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Oke, here i have some tips i realised after playing some hours at the game:

1. Buy as many Oran barries as you can, and go to route1, talk to the Miltanks near the Building at the left and make Moomoo Milk. It restores 100hp. As far as i know its the best healing medicine.

2. Warning: this might occur some problems,and i wanna discuss it with someone before you guys use it.
So, i went to the Grand Hall, and changed the date to a previous one.That way i could fight with the trainers inside the Hall again.
For example if i started playing Poke Reborn at 5/12/14 , i changed the date to 4/12/14 etc . I managed to fight with the trainers a couple of times.not many though.

Sideffects: i am not sure if this is the cause, but my Repels/Super Repels doesnt work anymore..or at least not all the time..

3.About Ev training, i will speak as an example because my english arent very good:
This may be some sort of spoil, though you eventually find out at the early stages of the game. So you decide if you wanna read it.
Lets say you wanna Ev train a pokemon at Sp.Attack and Speed. Since its difficult to find a place to ev train on sp.attack, you can do this instead.
Go to Underground Railnet, the Woobats give you Speed stat.something you need. Now put the item that gives you 4points at Sp.attack. Max your Sp.Attack that way. Then give your pokemon the item that gives you 4stat at Speed. Max Speed too. Done.!
My point is that you dont really need a place for Sp.attack(or sp.def/hp) training which is more difficult to find.
Places that i call easy are:
Underground Railnet for Speed

Onyx Ward Rooftop for Attack
Caves for Defense.
Use them to Ev train at Hp,Sp.Def.Sp.Att. with the items from Department Store.

Thats all for now, if i discover any other usefull tip i am gonna post it:)
Tell me your ideas.

Edited by Chris211
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About your second one.

I used it too, to train my mons. I was putting +1 day. No side effects. The only thing is that, when you turn your day back to normal, and the next day you play, you try to battle them, you will not be able. This happen until the day you have beat them. And for every day there are specific trainers.

Also about your repel. Maybe it isn't a side effect. If you use a repel and your first pokemon is lower leveled than the wild, then you will encounter wild pokemon. Just be sure when you use a repel to have in your first spot at your party a high level pokemon.

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Yes i noticed that you can fight them once per day, so if you fight for the next 5 days, then u have to wait 5 real days :D
So better fight at your real date, and if you miss a day because you are in a far away city, you can just adjust the date to the one you missed :)
Does this level thing affect repel? its the first time i am hearing that.i am gonna try tonight and check it.
That thing with the Moomoo milks though came so handy!! <3 <3

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I think it does affect it. Well it affects on the hand-held games, so I think it happens in Reborn too.

Also if you want one tip about the repel.

Go to one route of your choise, make a little bit of research to see what is the higher level you can encounter there. Once you did that, place a mon in your first slot with a level minus from the highest wild pokemon level, and activate a repel. You will only encounter the highest level pokemon of that route this way. Its pretty handy if you are grinding.

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Woa i have been playing pokemon since first gene and i just realise that :D
Well i guess that is because in the original roms pokemon on the wild have very low levels, and since you usually train less than 6 pokemon, your pokemon are likely to be more leveled than those from the wild.
So i tested it right now and it is as you guys said :) I will Edit my first post, about the repel thing.

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