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When can we excpet Shelly to name her Illumise after us?


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So in episode 14, if you purposely knock out Shelly's team, you'll notice that she has a thing for naming her Pokemon after her friends. First time you fought her, you saw Heather and Bugsy, but on Ametrine mountain, you have Anna the Venomoth, Noel the Vivillon, Cain the Scolopide, and an unnamed Illumise. Is that one reserved for us? If it is, I don't see why she hasn't already taken it to the name rater considering we were with her just as much as those other three people (not to mention we did 90% of the work). It's not impossible due to programming limitations to have an NPC Pokemon named after the player, is it?

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As much as i would like it to be so, i think that it makes more sense storywise for that illumise to be eventually named cal, seeing as to how they do have a shared history and stuff. Then again, an illumise wouldn't really fit Cal's persona, so maybe our hope lives on yet. Fink the illumise does have a nice ring to it as well B)

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As much as i would like it to be so, i think that it makes more sense storywise for that illumise to be eventually named cal, seeing as to how they do have a shared history and stuff. Then again, an illumise wouldn't really fit Cal's persona, so maybe our hope lives on yet. Fink the illumise does have a nice ring to it as well B)

Cal the Volcorna would be neat (and certainly helpful as a doubles partner).

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So in episode 14, if you purposely knock out Shelly's team, you'll notice that she has a thing for naming her Pokemon after her friends. First time you fought her, you saw Heather and Bugsy, but on Ametrine mountain, you have Anna the Venomoth, Noel the Vivillon, Cain the Scolopide, and an unnamed Illumise. Is that one reserved for us? If it is, I don't see why she hasn't already taken it to the name rater considering we were with her just as much as those other three people (not to mention we did 90% of the work). It's not impossible due to programming limitations to have an NPC Pokemon named after the player, is it?

I wouldn't say -impossible-, but an implementation made to do something like this sounds ... messy. I don't think Ame has this sort of thing in her plans and without that, coding something like that would have less priority over things like occasionally wonky AI and an unfinished battle system.

So to answer your titular question ... likely never.

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It's not impossible due to programming limitations to have an NPC Pokemon named after the player, is it?

Correct, so unfortunately she can't have a pokemon named after the player :c Otherwise she would

Perhaps Illumise is the herself maybe? It would be weird to name a Pokemon after yourself but Illumise is who she sees herself as

Also correct in tandem with Myst's addition.

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