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Spiler alert but i need help.....


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Blake, Mewtwo and Terra was easy for me

I was train a Darmanitan for Blake and with help of the rest of my Fire, Fighting, Steel and Tyrantrum's Head Smash was easy

Mewtwo was easy too. Didn't remember a lot except Metagross and Tyruntrum (he take half of his HP with a single Head Smash)

As for Terra I have already post on another thread how I beat her and that only Nidoking was somehow hard to beat

My levels: Darmanitan 73 and the rest of the team 75-76

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to beat mewtwo I used ampharos. discharge and signal beam really got the job done

Edit: What levels were you guys when you fought terra? I was mid to high 60's and got beat easily...

I've already warned you for this on a previous thread but I'm bulk reading at the moment so it wouldn't really be fair for me to give you a second point without you reflecting on the first one. With that in mind this is just a verbal warning not to double post.

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For what concerns Mewtwo, I used a L.55 Meowstic with Fake Out and Trick Room.

Soft reset until Meowstic survived an attack and used Trick Room. (I know, it's quite lame.)

Deploy Archeops. U-turn. Change to Flygon. Struggle Bug. Flygon dies, redploy Archeops. U-turn.

Mewtwo dies. However, it took me 20 times to figure this out.

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In the Glitch Battle field, the AI doesnt pick up on the fact that 'dark type' pokemon are no longer immune to psychic. Mewtwo only used Ice beam and Thunderbolt on my Scrafty, so it was quite an easy win with the new tm thief and some X items.

Dark type Pokemon are still immune to Psychic, it's Dark type moves that are affected.

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