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Third Annual Reborn Nuzlocke. Episode 14-15 Edition


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Hello all. As some of you probably didn't know, I've been nuzlocking Reborn for a while now. I started my first reborn nuzlocke in episode 11 and lost to Radomus. My second nuzlocke was completed just today...until episode 15 comes out of course.

So I decided, since I'm 1 for 2 right now and I need to see the leaders new teams, wynaut try a third nuzlocke? I will stop this nuzlocke after Aya (if I make it that far) due to wanting to fight Serra's episode 15 team with my nuzlocke team. Plus it will be a nice intermission.

With this out of the way, I wanted to do something interesting by getting you guys involved. As such I will have you guys (The community) Vote on most of my decisions. When I say most, I mean my character's name, starter and event pokemon, etc.

So let's start the voting here. Who should I pick as my character? Vero, Alice, Kuro, Lucia, Ari or Decibel? Also, what should my starter be? Vote now. I'll stop the voting in 12 hours. So vote away.

Edit: Voting time has been extended to 24 Hours. Remember, you can vote for my character and the starter. See you all tomorrow.

Edit 2: There is only a little less than 3 hours to vote. Act now while you still can.

Edited by jman390
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So let's start the voting here. Who should I pick as my character? Vero, Alice, Kuro, Lucia, Ari or Decibel? Also, what should my starter be? Vote now. I'll stop the voting in 12 hours. So vote away.

Gave you a bit of a boost by adding a poll to the topic c:

Maybe if you extend the voting a bit you'll get better results from it this way?

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As someone who is monotype nuzzlocking, MUDKIP IS LORD!!! Any water type is ok with me though. I'm a water user. For the first gym though, mudkip is the most useful of all the water starters, in my opinion at least.

It's outshined by Greninja now. And with the 2nd gym being Florinia, Marshtomp gets wrecked by her.

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I'm liking Decibel's design. As for the starter, Fennekin needs more love. It's got great moves, high Speed (sorta) and SP.Attack, the invaluable Trick Room and it can sweep the first 2 gyms incredibly easily. Get 2-3 Howls, spam Flame Charge and it's GG.

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Alright. The nuzlocke has begun. Right off the bat we have Vero, our hero for this journey. His starter is Mozilla, the Fennekin. Mozilla got the Mild nature. Cain and Victoria were a breeze, as to be expected. I walked out into Opal Ward, and I believe this is where a fatal nuzlocke mistake can be made (well not fatal, but too me it's just a bad choice :P). Your first instinct would be to go to the grass and get your encounter. Why do that when you have the power of timing and there's a Gulpin on the Opal Bridge.

The first few fights on the bridge are easy. We get to our Gulpin and catch him. His name is Eating It Up (get it? cuz he's a stomach). We head over to Peridot Ward and fight a couple of trainers. Fennekin and Gulpin grew to level 10 and 9 respectively and Gulpin learned poison gas. A very useful move for something like Julia's Electrode or Aster and Eclipse Elekid+Magby battle. Forgot to mention this, but Gulpin got the docile nature.

Next time, I will be going under the bridge to catch a bat, and we will be getting a pokemon in Peridot. I will put a twist on this however. Along with getting a wild encounter in Peridot (the alleys) I will also let you guys vote on which event pokemon I get there. Your choices will be listed here on this thread. Stay tuned for more. You have 24 hours to vote. Yay.

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I'm voting Teddiursa. It won't do anything till it evolves, but a Quick Feet or Guts one will really put in work against Corey, same for a QF one with a Dark move (especially if you'll do breeding, but Faint Attack works too, I guess) against Shade.

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I apologize for not being here last night, as I was sleeping up for finals. Anyway, today I continued the nuzlocke journey and beat the trainer with the Rose Incense (I believe that's how you spell it). I went to go grab my new budew, but before I did I went and grabbed a Woobat from the underground railnet. I named it Heartless. I proceeded to enter one of the alleyways, but then I realized I could catch a water type with the old rod. I went to fight the guy who blocks the pool and was like, "hmmm. Y'know, I should get Budew first." So, I made my way up the railway and got Budew. The distractions are over now.

I fight some trainers with my new Budew titled U Mad Ame? Budew got to level 9 and we fought the Goldeen of terror. The peck of doom it held was not enough to fall the mighty Ame troll. It was defeated and I went to the pool. I was hoping to god for a Goldeen with lightningrod. Luckily for me, I got a Finneon. I nicknamed her, Lumina, assuming it lives to be a Lumineon. Anyway, after fighting some more trainers, we get to Fern, the big fat smelly idiot. He calls me a scrub and all that and I'm like, "Bitch I've been nuzlocking since before you were born on the highway. Cuz, most accidents happen on the highway. lel 420YOLOSWEG." We fight, he loses, and we enter the factory of doom.

