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Hello~! This is something I thought might help Creative Writing get going. My idea is for it to be something like Grand Hall. I'm sure you all have your favorite authors, genres and so on. However, since this forum is relatively new, chances are we won't have favorite reborn authors.

The point I'm trying to make here is for us to name ourselves as writers. Maybe state your strengths, weaknesses, specialties. Should you feel up to it, throw in a little something you've already written. You're name and style might catch someone's eye. Now, I'm not asking you to post your best or story. This is not a contest, I'm expecting those to show up later. Just say something you feel represents you as an author. Whatever you want as long as it complies with site and CW rules.

It doesn't even have to be just authors. If you're bored and maybe feel like doing some freelance editing, why not introduce yourself as a beta reader?

Naturally, I'll go first; I'm Damian (please for the love of all thing holly skip the 'o') and I've been writing for a few years. I'm more interested in reading others works than my own but I may occasionally post a one-shot here. Strengths include: Creating villain protagonist. Weaknesses: I'm not particularly skilled in description. I know how to describe, just not when to describe. And if I had to pick a genre I specialize in, it'd be Crime. He's a little something I wrote a while back. It was my attempt a noir-style inner monologue.

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Ok me next. My names Mathew. 20 years old. I've been writing since I was eleven. For me in very good with imagery and symbolism. One thing I'm not so good at is dialogue. I'm particularly good at writing super hero stories. I plan on making writing my career. If you wanna check out some of my work I'll link my blog here: Mkrosar.wordpress.com

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Well, I'm Dobby, no I do not nor do I ever intend to write anything Harry potter related. Typically I write about whatever takes my fancy, though fantasy is my forte, as far as I can tell. I'm fairly inexperienced, but if you want to see what I have written, go hunt around on the RP forums, where I run my own RP.

If you want a strength, I suppose I'd say it lies in my characters and the humour that Is ometimes put across through them. A weakness for me is definitely a lack of detail, both in description and in the tiny, insignificant details of world building.

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  On 12/16/2014 at 8:16 PM, The Christmas Elf said:

Well, I'm Dobby, no I do not nor do I ever intend to write anything Harry potter related. Typically I write about whatever takes my fancy, though fantasy is my forte, as far as I can tell. I'm fairly inexperienced, but if you want to see what I have written, go hunt around on the RP forums, where I run my own RP.

If you want a strength, I suppose I'd say it lies in my characters and the humour that Is ometimes put across through them. A weakness for me is definitely a lack of detail, both in description and in the tiny, insignificant details of world building.

Lol funny you mention harry potter. My aspiration is to be a new writer for the Harry Potter series and continue it.

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If you have ever checked the RP forum, you probably know who I am. I am Hukuna. ((sometimes known as Sensei in the RP forums.)). Almost all of my writing experience comes from creating the world of Graterras, a dark fantasy world that was originally made to be played in D and D, or a tabletop RPG. I decided to adapt for use on this here forum, and it has actually evolved a lot since then. I enjoy Fantasy in pretty much all of it's types, High Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Sci-fi etc.

My greatest strength? Well, as most know in the RP forum is World Building. I love to get into the nitty gritty of the world, it feels as if painting but doing it with words instead. I like to know the cultures of the people in my world, how it affects the world around them, and what they do on a daily basis. I have spent time deciding on how a Royal Family came into power in a city, or how and why the Gnolls worship their gods. I have spent time figuring out why in my world the Dwarves don't use much magic, but also why they frown upon it.

My greatest weakness is very tough, as I don;t really know if I am skilled enough to know my writing that well. I have very much been a jack of all trades most of the time and can cope pretty well with most things. But if anything I would have to say confidence. I just beat myself up over things sometimes, I let them get to me and I second guess a lot. It can hold me back sometimes.

