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Reborn XIV: //outlier.corruption


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Abilities of my Team got changed to really worse OMG -.-

And btw 70% of all my pokemon caught have changed their abilities including all my shinies..

So, i am continuing with ep13.. thank u anyway

At least give us some kind of TMS or something to change abilities.. i got at least solid 40 pokemon thus need to change their abilities.. Yep, i'm training all of them!

Actually it is, pokemon with 3 abilities currently do not have access to the 3rd without the use of ability capsules. This has already been fixed by Blind Guardian for the 14.1 patch.

To clarify, this does not mean that abilities will magically go back to how they were previously, all it meant was that newly obtained pokemon at this point would never have their 3rd ability. Espurr, for example, when obtained would never be found with Own Tempo, you had to use an ability capsule to get it.

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To clarify, this does not mean that abilities will magically go back to how they were previously, all it meant was that newly obtained pokemon at this point would never have their 3rd ability. Espurr, for example, when obtained would never be found with Own Tempo, you had to use an ability capsule to get it.

Wait. That means we won't get pokemon with HA at all without the ability capsules? That means Cain was lying and nothing magical is happening. :o

Don't take them away. We can only get limited number of shards as a currency.

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To clarify, this does not mean that abilities will magically go back to how they were previously, all it meant was that newly obtained pokemon at this point would never have their 3rd ability. Espurr, for example, when obtained would never be found with Own Tempo, you had to use an ability capsule to get it.

... actually, it can mean that, seeing as they could go back to whatever the original ability was barring capsule use ...


Wait. That means we won't get pokemon with HA at all without the ability capsules? That means Cain was lying and nothing magical is happening. :o

Don't take them away. We can only get limited number of shards as a currency.

Technically the number of shards is unlimited due to them being available for purchase in Agate...

But either way, the HAs aren't going to just go away, so don't worry about that.

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Wait. That means we won't get pokemon with HA at all without the ability capsules? That means Cain was lying and nothing magical is happening. :o

Don't take them away. We can only get limited number of shards as a currency.

... actually, it can mean that, seeing as they could go back to whatever the original ability was barring capsule use ...


Technically the number of shards is unlimited due to them being available for purchase in Agate...

But either way, the HAs aren't going to just go away, so don't worry about that.

Blind Guardian, in short that means, that 14.1 fix will fix the ability swap in ep14, making these the same as it were in ep13? Dat would be awesome if yes :) Btw, thanks for your hard work into this situation, it's much appreciated by me and i suppose many encountering this

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Ah... no I don't think that's what it means. It won't change the abilities that have already been changed, you've got to do that yourself. All what he's doing will do is make hidden abilities available outside of using ability capsules again. Not that that's a small feat or anything.

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Ah... no I don't think that's what it means. It won't change the abilities that have already been changed, you've got to do that yourself. All what he's doing will do is make hidden abilities available outside of using ability capsules again. Not that that's a small feat or anything.

In short, ability script has been changed from ep13 to ep14 and reversing the abilities it's upon us by using ability capsules?

This fix will only fix the lack of Hidden ability which isn't present in Ep14? I'm continuing my play with ep13, lets see if that fix fixes the ability swap for some of my main pokes..

Well, my Darmanitan had sheer force and it changed to a hidden ability, which is Zen Mode in EP14.. :o

Is this fix intended on catchable pokes rather than owning?

From what i understand, The abilities of owned pokes changed randomly from EP13 to EP14.

It has a bug which new catchable pokes (wild, npc,...) won't have the Hidden Ability triggered.

Sorry for asking so many questions, i'm relative new and my sense of curiosity is high :P And i'm also a perfectionist, thus why i need some answers in this matter :)

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Blind Guardian, in short that means, that 14.1 fix will fix the ability swap in ep14, making these the same as it were in ep13? Dat would be awesome if yes :) Btw, thanks for your hard work into this situation, it's much appreciated by me and i suppose many encountering this

Ah... no I don't think that's what it means. It won't change the abilities that have already been changed, you've got to do that yourself. All what he's doing will do is make hidden abilities available outside of using ability capsules again. Not that that's a small feat or anything.

So let's talk about abilities for a second.

In e13, when a Pokemon was created, it's ability ID could be 0, 1, or 2, because HAs were available in the wild.

In e14, the code was changed so that an ID of "2" was unavailable for a lot of these wild Pokemon, so some got changed to the ability represented by the IDs of 0 or 1. This meant some wild HAs would swap to be non-HAs.

I wasn't sure if I could fix it and offered the immediate solution of ability capsules, seeing as their availability is "effectively infinite." If you took this route, you have changed your Pokemon's internal ability ID, and whatever ability you have should be the one you've got. I know the e13 and earlier capsules were messy but I'm pretty sure the e14 capsules are a clean enough implementation that your changes should be preserved. (Keyword should.)

For e14.1 I have fixed the issue stopping 3 ability Pokemon from having their HA in the wild. I think (some) Pokemon's abilities will shift again, but I'm not 100% sure and haven't done extensive enough testing to find out. Pokemon who've had their ability changed with the capsules should stay as whatever they're at but I'm not 100% on that either.

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