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Apples to Apples?

Miss Kitty

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Alright, how the hell do I NOT win when I was the only one with an original answer?



My answer makes no sense but I like it anyway.
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[b]Winner[/b]: Ikaru - Not only is it a phrase widely known with being powerful yet fragile, not only does it relate as a meta game term, and not only is it a spiffy model, but its just plain cool.
Runners Up[/u]
Ocra - Can't get much more fragile than 1 HP in Pokemon
Mashew - Which is exactly why I ignore you guys half the time
N8 - You're right, it does make no sense
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No, I did it because Will did it before me. And I feel like I should give my reasoning for for the winner and what I thought about the other submissions. That way you can play to my tastes next time I'm the judge. See, I'm trying to help you N8 :P
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Ordinarily, he'd be a huge threat, but seeing as everything in 5th Gen hits like a tank and then some, he's kinda meh.

And the animated sprite is from [url="http://www.arkeis.com/animatedsprites.html"]here.[/url]
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Kay I guess I waited long enough...

Doc is clearly mad, so, no. xD
Bullet, I never really liked Chuck Norris jokes, but, that... IS a good example, I suppose.
N8, I can agree with this personally having actually used it and swept full teams after two Dragon Dances, so... a winner is you.
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[color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']I love using big words...[/color]
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