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Bug Monotype


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So, I want to start a bug monotype just for fun. I can already feel the challenge, it's going to be so annoying, but also so exciting. The main character name is Bugsy (poor Shelly).

I've already caught a wurmple in the garden, I also want butterfree, surskit and kricketune (technician + fury cutter), I cannot catch pokemon that are in headbutt trees yet, I might check what bug pokemon that can learn headbutt. Any suggestions for Julia?

P.S. I'm new here, how do I put those nice 3d pokemon images here?

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Hm, I really wanted to keep a full bug team until the end, but I think if I don't use Bidoof in battles it can be my headbutt slave without any problems. Thanks for the help with the sprites.

For Julia I have Ledyba, Kricketune, Beautifly, Surskit, and I need to catch Pineco and Combee.

Not terrible right?

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Hm, I really wanted to keep a full bug team until the end, but I think if I don't use Bidoof in battles it can be my headbutt slave without any problems. Thanks for the help with the sprites.

For Julia I have Ledyba, Kricketune, Beautifly, Surskit, and I need to catch Pineco and Combee.

Not terrible right?

They seem fine, you only get so many bug pokemon early game. You'll get waaaay better bugs in the future. coughHeracross

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So, I want to start a bug monotype just for fun. I can already feel the challenge, it's going to be so annoying, but also so exciting. The main character name is Bugsy (poor Shelly).

I've already caught a wurmple in the garden, I also want butterfree, surskit and kricketune (technician + fury cutter), I cannot catch pokemon that are in headbutt trees yet, I might check what bug pokemon that can learn headbutt. Any suggestions for Julia?

P.S. I'm new here, how do I put those nice 3d pokemon images here?

Hi my name is Skys also I also am working on a bug mono, I'm around the point just before facing Luna but it's kind of an off and on thing so i don't play on it that often.

But anyway this is what i picked up through my playthrough. I HIGHLY recommend you make your self an exception and train up a bibral to gt that litleo for headbutt because the pokemon (burmy, combee, and pineco) you get from it are very very helpful. Probably the most helpful is female combee though it is rare when evolves into Vesqiquen it can relearn destiny bond, slap a quick claw on it which you get from wild meowth and it will get rid of pokemon that would destroy your team like Chattot, Heather, Chandelure, Steelix, Chattot, did I mention Chattot?(edit, just realized the move tutor was moved to after the fifth gym, vesviquen s till a good pokemon but won't be as useful without destiny bond) Burmy provides good typing with its ground/bug(great pokemon for Julia) or steel/bug and pineco becomes a great physical wall though it hits pathetically. I'm a bit iffy on the wurmple line beutifly has a great special attack but is pretty slow(base 50) dustox has good special defense but everything else is rather lackluster. Some things you have to look out for later on, Chattot is going to be horrible and s a big reason why you need a steel/bug or pokemon with sleep powder, i'm not quite sure how to beat Cal without going back a few eps and getting a dwebble, and Shelly is going to be the bane of your existence I fought the old version and it took me +35 tries to beat her. Your main problems are gong to be the anorith, scyther(not sure if she still has), yamega, and to an extent bugsy. The new Shelly lead with Illusime and anorith, ilusime sets up rain and anorith with swift swim id going to spam rock slide, scyther has its technician wing attacks, yamega has ancient power and you can't outspeed it because of speed boost, and bugsy is going to confuse you and heal all your damage off with moonlight.

Bug mono is definitely one of the more challenging monotypes I wish you good luck and if you need any help just message me.

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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Hmm, is there any obtainable bug pokemon faster than Chatot? About Shelly, I trust in Venomoth, Vivillon, and in my luck. Can you please tell me how to return some episodes? I've never done that before, and where can I get dwebble then? Thanks for the help

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Hmm, is there any obtainable bug pokemon faster than Chatot? About Shelly, I trust in Venomoth, Vivillon, and in my luck. Can you please tell me how to return some episodes? I've never done that before, and where can I get dwebble then? Thanks for the help

If you want to go back to a previous episode, you're going to have to ask someone for the download for the episode you want. Venomoth has basically the same base speed as chatot, as with Vivillon as well. Everything Skys said is true. Shelly is going to be your second hardest battle, aside from Cal. I think almost all her pokemon are supereffective on Bug types. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6802 is where you'll be able to find the location for any pokemon you desire. Of course, not all pokemon are available yet so if Dwebble isn't on there you're just going to have to ask around or wait for the next episode.

