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My name is zeebo30 and I too have been coerced by Ame


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I was browsing the web one day, looking for some new rom hacks for pokemon, when i stumbled upon a list that recomended a game called Pokemon Reborn, with a picture of a GIANT Steelix to go along with it.

I was interested so i checked it out and INSTANTLY fell in love with the concept and quickly downloaded the game.

I played for a while, chose Totodile as my starter, beat the first gym without TOO much trouble, and then came the second gym. The RAGE that came from me at that STUPID girl Florina was OVERHWELMING. I had to stop for a while so i wouldn't throw my computer out the window.

But i did beat her and the sense of accomplishment i felt was greater than anything i'd ever felt from a game ever before.

And then the 3rd Tangrowth happened and once again rage CONSUMED me entirely. But i got through it and once again my feelings of accomplishment SOARED!

The 3rd gym was a piece of cake. My Arbok and my Feraligator owned that fight no contest.

The 4th gym is a whole different story. First off, the puzzle to get inside was the most infurating puzzle i have ever done, but the answer was so simple that when i did finally look up how to do it i was more pissed at myself thatn anything else. Then there's the gym leader. She's only 12 but GOOD GOD is she tough. The fight is a double battle and I've learned something, Double Battles are the WORST kind of fight in this game. I have learned to DREAD double battles with all of my being because they are HARD.

I am SO ANGRY at this gym battle that I had to take a break from this game to write this so that I won't break something in a fit of rage. But I'll keep on playing, just like everyone else, because the story, and the feeling of acomplishment after beating a hard fight, are better than any pokemon game in existence, fan made of otherwise.

And thus is the trap that is Pokemon Reborn, and also my introduction to this forum.

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Yeah Julia does tend to be somewhat of a warm up so to speak. The game most certainly gets harder in hurry. Florinia is no laughing matter. Cradily still gives me nightmares from the first time I faced it, 'Oh you have a fire type? That's cute.'

If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one.

Looking forward to having you around here man.

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Yeah Julia does tend to be somewhat of a warm up so to speak. The game most certainly gets harder in hurry. Florinia is no laughing matter. Cradily still gives me nightmares from the first time I faced it, 'Oh you have a fire type? That's cute.'

If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one.

Looking forward to having you around here man.

The funny thing is, the cradilly wasn't even the hard part what with my croconaw knowing Ice fang and my Ekans with it's poison attacks. it was mostly just the endurance it took to get through everything else AND cradily that was an issue for me. Specifically Ferroseed was dreadfull being steel and grass and having iron bards. I had nothing that did a decent enough amount of damage that didn't hurt me really badly becasue of iron barbs. It was like WWI

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Someone else who understands just how difficult the new Shelly is huh? Yeah, I had a lot of trouble with her.

Anyway, welcome to the forums, if you run into trouble with the game don't hesitate to hit me up.

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Someone else who understands just how difficult the new Shelly is huh? Yeah, I had a lot of trouble with her.

Anyway, welcome to the forums, if you run into trouble with the game don't hesitate to hit me up.

Wait new shelly? you mean she was easier before? awwwww. In all honesty though this fight would be so much easier if i had a different set of pokemon. Specifically a fire type which i have yet to have ever run into in the wild. Really making me regret choosing Totodile as my starter.

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Sounds good. I'll prolly do that.

Edit: Just checked it and those will all be a pain to try and get. Sigh guess it's time to go find the last freaking police officer. God I hate Beryl and Jasper Ward so much.

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Yup, Florinia gave me nightmares too, for my mono Dark type. Then i read new field effects like "sand attack *2". Mightyena does know Sand Attack/Howl and learn Crunch from Move Relearner. Profit.

Enjoy a good ride. :D

Edit : As far as i can remember, Shelly obliterated me too, Dark type ftwl.

Edited by Raspbeh
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... I had a pretty easy time with Shelly in my current dark type run. Swagger + Bite + Toxic ftw lel

That said, Ponyta is also avaiable at that point in the game and she is incredibly useful against Shelly, to the point of almost trivializing the new Shelly. (Flame charge pretty much deals with everything in her gym)

Alternatively, get a Stunky, evolve it to Skuntank and have it learn toxic + flamethrower. That also helps.

Or just restart and pick Speed Boost Torchic and OHKO her entire team with Blaze Kick

All that said, welcome! It's lively here. You'll enjoy it.

EDIT: Pretty sure staravia and some other decent flying types are avaiable at this point in the game too. Just gotta look for 'em.

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Yeah i actually just learned about ponyta as i was trying to train the growlithe from finding the police officers and so i did the aqua gang thing for the battles and made out with a ponyta. All in all it worked out quite well. now i just have to beat her.

Edit: I hate this girl so much.

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Okay so, I'm going to give this man a check plus because this is the best intro title I have seen on a member yet. Seriously. Well done sir!

Anyways, welcome to Reborn. Everybody else did their helpfulness to i'm just gonna moo and bid you adieu.

Moo~ ^owo^

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Happy to see you are no rage quitter. This game will break your bones but you'll come out as a better trainer (and a worse man with a soul filled with misery).

Enjoy your stay and (since Hilda stopped doing this)..
no... you can't use traffic cones as fashionable hats

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Wait new shelly? you mean she was easier before?

No. NO. At least, not for me. I got that horrible glitch that apparently will affect random trainers in the game, and of all people, it was the GYM LEADER. Basically, whenever I tried to switch out, Shelly would also automatically switch, which made countering her mons very difficult. I ended up having to Gyarados sweep her. Don't hit me.

Anyway, welcome aboard and enjoy your stay. You mentioned Shelly which brought back those terrible memories for me. With that glitch at her side, she was the most challenging battle I've had yet.

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