If you would like to see some of my work...well, head over to the RP forums and check out Graterras. It is a bit different from writing a story as it is an RP, but it is like writing a story with multiple people. They just work within the framework of my world. You may even want to read through the backlog of the OOC, there is a lot of lore tidbits in there along with some extra context on certain events in the story. It should be easy enough to find the 4th Chapter, though I recommend you start at the beginning otherwise you will be super lost. ((links to older chapters can be found in the OOC at the bottom of the OP.))

  On 12/16/2014 at 8:19 PM, mkrosar said:

Lol funny you mention harry potter. My aspiration is to be a new writer for the Harry Potter series and continue it.

You don't have aspirations to create your own works? While it is a good series, I very much think that one shouldn't aspire to take over the franchise someone else has built. ((you know especially while they are still around XD.))

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The name is Stratos, got it memorized?. you might or might not know me from a few antics or interesting shenanigans here and there, but I'm one of the ghosts who usually lurk around the Roleplaying forums here. I actually began my first bouts of writing back in the seventh grade a few years ago when my English teacher forced our class to participate in a county wide writing competition in order to get a grade that could quite literally sink you if you didn't get it down (it was a BIG percentage of our grade that semester) I wrote something called... damn, I can't even remember the name, but the basic gist was: Man working at Lucas Arts manages to develop fully functional light saber. Man accidently murders co worker with said light saber. Man goes away for twenty years but comes back out of hiding to prevent psychopath whose hell bent on taking out the government. (Naturally, I was like, only twelve or so when I wrote that story, so it was more or less quite shitty compared to what I'm capable of now.)

I didn't win the competition (Fictions never do for some reason...it's always non fiction or some deep philosophical crap or a poem or something...) and have not honestly participated in it since then (Because they have a limit of four pages for a submission. Yeah, no, I was not going to try to cram something into four pages, I was dead set on using as many pages and words as the story needed to reach it's conclusion) but the competition is where it all started for me ((So uh... thanks, Mr.Piper of Providence Middle School... guess I really owe you for forcing us all to do that. XD)), it's where my interest in the craft of story drafting was first peaked.

A good while went by and I continued to try my hand at short stories here and there, mostly with me ending up scrapping them because I felt they weren't good enough to continue getting developed. My most recent attempt at one was two years or so ago... I scraped it after a few months of hashing out things and getting no where. I don't even want to waste the breath describing the plot; there wasn't one, really. And this is when Ambition really started to burn within my soul; the ambition to become better, to write stories that would last throughout the ages and become classics in their own rights. I developed the ambition to learn, to improve myself and to someday surpass all others in the field of fiction. And so I searched... then Ambition went cold and I forgot my mission and one thing chained to another in the great stream of time and happen stance, and eventually I found myself as a new member of this community. Not long after I joined, I ventured into the RP forums... and then ambition and curiosity struck simultaneously. I saw an opportunity; I would use these forums in order to master the craft of writting, however long it may take. And the rest, they say, is pretty much ongoing history. I've learned a lot from the Eight or so months I've been RPing here, far more than I think I could've learned in such a time on my own endeavor. the people there helped me, pointed out mistakes and No-No's in writing to me, helped me improve myself and my skills, and over time I've come to really respect a lot of folks there, Especially ol' Sensai Hukuna here. So, as you can see, most of my writing experience that's been even moderately successful has come from the RolePlaying forums over the last few months.

As for my greatest strength... I honestly don't know myself what it is. I think that would be something best left up to outside people who view my work to determine, since I honestly look at it, and see the same thing I did when I typed it up; A way of learning.

