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Criticisms and Suggestions Welcome. (OU Team)


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I brought this team up in the Showdown lobby recently, so I thought I would make a topic here so I wouldn't keep blocking up the chat with my bullshit.

Rather naively, I started off building my team based around 1 Pokemon. Anybody who read my introductory topic could probably guess this one in a heartbeat; I based my team predominantly around Scizor. The idea here was to allow Scizor to set up by removing major threats to it, then switch out and sweep. Not a very good idea but I had something at the very least. After covering Scizor itself, I then (badly) branched out into covering the weaknesses of the rest of the team. To be honest I initially thought I had everything covered, but upon looking through again 2 days later I am starting to see some problems. Still, wouldn't hurt to have some second opinions.

I know it is probably very bad practice but I am a very new player when it comes to actually building a serious team.


skarmory.gif@ Leftovers

Ability: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Bold Nature

- Roost

- Whirlwind

- Spikes

- Brave Bird

Skarmory, rather predictably, is my lead. In this team Skarmory's main role is to get the layers of Spikes out and then die. Hopefully not die, but that is how these things tend to work out. Whirlwind is a scouting and interruption move, though it has the nice benefit of synergy with hazard damage. Spikes is the token Hazard move, though Stealth Rock is present on Terrakion as well. Having two hazard setters probably wasn't my smartest move. Brave Bird, after an unlucky encounter with a Sableye, was added to stop Skarmory being bait for Taunt, and making sure that all of my team had at least some way of dealing semi-reliable damage.

heatran.gif@ Choice Scarf

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD

Timid Nature

IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SpA

- Eruption

- Fire Blast

- Earth Power

- Protect

Heatran was added to mainly accommodate for Scizor's 4x Fire weakness, to switch in on a Fire type and *hopefully* nail it with a ground coverage move. Eruption is meant to be only used if I manage to get a shot in while Heatran is still at high health, though I know that this is probably a move that shouldn't be sticking around due to its unreliability. As of Jericho's comment I am considering adding in HP Ice to add a little more versatility in the moveset. In retrospect, Eruption and Choice scarf probably wasn't a good idea anyway. To be honest I had most likely crippled it with a choice scarf, but it is the moveset that is the problem.


Swagsire (195) @ Leftovers

Ability: Unaware

Shiny: Yes

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Lax Nature

- Scald

- Earthquake

- Recover

- Toxic

In retrospect, I have realised that this team has 2 pokemon added mainly to accommodate for the 4x Fire Weakness present in Scizor. Quagsire is mainly present to tank hits, acting as a more defensive check than Heatran. Quagsire would also be able to safely switch in on boosted opponents such due to Unaware such as Dragon Dance Charizard X and then hit back with Scald and Earthquake. It has Toxic to assist with walls though I am considering switching to running Encore to potentially give Scizor some free setup time. In theory. Recover is for survivability... Not much more the say there...


Williams (645) @ Life Orb

Ability: Sheer Force

EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

- Earth Power

- Psychic

- Focus Blast

- Knock Off

Landorus is my main fighting type check, as when I was last on the Showdown server that was something brought up quite regularly. After most of my team was crushed by a Swords Dance Breloom using Mach Punch constantly, adding in Landorus was basically a given. Being a Special Attacker, it would also help to clear up some of the more physical walls which Scizor would hit and crumple like a tin can against a mountain with. Psychic is to be used against attackers such as the aforementioned Breloom of Death or any similar Fighting types that may put a kink in my plans. Earth Power seems to be a recurring move in my team, and more ground moves are probably not necessary in the team.


Porthos (639) @ Focus Sash

Ability: Justified

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Close Combat

- Stone Edge

- Earthquake

Terrakion's primary role was to come in and take down those pesky Steel or Electric types who would resist Bullet Punch and be hit neutrally by Knock Off, assisting in clearing the path. It would also take any opportunity to lay down that ever-useful Stealth Rock, if possible. Close Combat is a heavy damage move which is very nice against the Rock or Steel types that Scizor may struggle to take down. Earthquake works off of a similar vibe, but with the bonus of being able to take down Electric types.


Blade (212) @ Scizorite

Ability: Light Metal

EVs: 248 HP / 84 Atk / 176 SpD

- Swords Dance

- Roost

- Bullet Punch

- Knock Off

As stated earlier, Scizor was the main focus of this team. Once the types that Scizor would have major issue with were down, the plan was to bring in Scizor late-game and get one, two if possible Swords Dances off before sweeping like mad. In hindsight having a baton passer would probably make this leagues easier...

Here is my current OU team. Yes, I know it is probably crap but I'm new to this.

My own interpretation goes down the line of needing more versatility but I am not really sure what to remove or add. Also, I think making a team based around Scizor probably wasn't my brighest idea...

Again, my analysis of the type coverage makes me feel I might want something other than Terrakion in that space, It adds a weakness to Water and Fighting, bringing my totals up to 2 ater Weaknesses and 3 Fighting weaknesses. Replacing this with something resistant to Water would ensure that at least one Pokemon on my team was resistant to each type... except Fairy. Is there anything that resists both Fairy and Water... Yes! Venusaur? Maybe... Could be a potentially better Mega to use than Scizor, I could give that a Life Orb...

