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Move for Welrein


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With Abomasnow coming in the next Episode, a Hail team could be possibly made.

If you want to use it on a Hail Team, make sure it has Ice Body and you can have its moveset as Rest (Learns at Level 31) , Sleep Talk (Available as a TM), Surf (Available as a HM), and Blizzard (Even though weather-based team have taken a hit). If you care for certain natures and EVs, a Bold/Calm nature can be used depending if you want it to be physically or specially defensive and EVs 248 HP 8 Def 252 SpD for a Special Defensive Walrein and 232 HP 168 Def 108 Spe for a more Physically Defensive Walrein.

If you're not interested in creating a Hail Team, then I would suggest Surf, Ice Beam (Only available in Pre-Episode 12 episodes) , Signal Beam (Available in current episodes), and I suppose Toxic/Swagger/Substitute (Toxic available with breeding in Pre-Episode 12 episodes, Swagger learnt at Level 32, and Substitute available as a TM).

Personally, Walrein in-game moveset seems lacking to other Ice Types in the game, but its nice to see someone using something different. Let me know if you need any more in-detailed explanation.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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Thanks Derpy I don't know about that hail team because my 2 strongest pokemon are fire Charizard and Pyroar But I was thinking of getting a frolass at one point but give me more detail on that hail team because it my help later in game thanks

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Hm, well pretty much all you need for a Hail Team is just the setup (Abomasnow in this case) and other mons that have abilities that go well in the Hail/have Ice types (ex: Frolass w/ Snow Cloak and Walrein w/ Ice Body).

The mons are currently implemented that have abilties that benefit in the Hail/can be fine in it would be the Seel line, Snorunt Line, Swinub line, Spheal line, Vanillite Line, Cubchoo line, Smoochum line, Delibird, Amura line, and Bergmite line. You can still have other Pokemon types in your team, but it seems annoying for your own team members to be losing health

Anyways, I would recommend Abomasnow, Mamoswine, Bergmite, Walrein, Aurorus, and perhaps Frosslass/Glalie.

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Hm, well pretty much all you need for a Hail Team is just the setup (Abomasnow in this case) and other mons that have abilities that go well in the Hail/have Ice types (ex: Frolass w/ Snow Cloak and Walrein w/ Ice Body).

The mons are currently implemented that have abilties that benefit in the Hail/can be fine in it would be the Seel line, Snorunt Line, Swinub line, Spheal line, Vanillite Line, Cubchoo line, Smoochum line, Delibird, Amura line, and Bergmite line. You can still have other Pokemon types in your team, but it seems annoying for your own team members to be losing health

Anyways, I would recommend Abomasnow, Mamoswine, Bergmite, Walrein, Aurorus, and perhaps Frosslass/Glalie.

Don't forget Glaceon ;)

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True, never really used that ability that much.

It could make some for some really nice team compositions. Mons with Magic Guard would do really well also.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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Welrein should be able to catch some fire types on the switch in, so that's not a huge concern. Another threat to Ice is the ever present Fighting, so you might want to throw on Alakzam (Magic Guard) or Reuniclus (Magic Guard, although it also gets Overcoat and Regenerator) although probably Alakzam because you've already got a bulky as heck pokemon in Welrein.

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@authorReborn I just start trainning alakzam at level 40 right know but don't have that ability and I'm running low on those shard because of the pokes on 7th street event Yea But I was on planning on using it once I get some more shards. I love Gothiatelle and Gardavoir and Gallade but Aklazam speed is threatening and attack

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