As for my greatest weakness? Lady Ambition's fires burn very hot; sometimes she ends up burning me when I listen to her. An example of which is the end of Chapter 1 in an RP of mine on here: Project Sly slayer. I got so utterly filled with ambition and determination to write a great novel to rival the authors I've read so much from that I lost sight of what RPing was about and kinda made a fiasco of things (I'm still trying to completely fix that by the way...). Another one is when I recently joined in NaNoWriMo this year, arrogantly thinking that because I a;ready write every single day on the RP forums, I'd be able to handle the Word count per day estimate no problemo... failed epically as I got miffed and just dropped out of it to develop the book at my own pace (which has unfortunately been cancelled because I simply wanted to rework the Magic system to be more like what I intend to use in PSS). So yeah... Guess I have the same problem Icarus did, flying too close to the sun too soon. I also have like, no formal classes or anything in writing besides the basics of what is taught in english... which ain't much in terms of being useful for stories, so I'm basically just winging things and have to learn from trial and error.

If you'd like to view some work of mine, well head over to the RP forums here. the pieces I have there are the only ones I'm honestly proud enough to have anyone see at all, cause they're the only ones that went somewhere after I started them instead of just crashing and burning. I have three stories under my creation there: Exodus:Beyond Eden, Project Sky Slayer: The Legend of the Primal Keys, and Surge Story. Project Sky slayer is my main story which I devote time and effort to despite it not actually being the first one I made. Like Hukuna already said, RPing is like making a story with other people helping out all along the way. The events of PSS take place during a more or less "Lost Era" of the world I created for it, with players take part in the story as a group of individuals turned world heroes whose names have been long since forgotten, but not their deeds, for those are immortalize in a tale of heroism and sacrifice; an old historical record known simply as "The Legend of the Primal Keys". Warning though, I started PSS early on in my time on the RP forum and it is still very much a work in progress on my part; I have a steep learning curve that I'm still trying to overcome since it's my first fantasy story (Before, even during my Short Story phase, I always wrote Sci-Fi stories), and as such it shows clearly in some places. As for Surge Story and Exodus Beyond Eden, they're both Sci Fis, so I was more or less a fish in water when I made those two. All three of them should be easy enough to find if you look around a bit.

But I also have another side project currently in the planning stages; Called Sky Slayer Anthologies, which are basically going to be a collection of short stories taking place in the World I made up for Project Sky Slayer. I think this one will go alot better than my other attempts in the past have because of what I've learned here. Someday I hope to write a novel about the world of PSS taking place long after the events of the RP

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Matthew, I see what you mean by good with super hero stories I just read Innocene is Lost and Through the Eyes of Superman. Both very stylish (I'd know I read a lot of comics)

And RolePlayers, I've been reading your works for almost as long as I've had an account. Just the world info is an inspiration. Especially you Stratos. I mean I've never heard of method writing before you became the shocking persona we all know and love. That took dedication. I started reading Exodus probably just a few weeks ago. A lot of great stories there. Hopefully they'll fill up here too.

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I is important

I is talent

I is intelligent

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JK lol I'm ZephyrEnyalios. Haven't put down anything here yet, but I plan to when I've got more free time. Really thankful again for this subforum; I've been wondering since forever about where I could place my main OC's story. That and some Nuzlocke stories of my own.

Strengths? I'm really not sure. I love adjectives though, I remember going over the top just to describe the image of a moonlit night (see spoiler tag below). Weaknesses... Creativity Block. Almost all the time. I can't ever be a writer, I might not release a chapter for a month... or year... ._.

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Hey.. So I am Yash.. I am more of a reader than a writer, but of late I find myself lost in my own world and tend to read less.. Now I feel that maybe I should start writing since my interest in novels has died down.. I started reading the Pokemon Aftermath RP here and enjoyed it.. So I will start RPing with that (if the new chapter starts soon.. fingers crossed).. Also I am working on my own RP.. Will end up posting something about that once I manage to get structure into my ramblings..

My biggest weaknesses would be a lack of focus, I end up getting distracted easily.. Also I sometimes feel that my overall vocabulary isn't as great as I would like it to be, so I feel that my work tends to lack a certain finesse.. Its not that I don't understand/know the words, but while writing I tend to stick to easier words, which ends up complicating my sentences.. The one strength I can be sure of is my hyper-active imagination.. I can spend hours day dreaming about what I want to write, creating complex characters and worlds.. But I mostly end up getting distracted before I can even put it down anywhere..

