait till now to do that? How daft can you be?"

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After the team had been teleported, Seth started falling forward. He managed to call out Gigawatt just in time to catch him with his fuzzy arm before he fell face first in the snow.

"Phew, thanks man, good save." he said in appreciation. Giga responded with a happy cry. Seth would've liked to stay on his buddy's hand, as it was warmer than the snow... but he righted himself and recalled Giga.

"Sorry, bud. Can't have you out the whole time. Acolytes are probably all around here, they'd spot you in a second. Maybe when night's in full swing, 'kay?" Giga responded from his ball with a slight crackle of static.

Seth followed the group onto the path, keeping a cautious eye on his surroundings, just in case something might go bump sooner rather than later.

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Miki accepted the mittens gratefully, giving a quiet "thank you" as she put them on her hands. They really big on her, since they are fitted for a Zangoose's claws, but she isn't going to complain. Sensing Jory and Carrisa's confusion on her cheery (or foolish) behavior with snow, Miki addressed the two of them in one go.

"S-Sorry that I was a bother, but my partner and I... Haven't seen or been in snow before. I didn't know it would get t-this cold. We lived in Sunyshore, so it's always warm there..." She then turned her full attention to the female beside them. "And... Nice t-to meet you, Carrisa. I'm Miki and that is Raito."

Instead of his usual, happy greeting, Raito was too absorbed into the flurries to notice the new people beside him.

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"Nice to meet you as well, Miki." Carissa held her hand out to Raito. "And you as well, Raito." As she was withdrawing her hand, a voice spoke out to her.

"Hey, wasn't the whole point of our break before the mission to introduce ourselves, and you wait till now to do that? How daft can you be?"

Carissa sunk into her coat at the boy's sudden hostility. She spoke quieter than usual, almost a whisper. "I-I-I just didn't want to introduce myself to such a large group." She bowed to the man. "M-my apologies, sir." She then turned back to Miki and slipped her hood over her head, trying to hide from Adam..

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Adam gave Carissa a scathing look before shaking his head and marching onward. If that's the intelligence level we have here, we're completely and utterly fucked.

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Jory shook his head, glaring at Adam. "I don't get what crawled up his ass, but don't worry. There were a ton of people in that room and Adam only introduced himself to two or three before huffing and puffing and going on his merry way." He then looked toward Carissa. "I don't believe we've been introduced. Jory," he said, offering his hand.

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A glimmer lit up inside Carissa's eyes as Jory introduced herself to her. At least this one isn't going to chastise me for just talking. I guess he's worthy of being a friend. Carissa turned her head and gave a glare and a joking protrusion of the tongue to Adam before shaking Jory's hand. "Pleasure to meet you Jory, I'm Carissa. Thank you for being kinder to me than... him." Carissa rolled her eyes to the side, as if attempting to point to Adam behind her. "As long as someone isn't being rude to me, I'd be willing to call them not only an ally, but a friend." Carissa crossed her arms in an attempt to warm them. "Just how far away are we from Snowpoint anyway?"

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