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Reborn Server Usernames

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So as you all know, the Reborn community has moved on from Pokemon Online which had served well for a couple of years. We're now on Showdown and there are some changes to be sure. One of which requires us to have unique names from any others on Pokemon Showdown as opposed to a unique name for the server as we had before. The purpose of this thread is to compile a list of who is who on the server and make an easy access list for someone to look up and see who they are speaking to. The more people who have put their name here, the less confusion there will be about identity. Showdown makes it much more difficult to impersonate someone else and you can assume you are talking to the correct person.

Please post your Forum Name, followed by your Pokemon Showdown Registered name as well as your status if you have one (Voiced (+), Driver (%), Moderator (@), Leader (&)). The list will be sorted by rank over time. No ones name will be on here without specifying in this thread, or via PM to me.

User List:

@Amethyst - ~AmethystBlack
@Ikaru - ~Ikaru Kazuna
- &Blιnd gυardιan
@Godot - &Godojira
@Kaito - &Shuuichi
@Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyo - @Captain Kyoyo
- @Dark Desire
@Maelstrom - @Gift Of Death
- @Jerichø
- @Meteor Ace Hilda
@Eternal Edge - %EternalEdge
- %Hukuna
- %King Murdoc
@Kiozo - %Kiozo
@Sheep - %Mystic Sheep
- %Swimming95
- %Tacos&Flowers
@Vinny - %Vinny PR

- +ChubbThePig

@Mikzal - +Mikzal
@Reignited'Light - +DestructiveSkitty <--> [and many alts]

- +RBRN Azery
- +Umbreeown
@Yash - +yashasgupta
@AuthorReborn - AuthorReborn

- Shadow Tack

@Eterna - Nitemair

- Mumpelfink

@Noivy - Noivy57

- DashingStorm

@SHIA - Shia Laboof

- Sinikuro

(Will add more)


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