I like mainly like sci-fi, fantasy as well as myth and history based stories. Percy Jackson and Dan Brown books would be a good example of what I mean along with a lot of Indian authors like (Amish, Ashwin Sanghi and Krishna Udayasankar)..

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Hey. I'm Author (haha, I didn't think about this before writing this but now I see this is kinda funny/awkward). You can call me Vic or Victor if you want though. It doesn't make too much of a difference to me, so just call me whatever ya want. I'm very strong in persausive/argumentitive writing, as well as fairly good at imagery. I'm not always the best with organization/logical plot progression, which often causes some problems, as I'm sure you can guess. I hope that we can work together to strengthen everyone as a writer over time. I know I sure need the help in some departments.

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  On 12/17/2014 at 2:03 AM, Damiano said:

Matthew, I see what you mean by good with super hero stories I just read Innocene is Lost and Through the Eyes of Superman. Both very stylish (I'd know I read a lot of comics)

Aww thanks man. I appreciate it.

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You might've seen me around elsewhere on Reborn, but I usually tend to lurk around the RP section even though I joined it not that long ago. I'm Commander and I've been writing for fun about 7 years now. I did take a long break inbetween, but hopefully the rust will wear off sooner or later.

As for my writing, I tend to stick to fantasy novels with a touch of sci-fi. I haven't written recently, but I am working on a project with a massive storyline that has been fine tuned enough times that I'm finally going to make a rough draft for it. I'll probably post a chapter or two and if anyone is interested in me continuing it I will.

As for my style, I tend to do well with character personalities and their dialogue to a point where they are usually way above what you'd expect. And my weakness has to be not showing enough detail to fully draw out a character or scenery (there's usually just enough to get a picture).

You'll see me quite a bit on here as I tend to always leave feedback whenever I read something (especially novels). I always will say one thing good and one thing that can be improved upon. Usually it ends up being a long paragraph and not just a simple one line comment so be prepared if I read your works.

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Ahh, hello! While I'm not sure whether I can consider myself an author, I figure that this might be a good way to reignite an old passion, haha. Oh, you can call me GotWala, or just Wala!

As it stands, I'm a fantasy writer amongst the genres. However, I really like have fantasy elements in a modern setting! That, or I enjoy implementing pseudo-science and technology into High Fantasy. Basically, while I understand that a fantasy is a fantasy, something drives me to have realistic uses and/or understandable explanations for the supernatural elements.

Hmm, I think my strengths come in my ability to make interesting, creative, and lifelike characters. I like to think that the people that reside within a world are more important than the plot or world itself, haha! As for a weakness, I'd say it takes the form of a few things: Lack of brevity, obsession with "over-detailing", Occasional dry writing, grammar, and general lack of confidence in my work. There, that seems like quite the list of downfalls, haha!

Honestly, I had a fondness for writing and world-building for as long as I can remember. Always taking the backseat of a story, I would watch my brother play our videogames and would enjoy it more than playing myself. I'd play pretend all the time and would draw maps of worlds that never were during elementary school. My obsession with fiction throughout my childhood and even now, probably came from my desire to run from reality. The world needed to be more interesting, and I wanted to feel like my existence had meaning, like a hero from a story's had. Over time, I've realized how silly that was, but the fact that my life revolved around my imagination has impacted me greatly. As much as I know it only serves to make me inefficient for society, I don't think I could let go of my false realities even if I tried, haha!