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Do I really need to go back some episodes to get Dwebble? Or is it still on Apophyll Beach Rocks?

P.S. Durant + Ninjask + Venomoth... just found a strategy for Noel

Edited by jotwas
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So, I just defeated Julia, she was easier than I expected, her Helioptile took 2 Mach Punch and then killed Francis with a Critical hit, and then Atta just started spamming fury cutters, three hit KO in that electrode, the emolga was the hardest one, 2 Burgh's bubblebeam got it's HP to red, and then Shelly just finished the work. Atta defeated blitze, the two voltorbs, electrode and helioptile.

My team after Julia


Francis lvl,17



-Light Screen


-Mach Punch



Burgh lvl.17


Rain Dish


-Water Sport

-Quick Attack

-Sweet Scent


Shelly lvl.16





-Stun Spore

-Poison Sting


Lemon lvl.15 (Male, I'm going to get a female later)


Shed Skin



-Bug Bite


Pinha lvl.17



-Rapid Spin (Can be great in the future)

-Bug Bite




Atta lvl.20(She's quite overleveld because she dealt with Julia's entire team)



-Leech life


-Struggle Bug

-Fury Cutter

Box (Need combee)



In obsidia I want to catch Venonat, maybe I can catch spinarak...?

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Catch Spinarak, because I think Ariados gets Sticky Web. Others you could get later include Durant in Tanzan depths and Heracross/Pinsir in the woods.
Don't cross out Scolipede and Accelgor, which are fast enough to deal with several of your problems.
Cal is going to be tough, but if you get an Armaldo from early fossil search (and abuse of soft-reset), you shouldn't have any problems.

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Catch Spinarak, because I think Ariados gets Sticky Web. Others you could get later include Durant in Tanzan depths and Heracross/Pinsir in the woods.

Don't cross out Scolipede and Accelgor, which are fast enough to deal with several of your problems.

Cal is going to be tough, but if you get an Armaldo from early fossil search (and abuse of soft-reset), you shouldn't have any problems.

He can't revive the fossil until Spinal town:/ and armoldo has one of the most god awful move pools out of all pokemon. X-scizzor at lvl 83.

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He can't revive the fossil until Spinal town:/ and armoldo has one of the most god awful move pools out of all pokemon. X-scizzor at lvl 83.

So Armaldo isn't a good option? It has great attack and defense, it can be quite useful I think.

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He can't revive the fossil until Spinal town:/ and armoldo has one of the most god awful move pools out of all pokemon. X-scizzor at lvl 83.

Right, I forgot about that.

In that case, you can only hope to fight in the rain.

I think you reach Cal when your level cap is about 45 or 50. So he could use a Vivillon, which learns quiver dance at 45 and perhaps take it till lvl50 to learn hurricane, which in rain has a 100% accuracy.

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Right, I forgot about that.

In that case, you can only hope to fight in the rain.

I think you reach Cal when your level cap is about 45 or 50. So he could use a Vivillon, which learns quiver dance at 45 and perhaps take it till lvl50 to learn hurricane, which in rain has a 100% accuracy.

Level cap is 45, no Hurricanes.

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So Armaldo isn't a good option? It has great attack and defense, it can be quite useful I think.

Its not that its a bad option its that you need extensive breeding to get good moves on it without breeding it kind of stuck with rock blast and fury cutter as its best moves which isn't very reliable. I'm actually bredding one with aqua jet, curse and rock slide(for Charloette) right now.

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Its not that its a bad option its that you need extensive breeding to get good moves on it without breeding it kind of stuck with rock blast and fury cutter as its best moves which isn't very reliable. I'm actually bredding one with aqua jet, curse and rock slide(for Charloette) right now.

All right, I'm actually onwards to zel with my Venonat.

P.S. Rain Dance + Swift Swim + Curse + Rock Slide? Great strategy for her.

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Level up the Burmy with Trash Coat, so that it evolves into a bug/steel type. It is amazing at taking out the PULSE tangrowths, considering it also learns confusion pretty early after evolving. PULSE tangrowths typically know: acid spray, growth, vine whip, mega drain. Due to the Bug/Steel typing, it makes acid spray ineffective, and vine whip / mega drain have 1/4 effectiveness. It's been a lifesaver on my Steel Monotype run

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