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[Spoilers!] Terror of Techno


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So, a summary of Terra. As a ground type specialist, her team revolves around a soft sandstorm core. Her lack of earthquake is a massive vulnerability, but it does not make her a pushover for unprepared challengers. Her stage, the gen 1 makeover, gives her pokemon rather large advantages that they wouldn't have before, such as the removal of Fairy types to check Garchomp.

To start, here's a recap on her stage and team (as I am writing this a full day after completing episode 14, I either can't remember her team's full move set, or was never shown a certain move because I defeated that Pokemon too quickly for it to reveal its full set. As such, please help remind me ^__^)



- Blizzard

- Flamethrower

- Amnesia (Thanks hahohehu!)

- Thunderbolt (Thanks Reiko!)


- Scald

- Blizzard (Thanks Jean mi!)

- Amnesia

- Recover (Thanks Rielly987!)


- Flamethrower

- Draco Meteor

- Bulldoze

- Stone Edge


- Stealth Rock

- Bulldoze?

- Yawn (Thanks Rielly987!)

- Stone Edge (Thanks Yakumo!)


- Psychic

- Bulldoze

- Reflect

- Explosion


- Stone Edge (in 14.0. Changed to Rock Slide as of 14.1. Thanks Ame!)

- Bulldoze

- X-Scissor (Thanks robin1!)

- Earthquake (Thanks TheBackwardsLegsMan!)

Team I used (blind playthrough team, no substitutions to counter her team): Swampert, Infernape, Venusaur, Manectric, Gardevoir, Staraptor.

Runs taken to defeat her: 3

Items used: 2 Ultra Potions, 3 MooMoo Milks [No revives/cotton candies used]

Onwards to the actual battle. Terra leads off with Nidoking. After it is defeated, she tends to switch into Claydol, set up Reflect, and then Explode. If not, she switches into Hippowdon to set up sand and Stealth Rocks if she can. She may also switch into Hippowdon on a prediction. On the free switch after either one does down, she goes into Garchomp. The Draco caught me off guard the first time I fought her, leading me to believe it was a special variant. That went down the drain when she OHKOd my 50% Swampert with a Stone Edge crit. She will also prioritize her hyper potions onto Garchomp. After Garchomp she can switch into any of her remaining pokemon. If you don't have a strong grass type for her Quagsire it can sweep you, due to its bulkiness and possibility of burning with Scald. Her Excadrill is a potent late game sweeper, especially if Terra's sandstorm is still up. I made the mistake of losing my Infernape early on my second run, leaving me no answer for Excadrill as it SE'd the rest of my team. Hippowdon is a pushover, although if I had given it the possibility of using more than one move it might have been a bigger threat.

All in all, Terra was a very strong adversary, on my first run I was caught offguard and didn't make it past Garchomp. Once I understood her patterns however, I was able to predict most of her moves and recovery times, giving me an opportunity to heal up as well.

Hope this helps for anyone having trouble :)

Also thanks to Blind Guardian for formatting help!

Edited by Seehan
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I've battled Terra with my main team - and surprisingly she was easier than Charlotte. She certainly wasn't a pushover, but I was expecting a lot more pain.

Her Nidoking was OHKOed by my Meowstic (Psychic OP), and her Excadrill was my Arcanine's bait. Greninja took care of Hippowodon and Florges managed to knock out Quagsire with one shot, and Claydol with two. Now, RAWRCHOMP on the other hand... was incredibly tough - probably because no one in my team had an Ice move - and it knocked half my team out.

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gHuh, I know this sounds really bad, but I was having a hard time with Quagsire to Garchomp(Nidoking was first, then quag, then chomp, then drill, then dol, then hippo.) I seat up one toxic spikes with my Drapion, I beat Nidoking with Krookodile with EQ....Switched to my level 59 Gourgeighst, leech seeded, got hit by blizzard, but survived, used sub, uses blizzard, sub dies, uses Confuse ray, quag gets hurt. I use Phantom force, uses blizzard. I used a ultra potion to with stand the last blizzard, Luckily I was at full health. Garchomp comes, I use Leech seed, he uses buldoze, I use sub, then CR then PH then spam potions to survive. But it died shortly after chomp. The rest i used surf from my Greninja.