Well, I'd like to say I have some of my work to share, but I haven't actually written anything down in two years, haha... Although, I have recently started to play a character in a Roleplay by Dobby called Brailen's Gifted. It's been great for me, as it's not only filled a void for 'playing pretend', but has also gotten the creative juices flowing. Because of this, I've started to work on a World Setting like Acquiescence's Vyker or Hukuna's Graterras! I hope to have it up in the Creative Writing thread sometime in early January, along with a piece of writing that would take place in the setting. As for any hints as to what you can expect, I was inspired to create it by my old map-making hobby and one of my favorite videogames (Chrono Cross)!

I hope that by writing here and by reading the writings of the other talented people here, I can keep my passion for escapism alive and well, haha!

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Alright so I'm to introduce myself and tell my strengths and weaknesses.

I'm Hutch, or Brandon if you're formal and wanna use my first name. I don't write as often as I used to and haven't put any stories online for anyone to read. I'm good at writing dialog but not very good with adding imagery as I write (usually have to go back and add it where I see fit). I've only saved one thing that I've written and still haven't completed it, which might be why I saved it. I prefer to write short horror stories, and sometimes I write depressing poetry (but that probably won't be posted), but the large piece i'm working on is more of a fantasy type that I need to revise cuz I started it like 5 years ago in 9th grade and was ridiculed for "writing for fun" by everyone (small school of not-so-intellectually-inclined people). But since this is up I suppose I should start writing again. And I'm not one for happy endings, more of a bittersweet ending or an ending that makes you sad or scared if I do a horror piece.

So if I post anything then tell me where I left any holes in the story or if I need to elaborate more.

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Heyo everyone! I'm Notus, and if you browse the RP Forums a bit you'll probably find couple of things I did there in this last year - characters in some stories, and an RP called Under the Hill. I am an avid reader since... Well, since I know myself actually, and I've always liked writing stuff. I did win some local contests of poetry and text, but nothing big, and it was always short stuff.

Actually, that brings me to my greatest weakness: I lack the patience for writing long stories, so I never went past a few pages... Until I found the RP forums here. Writing alongside other people is great and solved this problem for good. Even though you lose the full control of the story, it really pays off and even leads you into scenes you never thought of - not to mention those often turn out to be amazing.

My greatest strenght (I think, that's hard to tell) is to make scenes on the fly and adapt existing ones to a character's actions. As I said, I've always been a short text writer, so it's easier for me to think in present situations rather than in a long run. My favorite genre is fantasy, but sci-fi, mistery and terror also are some I really like.

Here's an extract from Under the Hill's first post:

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Ah, also, as far as favourite Reborn writers go, mine are some of the RP Forum members: Acquiescence, Hukuna and Stratos for stories, and maaany more people that are great to write characters (Zephy, Rose, DarkLight, Supernovae... The list goes on and on XD)

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Hi all. I'm Acquiescence, also known as Acqui, Acqui-chan, Acq, occasionally Orpha, and to some people, "that-one-crazy-lesbian-girl-who-sits-around-in-chat-talking-about-decapitated-babies".

Not actually sure when I started writing for fun, it's been a looooong time hobby for me. My genre of writing tends to fall into a blend of fantasy, romance and psychological trauma. My fave authors include Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charlotte Bronte, Douglas Adams, and my all time favorite, my idol, Oscar Wilde.

I honestly have no idea what my strengths are, but people tell me I'm good at creating characters, so let's go with that. I do consider myself a moderately seasoned writer with some modicum of talent.

In terms of weaknesses, my greatest would be a lack of commitment, I have a bad habit of not finishing stories, or procrastinating :x For instance, I've been sitting on Stratos' "Exodus Beyond Eden" prompt for my CW thread for like, a month. (Really terribly sorry about that >< I'll try to get myself to get back to it ASAP). I also am rather lacking when it comes to writing descriptive settings, or when creating minor plot events which do not directly contribute to my imagined overarching story direction.

For works I've written, you can see a couple on this forum and the Roleplaying forum, as well as the three Vyker threads which have since faded into obscurity. I guess I'll follow along with everyone else and post a tiny extract from one of my prompted short stories.

