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So am i the only one that tryed so hard not to kill that first shiny Porygon?It was after my rage quit (after i killed it) that i found out that they all are like that so can anyone give me a nice build for him with what is available in game right now after ep 14

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Trick Room's efficiency depends on your and the foe's team, but it's a generally great move to have unless you're packing 6 Crobats or are facing 6 Gigalith. Just keep in mind that Agility lasts as long as you are alive and that TR has -7 priority, so planning is need if you plan on making that a "parting gift" of sorts.

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You can evolve it all the way up to Porygon Z and make it a monstrous special attacker. Tri attack is an obvious choice, and dark pulse lets you hit ghosts for super effective damage and steel//rock for neutral. The other two move slots are up to you; you can run psychic/shadowball/agility/nastyplot/discharge whatever. Also, you can run hyper beam for the lulz (150 base power + adaptability + 135 base Special attack = death)

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What set you want to give your porygon depends very much on your preferred playstyle. personally, i prefer running nastyplot, dark pulse, tri attack and discharge along with download as i'm a sucker for setup mons. however, if you want to just plow through your opponents, maybe switch out nasty plot for signal beam/charge beam for their secondary effects, or give it recover if you prefer more sustain. Also, as mentioned above, adaptability hyperbeam porygon z= your very own low orbit ion cannon.

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