Oh boy, shit went down here. With this being the first place you'll fight with the AI dumby, there's no telling what could happen. I almost lost my Budew because Fern felt the need to keep using stun spore until he hit. Needless to say, he didn't hit for a while. We got through easily enough afterwards with the team being level 12-15. Then came our biggest challenge yet. Solrock and Lunatone. Budew nearly dies and I switch it out for Finneon. OK now we use a water type move and win right? nope. Solrock uses fire spin and traps me in there. Damage every turn and Fern is busy using growth. God damnit Fern. I was now running the risk of losing my first pokemon. Luckily Fern finally attacked and we KO'd the Solrock. Finneon and Budew gain exp, blah blah oh wait, Critical hit confusion kills...Ferns Budew. OK good. We win the fight and move on to Aster and Eclipse. Gulpin was just Eating It Up and used Poison Gas. With some clever switching and shit, we made it out unscathed. Then, Mozilla evolved into Braixen, which made me super happy.

Now It is time to fight Julia, but before I do I wanted to ask, how do you guys feel I should prep for this fight? We have a level 14 Finneon, level 15 Budew, level 15 Gulpin, level 16 Braixen and a level 12 Woobat. with two pokemon weak to electric and one weak to Rollout, and no good explosion fodder, this battle may be a doozy. Should I train more, or just go in with what I have now? I'll be back tomorrow with more info. :D

Edit: In my spare time, I was able to get woobat to level 15 by grinding in the alleyways. I got Gulpin up to level 17 by fighting gym trainers and wild pokemon in the pool. After walking around for hours on the train tracks as well, I now have a level 16 Roselia. Julia shouldn't be a huge problem now, but I will still proceed with caution.

Edited by jman390
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Train up Woobat a bit more to Level 15 for Heart Stamp.

If you're actually willing to do even more, I would recommend getting Gulpin to Level 17 (only if you can level it down at the time/later on) so it can get Acid Spray or try to get Budew enough Happiness so it can evolve to Roselia.

Other than that, I don't now what else you can do. Gotta wing it I suppose. Good luck.

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Alright, lets get started with todays nuzlocke issue shall we? Today I fought Julia, and if none of you saw my edit, I got Roselia and my other members to higher levels. The battle wasn't as bad as I thought it would be actually. I led with Roselia because it resisted mud slap from helioptile and its electric moves. 1 down, 5 to go. She sent out her Emolga next and I took it out with Braixen. She then brings out 1 of 2 Voltorbs. Nothing too bad. Braixen took it out easy pz. Then came the threat. Electrode.

This thing outspeeds everything early game, and there's no stopping it. Don't think you can use special attacks on it either. The field effect mixed with charge boost its special defense higher than usual and it becomes a monster with its electric attacks. Rollout will also let it take out your fire types which means no Braixen kill. Gulpin v. Electrode. You may be asking why I didn't bring Roselia out. I brought out Gulpin to go for Poison Gas and poison it. Then by baiting an electric type move, I'd swtich afterwards baiting the electric attack. It all went as planned, however this Electrode would not stop using Charge. The only damage I was getting on it was from poison. The it got the Charge Beam boost. However, I got a crit right after this. Finally Reborns luck was with me. Electrode was down. Next came Blitzle. I brought out Gulpin to take a hit while I healed Braixen. Instead I just Acid Sprayed all over it. BLLUUURRGGHHH.

Finally to end it all was the last Voltorb. Not bad. I bring out Roselia and guess what. Selfdestruct. Oh god why? Luckily Roselia took it like a beast. Julia defeated. Yay! Follow Victoria to Obsidia, beat her and now it's time for another poll. My event pokemon for not just Obsidia Ward, but for Coral Ward as well. So get voting you guys. :D

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where can u get Ralts? or do you play and older episode where Ralts is in stead of Espur

In Episode 11 and before, Ralts is in the Peridot Ward in the house just below the Gym, just give money to the homeless guy until he moves.

Episode 12 and further, A corrupted Pokeball with Ralts in it is found in the Railnet, you take it to the Pokeball store in the Obsidia ward to receive Ralts there.