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Hello All Rielly Here

Im relatively new to reborn forums i like to RP and try to learn not to self insert (Having lots of trouble did it once now trying not to do it again.) I used to write alot but nothing to deep, i like to plan out worlds and how a fictional world would be, races, technology, the beast in these worlds (Honestly i have whole ecosystems planned out) Im really nerdy i love biology. My writing in common terms sucks so im always open to criticisms in fact i embrace them if i can. Alot is my favorite thing to type and no matter how many times auto correct fixes it i still think I'm correct. Im very jokative joketive joke... never mind! i don't even know if its a word. I have a trouble with comma's and ending sentences and making run on sentence and using and over and over and over again and dont like captilzing (I)s. Anyways that me in my writing sense hope you all enjoy!

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Hello hello. I'm known as DarkLight, but call me Dark or DL if you want. I'm not picky.

The Reborn forums is the first forum I have ever roleplayed in, so I am relatively new to the experience. Before finding Pokemon Reborn, I was always reading fanfictions and other RP related stuff from my high school friend. Why didn't I join an RP back then? The roleplays that she was in didn't catch my attention that's all. I was, and still am, more of a reader than a writer, but I making stories with one another here on this forum was enjoyable and helped me relieve some stress from real life.

What are my strengths? To be honest, I have no clue. I guess one would be transitioning in between paragraphs. I usually make my paragraphs flow easily from one to another, even in college essays. My English professors have praised me for it.

My major weakness, would have to be characters. I could make them with a distinct personalities but I will be stuck without goals and ideals for each of them. Another flaw would be my lack of vocabulary; I was never good at memorizing anything so it resulted in me using the same words over and over again. I'm trying to branch out and remember my SAT words as I type, but it's a slow process. Grammar is also a given for me. Everyone probably has seen my switch tenses so often that they gloss over them by now.

As for what I have written, I'm sure you will find something from me in the RP forums easily. For a trip down my progress, Aftermath is the one to go to since there is a huge time gap from when I first started writing on the forums in Chapter 1 to Chapter 3, which is now taking place 1 year later.

I hope to learn more from everyone and develop my own writing style as long as I still have time to visit here. So, like the others have said before me, I hope you enjoy my writing~

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Hi, this forum looks like a lot of fun and I wanna try it.

I'm Will. A long time ago I used to make drawings and webcomics on this site avidly, but as time passed I succumbed more and more into laziness and other real-life responsibilities, leaving my works unfinished. I'd like to possibly start my writing habits back up and would like to use this forum to practice.

I'd say most of my strengths involve my visual works with my stories; illustrations that help convey moods and actions. I'm most comfortable with fantasy/action oriented stories over other genres but I feel I could hold my own in any that I may try.

Anyone who knows my old works know that I'm infamous for taking excessively long to produce and update content and I'd say that's my work's biggest drawback.

I don't have many examples of text-based writings to share but after digging through some of the old posts on the site I came across an old poem I had written in the style of cantos, akin to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. It was meant to sort of play along with the "Reborn Region" found in my old works and the current Reborn game, and sort of works as a kind of prologue unto the cities formation.

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Now whether or not this is actually truly relevant to Amethyst's version of the region, I'm not sure. She's more than likely changed it to fit her own canon which is perfectly fine.

At the moment I am working on a story called "CHROMA" in which a young boy is separated from his best friend/love interest and devotes his life to finding her, meeting friends and encountering crazy scenarios along the way. I intend for it to be fully illustrated in a comic style, but I may post a written version on these forums for critique and such.

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Hello readers and writers alike. I am Raviel aka J. F. Klyne (author's name). I have been writing here and there since I was little, but only started doing it regularly when I when to college. I have published a novel and two web-based novellas. I also work as a professional ghost-writer. I hope to do more of both in the near future. My writing seems to be ever evolving and improving so I do hope you like it.

