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My Ice type


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I want an ice type for dragon gym in the future

I have 1 dragon and 1 fairy already but i worried that sepphira will hit me with steel wing or dragalge poison so i want ice type for back up,Dragon is tough and her strongest is Dragonite and it's a dragon/flying so ice is the best

I want some suggestion which ice type should I pick

note:I want a high speed one to for if she have fire punch or frameshower

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Avalugg. Unless she has a special attacker, that thing will be able to take some punishment, if it has the right nature and maybe some EVs. 184 def is quite high.

Now, if you want a quick and deadly ice-type, you´d want to get sneasel. But hat ain´t in the game yet :/

Cryogonal would work too, it has 105 speed and 95 special attack. It has more base speed than garchomp.

Fairy-Type might be a good idea, but if she has a garchomp, I´d be scared shitless either way, because it can have poison jab ;)

But I wouldn´t worry too much about her. There are still other gym-leaders to look forward to, and Sapphira might be one of the last or even the last one.

Until then you´ll have some pokemon that are strong enough to take down a dragon-monotype. It won´t be THAT difficult. She´ll probably try to sweep with dragon-dance, so taunt Dragonite, burn it and set-up yourself. But well, just play what you want ^^

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Well, my recommendation for your request is a mamoswine. To be honest, it is a bit of a hassle to breed icicle crash onto it via beartic, but once you get it, you won't find a more reliable ice type in terms of damage output imho, not to mention ice shard provides handy priority. however, if your intention is solely to counter dragons, just take your pick of any of the fairies that are lying around reborn, so much less hassle that way.

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Avalugg. Unless she has a special attacker, that thing will be able to take some punishment, if it has the right nature and maybe some EVs. 184 def is quite high.

Now, if you want a quick and deadly ice-type, you´d want to get sneasel. But hat ain´t in the game yet :/

Cryogonal would work too, it has 105 speed and 95 special attack. It has more base speed than garchomp.

Fairy-Type might be a good idea, but if she has a garchomp, I´d be scared shitless either way, because it can have poison jab ;)

But I wouldn´t worry too much about her. There are still other gym-leaders to look forward to, and Sapphira might be one of the last or even the last one.

Until then you´ll have some pokemon that are strong enough to take down a dragon-monotype. It won´t be THAT difficult. She´ll probably try to sweep with dragon-dance, so taunt Dragonite, burn it and set-up yourself. But well, just play what you want ^^

Cyrogonal can take a special hit as well i think

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i'm too lazy to get my mamos breed so i think i gonna go with ice fang it going to do x4 damage to most of her dragon cause dragon type has many weakness dragon/ground and dragon/flying weak against ice x4 and heidragon get x4 damage if i hit it with moonblast so now i think i cool thank for the suggestion

Edited by BBD
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well actually Sepphira is not the last one

spoiler:go to game file> graphic> picture and there it is

Ame always changes the order of the leaders around - so nope, Saphira may be the last Gym Leader.

...although I'm pretty sure she isn't because nearly everyone is speculating her to be the final Gym Leader - and Ame always gives us thing that we least expect

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well actually Sepphira is not the last one

spoiler:go to game file> graphic> picture and there it is

Don´t thrust that. Ame tends to switch those around to throw people who try to predict the next-gym leader off their game.

Ame always changes the order of the leaders around - so nope, Saphira may be the last Gym Leader.

...although I'm pretty sure she isn't because nearly everyone is speculating her to be the final Gym Leader - and Ame always gives us thing that we least expect

True. True. Might be someone else.

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For example, before Episode 13 was released, the game files of Episode 12 showed that Adrienne is supposedly next. But then we fought Charolette. Same applies here. No one expected Terra for 14, and yet here she is.

For Ice types, you've got a couple of reliable ways to go.


There are only really two plausible solutions here and one of them is far above the other: Avalugg and Walrein. Let's break it down a bit more.

Avalugg: Have you seen this defense? And that attack is nothing to laugh at, either. Unfortunately, this glacier which redefines the meaning of "physical wall," has the abysmal base 46 Special Defense. What sort of a tank has that? Butterfree has twice that. So, if you use this, be wary of any special attack at all.



Blaziken? That's cute.


Whoops, got killed by a random Oddish's Acid.

Walrein: Extremely balanced stats. All around, quite a decent choice for any party member.


Doesn't get murdered by any Special attack

Better for a rounded offense



More weaknesses

And then you have your offensive Pokes.


Oh lordy, there are quite a few decent, offensive ice types. And some of them are definitely better than others.

Let's start out with one that people really don't like. Vanilluxe.

Vanilluxe: This thing can actually be obtained before the second gym (or, at least its pre evolutions can be. You know what I mean). This thing has some pretty nice stats, in all actuality. 110 base Special Attack and 71-95 in everything else. That's rather nice and well rounded, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the best of movesets. It does learn Ice Beam, Mirror shot, and taunt by level up, though. You could throw Freeze-dry in that last slot, I suppose, just to kill Swamperts and such. Hidden Power could also work out quite well. You can also grab a Steelix and breed Automatize onto it.


Nice stats

Decent-ish movepool


It's an ice cream cone.

No room for varied sets.

Aurorus: A bit bulkier than some of the other offensive guys, but can still pack a considerable punch with Refrigerate turning all your normal moves into ice. Only problem is it doesn't learn many good Normal moves with the exception of Nature Power-> Tri Attack, which only works with no other field effect present. Yeah. like that's going to happen.


Refrigerate boosts all normal moves

Able to take some hits (keyword "some")


What normal moves?

Any fighting type attack

Glaceon: This isn't Pokemon: Conquest. Don't use Glaceon in Reborn unless you plan on following in Serra's footsteps or you have a trick room team.

Froslass: Speed+Destiny Bond can be quite deadly on occasions. Just don't die on the first turn (focus sash might help).


Destiny Bond

Rather fast


Quite shallow moveset. Give it Blizzard, DB, Shadow Ball/Ominous Wind, and possibly Draining Kiss. Not much else you can use it for.

Cryogonal: Pretty solid 135 base Special attack and 105 base Speed, only problem is it dies to a single mach punch. This thing is almost a literal glass cannon, as it will dish out some pain, but then fall shortly afterwards.


Dat Special Attack

Decent speed

Nice move pool


Speed won't matter much against Reborn bosses because they are too dang fast anyway,

Paper thin defenses.

Phew, that took awhile. Hope this helps somehow and I didn't just rant on the forums and get everything wrong. That would suck.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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