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gHuh, I know this sounds really bad, but I was having a hard time with Quagsire to Garchomp(Nidoking was first, then quag, then chomp, then drill, then dol, then hippo.) I seat up one toxic spikes with my Drapion, I beat Nidoking with Krookodile with EQ....Switched to my level 59 Gourgeighst, leech seeded, got hit by blizzard, but survived, used sub, uses blizzard, sub dies, uses Confuse ray, quag gets hurt. I use Phantom force, uses blizzard. I used a ultra potion to with stand the last blizzard, Luckily I was at full health. Garchomp comes, I use Leech seed, he uses buldoze, I use sub, then CR then PH then spam potions to survive. But it died shortly after chomp. The rest i used surf from my Greninja.

Does quagsire have blizzard and not bulldoze? I may have made a mistake remembering haha

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As for my strategy I used my Darmanitan and take half of Nidoking's HP with Flare Blitz and Superpower when faint switch to Metagross and take care of the rest with Meteor Mash. Garchomp out and switch to Empoleon 2 Hydro Pumps and KO'd (he only use 1 Flamethrow), with Excadrill I switch again to Darmanitan that I was revive and KO'd it with 1 Flare Blitz, Hippo and Claydoll Empoleon and again Metagross and finnally Quagsire with Metagross

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I thought I wasn't gonna make it with her annoyingly speedy team. My only way out was to use Gothitelle's trick room to give my pokemon a fighting chance. Let's see Mienshao, Aurorus, Mantine, Golurk, Gothitelle, and Bellosom were on the team and...

I had to repeatedly use psychic from Gothitelle because for some reason Nidoking's special let it survive psychic too easily even with the boost of the terrain.

Garchomp was taken out easily by ice beam from Aurorus.

Excadrill was freakin OP and just kept one hit KO'ing everybody before I could touch it until the ideal trick room was in place for me to take it out.

Claydoll was being a just as bad as Excadrill by Ko'ing anyone who didn't resist psychic and it always went first. Well for me it did unless Mienshao was out.

Quagsire could't make a move since my Bellosom was faster and had well giga drain.

Hippowdon took the finishing blow from Bellosom so after Quagsire I was home free.

Overall, I think it's getting to a point where I won't be able to rotate my pokemon in and out of my team anymore. Her team was above the level limit and my highest leveled Pokemon was Mienshao at level 65. I thought I'd have to go all the way back to the PC just to bring back my Medicham at 68 but thank goodness for the tm trick room. That one move can let even some of the weakest Pokemon shine.

Inb4 Ame moves trick room to an even later portion of the game.

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Terra's Garchomp was a bit of trouble for me, as her terrain gets rid of the special/physical split so my Feraligatr couldn't really be used effectively due to it's moveset being turned into special attacks. Thankfully my Typhlosion (Eruption and HP Grass FTW), Gardevoir, and Honchkrow were able to combat the rest of her team. (I didn't bring Hitmonlee because I needed a Surf user, so I had a Mudkip on my team, which obviously did nothing)

Edited by Mighty Kamina
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Other than Terra's Garchomp, which ran through a couple of my guys, my Rain Dance (Miror B.) Ludicolo was able to outspeed the rest of her team and Surf them to death. Her Garchomp's moveset made it much more bearable to take out (when compared to Solaris' impossible dream crippling bastard Garchomp) as its special stat and continuously spammed Draco Meteor ran right into my Gallade and its oodles of special (Thank you glitch field).

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Excadrill's 4th move is Earthquake. She just killed my hopes and dreams with it.

I'm primarily losing because seemingly everything she hits me with is a crit. I would go back and change my team up, but unfortunately I didn't know there was a "no turning back" point, so now I'm stuck here until I beat her. If it's literally impossible with this team, I might have to resort to cheating to salvage my save game. That is an absolute last resort though.

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Totally forgot about the physical/special split... no wonder Gengar's shadow ball did nothing against the chomp (literally 5%).

Chomp wasn`t too bad, just setup 3 acid armours with Vaporeon and I thought I had a sweep... she sent out Excadrill next and crit me...

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Excaldrill has x scissor. I lead with espeon one hit nidoking then switch to air balloon clawitzer when she send out excal. Easily one shot it with surf I go back to espeon and use psychic on RAWRCHOMP doing about 30% hp, survive with focus band, switch to shedinja (mewtwo killer), heal espeon, use archeops finish RAWRCHOMP with flying gem acrobatic. Espeon sweep the rest of the game.

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