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eevee breeding trouble


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I was wondering if anyone has had trouble breeding eevee with other pokemon. I'm breeding a male eevee with a female shinx and even though I've cycled on the bike well beyond the usual amount for an egg, I'm still not getting an egg. sorry I don't know if this is a bug or I'm just doing something wrong with the breeding process so please move thread if this belongs in the bugs forum.

Also at one point there was a blue checkmark above eevee instead of the blue male symbol don't know if that means anything.

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How much exactly is "well beyond the usual"? The steps needed to hatch an egg vary with the pokemon. Since you are breeding a Male Eevee and a Female Shinx, the amount needed to hatch the egg would be 5,120 steps. (The baby will be a Shinx btw) Be sure to get a pokemon with Magma Armor or Flame Body to half the amount of steps needed, I remember there being a Numel at the Peridot Station. It is to the waaaaay southwest of the Grand Hall.

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well I've been cycling so I don't know steps wise but usually I can cycle through the perdiot ward and back to the daycare 3-4 times and will get a egg fairly quickly

and to derpy Simon I'm referring to receiving an egg

Edited by smeargletail
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