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Weekly Reborn Newspost Intrest Check [News]


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Okay so this is an idea i was saving for the Creative Writing board and I just wanna do a quick interest check.

The idea is that every week on Monday a post is made by several people on a new topic. The topic would be a fictional news letter based on Pokemon Reborn.

IE Pokemon of the Week: Where its found, Movesets, Stats and personal opinions, Or Whats new in the city: A section about whats new or going on in Reborn city.

Just different topics about different things. While I myself find interest in it I believe it would be better with multiple writers.

Topics I think would be interesting are:

Pokemon of the week

Whats new in Reborn City

Ward of Week (Write about a certain reborn ward and the people living in it.

Battle Arena (Two random Reborn trainers face off. Write about who would win)

Knowledge quiz( just a small quiz section. answers posted in the following week's post.)

Headline (Random big event that happened

Of course this is just an idea pitch it is by no means a full plan yet. If interested or you have an idea please post, because i have close to no idea of what I'm doing :P, and honestly only 6 sections would make a wretched paper T-T. This would also not be truly able to follow the game because none of us can tell what Ame is thinking but I said fictional for a reason :P Just as long as were able to tie in real game events.

Edited by Rielly987
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I think growlithe has an interesting story. You can get it by completing the police mission I'm the jasper ward. From a storytelling perspective, it brings a certain level a sadness to see how you go about getting it and how those events have effected it.

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So it sounds like the TV channel from in Oras. Like when the nickname guy tells the audience you should name your pokemon after you, so that maybe you'll grow know your pokemon as well as you know yourself.

I get it that there's a lot of lee way for styles of articles, but humor always goes over well, if executed properly. Like dat cheeky gardevoir...

Do a Lewis Black/ Yahtzee section where you rant about something in creative ways. Or some light teasing of someone's new avatar or something.

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I really like the idea. What I suggest is adding a seventh category so that there can be one topic each day to focus on instead of trying to put two or three out each day and having an empty day inbetween. I think Pokemon of the week should be separated into Competitive for the server and one for the Reborn game since people tend to use both.

I like the rest of the categories, but I'm not sure how long the ward one would last. Maybe change it into something about a writers random experience in Reborn. Anyways, I wouldn't worry too much about it because you pretty much could change topics fairly easily if no one wants to write under a section.

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I will probably post the first set of Article sections on Monday if anyone is interested in making their own section or taking over one just PM the one you want and later just the post itself and ill credit you in the Grand post with all the articles. If you wish you can post your article separate from the grand post as long as its close to when the Grand post goes up. Most likely it will be around 6PM EST.

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