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Happy Birthday Rosesong!


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That's here for everybody to say congratulations to Reborn's resident musician and fleet admiral, not to mention best RP Co-Host ever!

Keep being this kind, funny and great friend you are to everyone. I know for a fact it isn't easy to find people like you irl, let alone in the net, and I feel lucky that I had the opportunity to get to know you a bit better in this past year. Enjoy your day the best you can!

As the title says, Happy Birthday Rose!

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Hey yo Rose, so it's your birthday huh? I'm really lucky that I offered to teach you how to play the competitive game a while ago, we got to know each other through the process and I'm the better for it. Not to mention the before and after images are amazing, by the end of it you walloped me pretty well. But enough about that, I really hope you have a great day, enjoy it to your fullest.

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Happy daybirth. Even though we don't talk, I appreciate you, and specifically that there is someone else around who is willing to run Mafia games. I tried to get some of these guys before to do it and yeesh it was not happening.

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