From what I have been told by others, my strengths are in my ability to generate a scene with only a handful of details, drawing the reader into the world I create. I love creating worlds that I have envisioned and it is a great feeling when readers get exactly what I was imaginging.

I would say my greatest weakness can be my dialgoue. When I first started writing my dialogue was full of cliche lines and saying that were overly used. Hopefully since I have been working on a professional level, it has improved. So far no complaints by any clients.

Examples of my work can be found here on the forums. I am in a writers group that meets once a month, so I like to post the flash fiction that we have done. I am also creating a Pokemon-series called Pokemon Wars, which takes place 3000 years ago in the War of Kalos.

I also am working on my second novel, which I hope to turn into a series. I would like to get some opinions on this one, so message me and I will send the plot outline.

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I suppose I'll introduce myself as well. I'm Flux, and I've been lurking in the RP section for about a little more than a year now. I had never RP'd or really written anything for fun before reaching Reborn, and it's been a huge source of enjoyment for me. I first started with Acquiescence's "Pokemon Aftermath" RP, so I suppose I owe it to her that I found my interest in RPing. As of now, I'm particpating in quite a few RPs, and hosting one of my own as well, The Awakened. It takes place in the near future, where a Pillar has burst forth from beneath New York City. This Pillar is granting people supernatural powers, and it calls to them, drawing them towards itself. However, the Pillar is contained by the government and none of the "Awakened" as those with powers have been called, are allowed in its vicinity. That's the basis of the plotline, feel free to check it out in the RP section if you wish.

As for my greatest strength, I'm not really sure for myself, but I've been told by others in the RP subforum that I have a good eye for detail in my writing. I'd also like to believe that my grammar flows rather nicely, though I'm sure there are still areas where I can improve.

As for my greatest weakness, I suppose I'd have to say it's the lengthy amounts of time that sometimes stretch between updates on my writing. Due to a combination of events in my personal life as well as lack of motivation, it sometimes takes a bit of effort on my part to stay on top of things, which is something I've been trying to improve as much as I can. I can't help but feel like that was a major part in the cancelation of my first RP, Aervana, as well as the cause for some of the dropouts in my current RP.

Anyway, I have yet to write anything beyond my RPs, though I hope to get something up in the Creative Writing section at some point. Perhaps when I finish worldbuilding for the Magistrate Council, I can get up some backstory on that.

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*Ahem!* Hello... for those who haven't met me yet... My name is Nezzie... or Nez. I haven't posted anything yet... but give me a minute or two and you'll see something... and so people can get a feel of how I write and where I like to put people... I'll just start small... which will be a training match. To start... my name.... which you'll probably hear throughout my writing is in full, Nesreion Seraphim... but its Nezzie or Nez for short because the characters always call me that. My mind... never shuts up.

I've been writing for a very long time... so about 12 years... because I'm 25 now... I saw my older sister writing a story and liked how she wrote it... and I wanted to write something myself... but to get the means to create a story, I didn't know where to start. I would get frustrated and would rage quit god knows how many times... but I was told by my teachers, from 6th grade, all the way to the day that I graduated, to keep at it... actually when I got in high school, my teachers dreaded giving me an assignment that had to do in creative writing because they knew, they were either going to get something that was going to make them laugh right away. That's was always how I used to write... I had to do some kind of comedy or add some little one liner that would have them cackling at their desk. Again, back in 6th grade... when I was working on a story, a friend of mine had looked at my work. We were writing on the computer...(Which my typing used to bomb big time...) and she tilted her head. She asked me if I like to write... and I answered her that I did... and then she shows me hers. Compared to what I did... she was way better at it. I asked her how she got so good.... because it was a really good story too... it even made me laugh quite a few times.

