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battles versus gym leaders and important trainers


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When you battle important trainers like a gym leader, would you rather switch between your Pokémon or sweep them outright with one Pokémon? I recently picked up a smeargle for stat boosting purposes but something doesn't feel right with demolishing a gym leader with one Pokémon. I picked Pokémon reborn for the difficulty but does setting up a tyrantrum/blaziken sweep with smaergle seem too easy.

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In pokemon hacks and fan games in general I tend to avoid using stat boosting moves. It's not like I feel they are unfair, it's just that I don't have fun setting up and sweeping the entire team right away. Altho I can't resist using them when they're paired up with abilities such as Simple and Contrary (Leaf Storm, Draco Meteor and blbalba in this case lol).

Oh talking about abilities, I dislike using Moxie too.

Edited by Firebane
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I like strategies. Various ones, and adapting to the gym leader's team. The options for my team's rotation really helps with that, since every pokemon has its own unique flare to bring.

Tho, I tend to stay about 5 lvs under the leaders for reasons.

Edited by Myst
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I don't really do much setting up in fan games. Personally. Nuzzle emolga with double team for dire situations and baton pass speed boost scolipede is as far as ive gone in Reborn. (Swords dance gallade can count, but it dies before it can set it up most of the time so eh.)

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I always try to use fun, different, and unique Pokemon but sometimes it just doesn't work out well so I default back to a tried and true strat. Example: In my second Reborn run, I wanted to try killing Florinia's team off with my Roselia and Electrike, for a bit of extra challenge. Both kept dying to Sand tomb, so I said screw it and I trained up Kricketune and obliterated her with the obvious Focus Energy/Fury Cutter Combo.

Edit: Although, now that I think about it, I have had this strategy work for me before, specifically on Aya, where I swept her with Shashed Shedinja.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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The fact that this game is supposed to be difficult makes me even more proud and happy when I can sweep a gym leader or important trainer with one pokemon. It makes me feel good to find a huge weakness for a trainer when it seemed like there wasn't any. :D

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I work with type effective mostly but I use strategy too when is needed. That means tha I switch most of the times but for example I swept Charlotte mostly with my Tyrantrum

Edited by Qaaz
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Well, I have a big roster of possible team-members, which makes it a bit easier for me. I try to weaken one of the weaker pokemon of this team by cutting down its attack or burning it, then cue the swords dance/calm mind and sweep. If that´s not a possibility, I use the field effects against the leader, because sometimes this is more effective and more fun than simply using the weakness, especially if said field effect strengthens the attack which gets bonus from STAB. If that doesnt´work, I´ll just throw everything I have - Except items, I don´t use them in a battle. That´s how I normally win.

Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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Actually it's more about what is more suitable in each case. When facing Samson, I had a lot of switching around to do, because I couldn't sweep him, either with Durant or Blaziken. In the case of Noel, I burned his first pokemon and then did some bulk up + speed boost and swept. When facing Solaris, I had to train Cofagrigus to endure one of his attacks , curse him, and then do some switch around and prediction as to when to throw my Toxic from Skuntank or reduce his accuracy from Seismitoad. For Luna I did a lot of switching, just to get a good STAB or generally supereffective move against her because I just fought crazybughairguy before and didn't go to change the team.

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I usually try going for an "honorable" win with only my main six, hax free, no cheesing. If I see a chance to get a sweep, I'll do it just for funz, but then I'll reset and do it "for real". Just like how I used Psych Up to copy Serra's Cloyster's Shell Smash with Gengar after setting T.Spikes to deal with Avalugg's Sturdy on my semi-mono, I did it only for the heck of it, but I went for a "proper" win afterwards.

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I'll usually switch around and let multiple Pokemon participate, since I like keeping my team's levels even. But sometimes, one Pokemon is just suited for a Gym in particular, so that ends up hogging most of the glory. Since I'm a bit unsure on how I'd do if I switched it out, that is.

