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dragon types


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of the two dragon types ive found so far, noibat and its evolved form noivern and tryunt and its evolved form which should i have in my party, both are level 58, which shoud i have in my party? haveing two dragon types in your party is a little redundant.

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noiverns stats are as follows attack 98 defense 119 special attack 141 special defense 117 speed 186, its move set is shadow ball air slash bite and dragon pulse

tryantrums stats are as follows health 156 attack 144 defense 135 special attack 108 special defense 88 and speed 90 its move set is dragon tail dragon claw head smash and crunch

my team with the empty slot for either noivern or tyrantrum is empoleon level 58 metalhead (aggron) level 58 poofball (slurpuff) level 57 emboar level 58 and spiritom level 56

Edited by sgthank
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Majority of them seem like they would be physical attackers (assuming this) , so I would go with Noivern personally. Try to get rid of Bite though and replace it with Boomburst (which can be relearned with a Heart Scale at the Move Relearner).

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There is a decent amount of Dragon types in the game so far like Druddigon, Altaria, Flygon, and Kingdra. Remember to check out the Obtainable Pokemon if you ever need to see if a pokemon you want is implemented and the Pokemon Location Guide V2 / Reborn EV Training Guide if you need help looking for it and the encounter rate/time for it.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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I suppose Empoleon is good enough for you, so Kingdra is redundant. So are Flygon & Druddigon if you use Tyrantum. Try to check your IVs on both pokemon before you decide. With your current team composition, I'd say Noivern is best suited. However, if you have time, you can always train the others and use them in rotation.

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You can have a decent mixed attacker Flygon with Earth Power (and EQ if you want it) with a couple of other coverage moves as well. You'll probably want to give it an Earth Plate for that though. It really isn't the best set, but it saves a ton of time if you don't want to deal with breeding EQ onto Trapinch or waiting until level 55 or so to get it through level up.

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