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Why is my title a street fighter reference, when I suck at fighting games? Why's the next thing you see a JoJo reference when I don't even watch/read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? It's understandable that you have these questions. However you'll have to wait for they will be answered in Season 2

For now a bit about me. Please, just call me Damian. I started playing Reborn at episode 11 an- Then why do you have episode 10? Why do you ask so many questions? Anyway I lost that save- how? I saved in a 'next time: on reborn' preview alright! And started again with a better team naturally since it was the second play through. And so Team Knightmare was born to steal the Reborn region from Team Meteor. We specialize in fighting and dark types and we also have members in Aqua Gang (water tribe~)

But enough about me, let's talk about me. I like games and... Actually that's pretty much it. Games, music, art (drawn or painted, not too into sculptures or architecture) and (dark) stories but you've never willingly read a full book Why do you know so much about me? I also like anime and manga. I read more manga cuz it's often more content and less time consuming. And I'm a bit of a writer but like everything else I do it's nothing serious. Hopefully this post goes flawlessly you know it won't *Knightmare Leader Damian would like to battle*

- give yourself a nice, in-your-face title!

- focus heavily on the content of your thread! Give us something right away so we want to keep reading, so we want to know more! Keep us on our toes so you can get some nice friends.

- not be shy! Even if you're a timid person in real life and you either can't help doing it online or want to do it so people know you are rather shy, try to avoid it so we can tell what you're trying to say, how you're saying it and how we should respond to it!

- be positive! Don't be a pessimist in your welcome post, because if you are it seems like you're only giving it half your effort and here at Reborn, we want everyone to be happy and welcomed into the community, but that means giving it your all to make it seem like you want to be apart of the community! Give us a big smile and we'll give you an even bigger one.

title... yeah, that should be fine.

content... Just wait for season 2!

shy... I-I'm never s-shy!

positive... As long as you all fall for the facade, then yeah, I'm hella positive.

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Hello, Damian. Welcome aboard!

Few things:

  • Read the stickied forums here in the Great Hall and our Community Rules found in your right-hand menu on this site.
  • If you have questions, feel free to ask them by creating a thread, stopping by our showdown server (also on the right hand menu), or asking GM's and other members.
  • If you are into roleplaying, be sure to speak to Hukuna or King Murdoc.
  • If your interested in competitive battling be sure to check out the Hall of Champions for some of our theme tours and events. Showdown is our medium for battles.
  • Have fun!

Also, I'm pretty decent at fighters.

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Hows it going Damian? You're certainly quite amusing, that's for sure. Pretty sure I'm the worst at fighting games in the history of..... forever? ;)

As Minerva said, since you like writing and art, roleplaying very well may be your thing so check out the forum for it.

I may not be a Global Mod, but I'm more than willing to try to help you with any issues you might have. Welcome to Reborn!

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Thanks for the welcome. And I may check roleplaying eventually, in fact I have Hakuna's how to rp bookmarked. I should be okay for the most part since I've been lurking around these forums for a while. My biggest fear is that I may some day double post and face public execution. One day I'll master forums...and fighting games. But not today~

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Greetings nice person who thinks they are being constantly followed not that you aren't

We wholeheartedly welcome wonderful weebo wannabes, who wonder whether we want wizards' wisdom. We wage wars willy-nilly while wanting well-brewd whiskey. Wheeze & whoop wild wolf, when wilderness wrinkles, when worlds won't work.

Welcome!! :D

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i still think im the worst at fighting games , street fighter i litterally pressed all the buttons hoping something would happen ... anyways welcome im the random insane guy in the forums ... have fun dun do anything i wouldnt do :0

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You know, I wasn't expecting this to become a collection of fighting game scrubs but I'm kinda glad it did. And hello Hyperkiller, Lost-silver and evil twin I mean Gamien. You're even east-side like me... Admit it, you're the voice in my head!

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My biggest fear is that I may some day double post and face public execution.

Finally someone who understands appropriate punishment. If only I could get the other staff members to see it this way...

Nah, welcome to the forums, I'm happy to help you remember the rules with anything you might have for me.

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Oh jeez

Also this seems like the place for me to finally learn how to use spoilers?

t1 please work

'my text here'



'Your text here'

t3 (thanks sheep)

crosses fingers

t4 (this is getting sad)

crosses fingers again

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Oh jeez

Also this seems like the place for me to finally learn how to use spoilers?

t1 please work

'my text here'



'Your text here'

t3 (thanks sheep)

crosses fingers

This and many other things, you can find answers to at the Forum FAQ

Q: How do I put something inside of a spoiler?
[spoiler]'Your text here'[/spoiler]
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Wait... why did it work when you quoted me but not in my reply? And i read that before I made my intro, that's how I got this far. I... am so confused. I think I'll just avoid a need to use spoilers

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