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Welp, you guys have been waiting, and I have a big update for you. The winners of the polls were Ralts for Obsidia and Lotad for Coral. I love both of those two, so this should be fun. Anyway, Today we made our way into the Slums. My encounter there was a Makuhita. Very nice for the Flobot I've heard. I named him Fluffy, after the good man himself, Gabriel Iglasius (that's how you spell his name right xD). Anyway, we move through the Slums and fight off some trainers and pokemon. I pick up the moon stone and beat the Dunsparce guy with Woobat. Woobat leveled up. What?!? Woobat is evolving. Didn't see that coming. I didn't think I had that much friendship with it at this point. Anyway, continuing forward, I pick up the Quash TM and make my way to the Scraggy gang.

This battle was simple enough. Braixen and Swoobat took out everything up until Scrafty. I switched Swoobat out fearing the faint attack. Gulpin comes in and as his name implies, eats it up. Mmmmm Yummy, delicious. The Scrafty goes down no problem and now it's time to fight Cain. Swoobat sweep ftw. I make it rain all day. Literally, I make it rain, so that I can get my Lotad. I now have a better water type then Finneon. Woot. Anyway, I get cut and realize, "Crap, I have to teach this to someone." I ended up teaching it to Braixen. Hoping that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

We enter the forest of doom and catch an Oddish weed pokemon. It's an Oddish. I nickname it Oddity. We continue on, the squad is looking good, everyone is level 19-21. Great for the level 22 PULSE Tangrowth...right? FAITO! I lead with Gulpin for one reason only. Acid Spray and Liquid Ooze. It can't absorb my health and it can't survive long with no special defense. Plus it has no super effective moves. Yay. I get off 2 Acid Sprays, before it uses Growth. With the field effect, this thing got +2 Attack and Special Attack. Ohgodwhy.jpg. I get off the last Acid Spray and get it to -6 special Defense. It Acid Sprays me. Half of my health gone. Jesus. Gulpin retreat. I switch out to Swoobat, ready to kill it. ZEL heals it. Meh. Swoobat was level 21 so I had Air Cutter. OHKO. GG ZEL and your evil Tangrowth.

Now it's time for yet another poll. What pokemon should I get in the onyx ward? I'll let you guys vote. I'll update you guys again on Saturday. Bai~ :D

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Welp. Here's our school house adventure. We enter the school and see that Fern is being a huge dick again. We start to charge through the school and pick up a coin case. Afterwards, we head to the game corner and play some voltorb flip. We get 1000 coins and buy a psyduck. Then I play more voltorb flip for like...an hour to get all the TM's. Worth it. Anyway, I place Psyduck in the box. He won't be too useful here unfortunately.

I take Oddish along with me and we start to pummel trainers. I should mention Makuhita is also still here at level 21. We keep bashing innocent students heads in until we reach Fern. He leads with Lombre as I lead with Gulpin. Acid Spray everything right? Wrong. He uses Tri Attack and paralyzes me. I don't get to attack for two turns. I finally hit an acid spray and just switch out of frustration. Swoobat comes in and uses Air Cutter on all of the things. Lombre and Roselia are dead. Servine comes in and I decide Swoobat is too damaged. I bring out my oddish to get some last experience needed. Acid all day. I win again Fern. He cries to his mommy and Oddish evolves into Gloom. Flobot will be super easy now. I train Makuhita up into a nice and Powerful Staraptor Hariyama. This was the point where I realized that it had thick fat and not guts. Greeeaaat. No need to worry, I have an ability capsule from way back at the beginning. The team is looking nice and fresh for Florinia.

Everyone is level 21-23 except for Hariyama who is level 24. I lead with Gulpin to fight Maractus. Acid Spray all of the things. This kills Maractus very easily. Next comes Cradily. Hariyama uses fake out. Cradily used Sandstorm, Hariyama used Vital throw. Cradily used stockpile. Hariyama used Vital Throw. Cradily died. Wow. I did a lot of worrying for nothing when it came to that thing. Breloom is coming so I bring out Swoobat. Air Cutter OHKO's. Grotle comes in. I bring out Gloom and acid all of the things. Cacnea is coming. I bring in Swoobat and Air Cutter. Needless to say, Swoobat got the most kills. 2 to be exact. I decide to let Braixen have the finishing blow however. Yay. We have the Canopy badge. Now I can get REKT by Taka and his badass Chatot of doom. >~<

I'll see you all next time, when we go into the Jasper ward to take out another PULSE and get some more pokemon, and even another sticker. Until next time, peace :D

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