There are few Gyms where I can find that one Pokemon can sweep an entire Gym, though. Perhaps that's for the best~

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I guess sweeping a boss can feel too easy. In most cases you would expect to have to use your resources to outlast them. The thing about pokemon is your opponents can sweep you too very easily if you're not prepared for the sword dance, nasty plot, bulk up/ calm mind. You have the same kinds of moves and options as your opponents except usually they're of a weaker variety until you've reached a certain point in the game of gaining the equivalent of that same gym leader. If you compare sweeping bosses in any pokemon game to some rpg's like Breath of Fire or Final Fantasy, it might seem too easy because your victory comes very soon. If not then you'll probably look at it more like chess where the difficulty in this case depends on how your base stats, the field and type compare to your opponent much like the placement of your chess pieces to the placement of your opponents pieces.

I haven't tried the sweeping starter torchic yet so my sweeps have been very rare. (Probably because I'm too busy trying not to get swept in the first place. Samurott get your act together! :angry: )

You know my thoughts aren't all together right now so I'll just say yep I prefer having to switch even if it's just a little bit. Sweeping isn't entirely bad unless I can easily do it to almost every boss with the same pokemon, with the same moveset, with the same turn order, that's when things get out of hand. Although I don't think there's a pokemon game where all three of these are lumped together. That doesn't include Gyrados in Reborn from past episodes since you eventually had to get rid of dragon rage and then there's also Sigmund with his electric types...

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I like a challenge, even if it is self-imposed. Reborn is a thousand times for difficult than any other pokemon game, but you can only do so much within the framework of pokemon games. Until we get to a point where the fights are stacked against you (like having 10 pokemon, or hacked stats), there is a limit.

I set arbitrary limitations on myself so the game remains challenging. For example, I don't allow myself to have more than 3 useful (not HM slaves) on my team at any time. Originally I was only going to use the same 3 pokemon, but I finally hit a brick wall in the form of Rhadomus and had to sub out a pokemon (I did not have this problem on my second playthrough though). I also don't allow myself to use "overpowered" pokemon (although one of my first save does have speed boost Blaziken on it), and I only use "cheap" tactics in fights that are literally impossible without them (Garchomp is the only time I've had to resort to this). Basically, I'm trying to make the game as challenging as I can without making it impossible.

As satisfying as it can be to easily sweep through a game many people have trouble with, it's much more satisfying to sweep through a game many people have trouble with while intentionally crippling yourself.

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It depends on the leader... I've only swept Charlotte and Samson. With the others, I had to parafusion all the time. So, let's say, that I generally have a though time with the leaders (and I don't dislike that!), and therefore I have to use strategies that slowly (but surely) take them down.

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The only time I went out of my way to abuse setup was with my Gallade against Noel; and to be honest, it was my only option when it came to getting past that damn Cinccino. Granted, my Gyarados does have Moxie, but there isn't a time (that stands out) where I went out of my way to boost it for sweeping purposes

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For what concerns me, circumstances matter significantly. After getting beaten roughly 20 times by Dr. Connal in the Yureyu Building, I acquired a Trapinch and spent the better part of a Saturday to level it up at the needed level.

After having invested the proper amount of time in grinding/obtaining the pokèmon, I felt SO rewarded when my Flygon destroyed his electric pokémon, which were previously destroying my team.

So sweeping is fine to me, as long as I have put effort into finding and raising the sweeper pokèmon.

(I must admit, this game is the Dark Souls of Pokémon. And I LOVE IT.)

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As shameful as it is, I can't do setups. Why? Because ever since I started pokemon (back in fire red) I've always chosen moves that do damage over stat boosts. I'm honestly surprised I've made it this far after reading some of the strategies people have used on Reborn's gyms. The amount of times I had to throw myself at Charlotte because I turn my back to rain dance. (also the fact that I didn't have any decent rock or ground types didn't help either.) It's kinda fun seeing how far a little strategy, a lot of brute force and a ton of luck can take me.

If I can somehow sweep I totally will, but as it stands that's not an option. After so many years Hit 'Em has become a principle set in stone.

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