Feel free to give feedback but please make it constructive. I'm trying to get better at team building here... and trying to make a team to whoop my brother's sorry ass every now and again.

Edited by Damashii
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I'll go ahead and be that guy.

Rules state that posting the importable is not enough. You also need to provide in-depth descriptions of what each Pokemon does, and state your strategy in general. Please refer to this topic for more details. Also, we actually have a device on Reborn for easy RMT creation, you might want to check that out...

Also, you should have probably posted this in the RMT sub-section...


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Sorry for the late replies, guys. I posted this then forgot I posted it...

I'll go ahead and be that guy.

Rules state that posting the importable is not enough. You also need to provide in-depth descriptions of what each Pokemon does, and state your strategy in general. Please refer to this topic for more details. Also, we actually have a device on Reborn for easy RMT creation, you might want to check that out...

Also, you should have probably posted this in the RMT sub-section...


By all means, be that guy.

If I'm doing something wrong please tell me, though I did notice on the Reborn RMT tool it didn't like the pokemon images very much, it just generated incomplete links.

And I also didn't notice the RMT sub-section. My heartiest thanks for that one.

Try to edit your post to enter the descriptions. Then a mod will transfer this to the appropriate place. At a glimpse, I am worried about your water resistance and coverage. We'll discuss the moves later.

I am too...

You have a very narrow range of coverage. 4 Pokemon with Ground moves? Heatran with multiple Fire Moves? Were you running HP Ice on it before?

1) Yeah, bit of an issue there. I didn't notice that during the inital building process.

2/3) Heatran is a clusterfuck, I'll admit that readily. And no, but I should. Imma make a list of all of the things that are wrong currently and then just work my way down it, hopefully not punching too many holes in what works, if anything.

Edited by Damashii
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Ok here's what I came up with. I changed your EVs quite a bit because I think you are going for a more bulky offensive team and you were trying to cover up the gaps by putting them around your mons. I tried to keep Quagsire and Landorus, but it seemed that there were better options that suit your playstyle better and provide much better coverage. Tell me if you like those changes. I haven't tested the team yet, but on paper it seems decent

Skarmory @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Roost
- Defog
- Stealth Rock
- Brave Bird
Ok this one is almost the same. I didn't think much about the EVs, but it seems that they fit Skarmory's only role: to be a physical wall that can take several attacks and set up hazards. I changed spikes for SR, because it saves time and does extra damage to those fire, flying, ice, bug types that you might come against. Defog to get rid of other's spikes and rocks, and roost to abuse your high defenses and sturdy. Physical attackers will think twice before hitting you with that helmet, and you force the switches you want.
Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 180 HP / 88 SpA / 240 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Earth Power
- Dragon Pulse
Main special wall. Its bulk makes sure you stay safe as long as you don't get hit by a quake or a CC. I didn't give you air balloon, because you already have 3 pokemon immune to ground attacks, as long as mold breaker isn't there. Standard set with lava plume, earth power and dragon pulse for coverage, while toxic is there to stop wall faceoffs.
Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 180 HP / 216 Def / 112 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk
Modest Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Pain Split
A personal favorite. It took Swagsire's spot and filled in for the problems you had. Don't worry, I kept the Grass weakness :P . This is a standard physical bulky Rotom set, weak only to Grass and mold breaker Ground. WoW helps cripple physical attackers, while Pain Split gives you some kind of recovery, although unreliable. The other moves, H-Pump and Vold Switch are for coverage. Volt switch also guarantees that you keep your momentum, and if you combine it with Scizor's u-turn, you have a fearful strategy.
Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 148 SpD / 108 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Ice Beam
- Trick
Got Landorus's spot. The aggressive Lati bro is fearful. Good coverage and changed the all Ground strategy with one that utilizes probably the most powerful special move on the game, psyshock, ice beam for coverage, and trick (because I am a fan of trick) which might prove to save you in the end.
Terrakion @ Focus Sash
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- X-Scissor
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
I left that guy as he was. I just swapped SR for X-scizor for a bit of coverage.
Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 208 HP / 216 Atk / 84 Def
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
Since you now have two guys that can take care of your special problems and are both resistant to the fire that hurts Scizor, I made it more physically bulky. SD guarantees a 700 Atk stat and Technitian boosts your BP even more (1050). But even without 1 SD, it gets thee at 425 which is not bad at all. When predicting a switch, just do a u-turn to go to your Rotom, or anything that's more suitable to take or give hits, and you're set.

footnote: I made this team to match the style I'd be playing. If you don't like it or want to make changes, feel free to do so. Scizor is a lovely pokemon and you most probably are going to beat your brother tons of times.
Edited by nickcrash
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Quagsire was almost a "fuck it, I like Quagsire so why not" decision.

Too bad Quagsire isn't all that great in competitive play. Mega Quagsire now plz Nintendo.

Landorus also wasn't too important to me anyway, it was just suggested to me by other people so I thought it could help to replace the Tyranitar I had beforehand.

I've never been too fond of Rotom as a whole, but I can really see the usefulness here and it plugs that water leak quite nicely. I'll see if I can't find anything else to do a similar job but generally this a favourable choice over Quagsire.

Latias is a great addition though, I love me some Psychic types.

As for my brother he seems adamant for some reason that a Poliwhirl will be present in any team he makes. Even with my rather soluble previous team I kept kicking his ass.

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