And we became fast friends... and real good friends too... I would go home and write something... and when I would have a class with her... we would trade stories that we had wrote... both of us would be laughing... and usually got in trouble with the teacher... unfortunately... we did this on purpose. The teacher read the stories out loud... which... this was one of my strengths... I liked to put characters right smack in the real world... but when I did that... the teachers would almost immediately stop... because the person was usually being thrown out a window. The more I wrote... the better I got... It wasn't until my senior year when I didn't directly join a forum that had a bunch of authors called Shadow Authors but I wrote for them on the side... in the shadows. I've done a numerous of works... but mine are very hard to find... and the forums that I have written on, have either gone down or my works have been erased because I had my account closed out. Rps... came later in my life... actually right after I graduated.

And this is when I started a story... which I now have a long line of people waiting for it. I have found out on my own though... I have dreams... most of which I can remember, so I record them. I've been able to turn a lot of my dreams into short stories or long adventures. I have a huge tendency to bring you in my shoes... so you can see exactly what's going on... so I do a lot of real time stories before I send you off on an extravagant adventure... which would have you witness... what happens. I mean, I have read other stories and watched countless movies... but none come even close to the kind of magicks and abilities that I have seen. Usually when someone can use magick, either they can only use one element, or at the expense of their life, they can use whatever they like but they have to be careful about what they use and how they go about using the spell. I like people to see what I am capable of. No... I'm not a god... but if I can get people to picture, in my mind where I'm going and who I see... without getting knocked out... you would be amazed... and in this story which I wrote back in 2006, it was a dream that I had...

The dream lasted 18 hours. The actual time in the dream lasted 2 weeks. Here's the thing... I was out for 3 days physically. During the dream, it was 3 parts... which I have turned into a series. I lost the file... or thought I did 2 years later... but I found it just recently... still in tact and I can maybe finish it. If it isn't the world that draws you in, it's one character that I have created that everyone seems to love... and she was a demon... that I made into a character from a monster off of a MMO called Maplestory... if anyone remembers or would know what a Lucida is.

I know I'm not perfect... and I'm not trying to be but writing is something I like to do... and it calms the festivities in my mind.... but my mind never sleeps and never shuts up. There is a realm that my mind wanders off to every night... and it'll be what you'll probably read... which basically houses every character that I have ever created or met in my dreams and my Pokemon. The way I train my Pokemon is very different that what most people would be used to... but to get a better understand of how I write and where I like to take people... I know my weakness... which would be lack of detail... but doing an RP... helps me... to learn from others and better describe locations... and I need to quit doing so many sentence breaks or pauses. I can't help it.

Oh... and just so you all will be prepared for what's going to happen... I know you think you've seen everything... but I tend to put my characters in comas. I'm pretty good in the dialogue factor. I will have people face palming mainly left and right... I'll get a few giggles and chuckles here and there too.

Another weakness I have is; I can only write well when I use the manuscript format... I am really bad at an actual story like format... I can RP really well... but when it comes to actually trying to put the story into a format where anyone can read it... and some times when I'm looking or reading an actual story... I get frustrated because of it. I have scraped well over 600+ stories because of it. I have them on my external hard drive so I can read over them... maybe to try and rewrite them... but so far... I haven't had any kind of luck. I can describe to people what I'm writing and what it's about... but actually putting it into the correct format... just eats away at me... and nothing ever gets out... or no one knows about it... this is why I say... I'm a Shadow Author... I have let some people read my works... and they say its fine the way it is...

I still beat myself up over it. I had joined NaNo last year (would be 2 years ago) and within... 2 days... which I started 3 weeks late... I had already had 12k words which I managed to pass most people up. I eventually scrapped the story... (Its still there called Griffons) because I came out of my comfort zone... and I didn't like how it turned out... so I stopped.*Sigh* So... that's where I'm at... at the moment. I like Fantasy/Adventure... where I can drag someone through a world they've never been to before... and then back to reality before dragging them on another extravagant adventure... but the description and format... are a bear for me to get right... and usually leads to me scrapping the entire project... but I never delete it. I keep trying... and have been doing that for 12 years.

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