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Interest check for New Subforums (Sports & Independent Writing)


Interest check in new Subforums  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be interested in a Subforum specifically for Independent Writing?

    • Yes, I would.
    • I have no real preference either for or against.
    • No, I wouldn't
  2. 2. Would You be interested in a Subforum Specifically for Sports?

    • Yes, That would be awesome.
    • I have no real preference either for or against.
    • No, I wouldn't

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Alright, my fellow Reborn members, today, with the approval of Ikaru, I am here to see how many members of the community would be interested in two ideas some of us Ace Members have been hashing out in our magically hidden club; two new subforums, As I'm sure you can already guess from the title.

So, a brief description about them both:

Independent Writing:

-There are currently two places to put works of Independent Writing: the Wasteland, and then there is the Roleplaying sub-forum if it's a creative Writing piece, But setting up it's own seperate sub forum, in which multiple forms of literature such as Creative Work's (IE, short stories and the like), Essays, Newsletters, letters, jokes, assessments, Fan-Fiction, and so on, so forth, could be stored would help to unjumble the Wasteland to a Degree (Have you seen the place? There's train cars and even broken buildings down there...), as well as Decrease the workload for the Roleplaying forums. Not only that, but it could also give a new group of users a subforum to lurk around erm, I mean, to call home. Stickied threads specifically related to IWs could be established there.

- I'm not really a sports guy myself, so I don't have much to say, but it doesn't really have a Subforum of it's own and the name kinda explains itself anyway. Football (either American or European), Golf, MMA, Basketball, etc. Whatever suits your sport fancy, I'm presuming you'll be able to find it here.
So, have at the polls, folks! let's see how many want these!
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I have already talked to Ame ad nausum about a separate forum for Writing and the like. We came to the conclusion that for now, there really isn;t enough interest to make a full blown forum for it, and if I feel that there is enough that I will bring it up again in the future, so just going to say that one is pretty much been decided on.

And sports is cool and dandy, I won;t use it, but I am sure there is a market for it.

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I have already talked to Ame ad nausum about a separate forum for Writing and the like. We came to the conclusion that for now, there really isn;t enough interest to make a full blown forum for it, and if I feel that there is enough that I will bring it up again in the future, so just going to say that one is pretty much been decided on.

And sports is cool and dandy, I won;t use it, but I am sure there is a market for it.

This is true, but I imagine it's best to at least have a solid reference for- well, future reference, as far as the actual amount of interest goes.

That said, everyone else remember that this IS just an assessment of everyone's interest on the matter- nothing is or will be set in stone from here.

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As a (mediocre) writer myself, I'd love to see an independent writing sub-forum. Even if I'm too shy to share most of what I'd write anyway. Oh well.

Sports sub-forum? I don't really care for sports myself, but I'm sure some of us do. So I'm not about to weigh in either way on that.

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Voted in favor of independent writing, even if I am not sure about the attention it would receive... I mean ok, many people would be glad to post their creations, but how many people would actually take the time to read them?

As for the sports, I have no real preference...

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Voted in favor of independent writing, even if I am not sure about the attention it would receive... I mean ok, many people would be glad to post their creations, but how many people would actually take the time to read them?

As for the sports, I have no real preference...

Well, from what I hear, sometimes people who don't actually roleplay venture into the RP forums anyway just to read what players have written, so...

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As far as I see it, a sub-forum needs to have a group of people that are willing to contribute regardless of popularity levels, and it needs to be kept tidy.

- For instance, I have a feeling the sports forum would draw more attention during international events, such as the World Cup (which was stifled under ten feet of miscellanious threads in the wasteland) or the Olympics, but if there are just enough people who casually step outside of their own boundaries, you can find something that a particular individual would be interested in (such as American College Fooball, which is something I would contribute regularly to.)

- Also using the sports forum as an example, You could have seasonal "stickys" depending on the year, which means the "casual" forum user would be able to see 'priority' threads when they are in season. As opposed to the IW forum, the Sports forum would be -very- easy to moderate and keep clean.

Call it mild campaigning, but if you don't build them, they won't come. End of story.

A great example of a 'popular' forum would be the Roleplaying forum. Today, it's hard to imagine how that would be popular at all if it wasn't as popular to begin with, but it had to start somewhere. It also has a great team of auths that keep the place in order in Huk and Murdoc. Another sub-forum that is run well is 'Gaming General'. It may have been popular immediately, but part of it's success is due to the real enthusiasts, such as Wolf, who invest in the sub-forum as a whole.

People notice effort, and sometimes, that causes enough curiousity to justify checking a sub-forum out.

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You do have a point. A lot of my time and passion goes into the RP Forum, I want it to be a place where people can come and just get along. Basically, we would have to find someone of that merit for the IW sub-forum, a person who builds it for people to come and see. It cannot be me however, I am not someone who can split my time that much and put my heart into both. I have my project, my place to help grow. If an IW sub-froum does start, I would love to see someone with the dedication rise up and make that place somewhere fantastic.

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Well, from what I hear, sometimes people who don't actually roleplay venture into the RP forums anyway just to read what players have written, so...

Can confirm. I actually voted for the IW forum to have more reading material, among other reasons.

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I'd be interested in getting into a sub forum for writing. Not sure if Ame has the entire story for reborn written or even if someone else needed inspiration for thier own pokemon hack, but a forum for us writers on here would be a great place to share our creative juices, so to speak.

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Most of them are labelled with the tag [CW] so you should be able to see most of them. I enforce tagging threads in the RP forum so that it can be seen at glance what it is. As it is the Temp home of IW, I advocate they use a tag with [CW] in the title, that way people know it isn't an RP of any sort, just a short story or something of it's like.

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