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Where, if at all, can I find the following items?



- Black Belt or Fist Plate

- Charcoal or Flame Plate

- Soft Sand or Earth Plate

- Silk Scarf

- Twistedspoon or Mind Plate

- Sharp Beak or Sky Plate

I'm pretty sure that Charcoal is buyable on 7th Street and that plates are obtained only through mining. What about the other items?

Also, does anyone know if the item Metronome works properly? I haven't tested it very much, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't give the incremental 20% boost in power per repeat move usage as advertised. It would be nice if someone could confirm or deny this.


Charcoal - buyable on 7th Street

Silk Scarf - Serra's mansion, 2nd floor

Soft Sand - hidden item on Apophyll Beach, north side of Apophyll Academy

Edited by dondon151
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Silk Scarf is in Serra's house. As for plates, they are only obtainable through mining. I have no idea where Soft Sand and Black Belt are located however. I'd assume they're near Apophyll. If all else fails, look for pokemon that hold the items.

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Soft Sand is in the game, but I honestly forgot how I got it..

I have to try and see if Ame allowed Fearow/Dodrio to hold a Sharp Beak. And I don't think we can get the Twistedspoon since we haven't encountered any Wild Abra.

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  On 12/20/2014 at 11:10 PM, jman390 said:

Silk Scarf is in Serra's house. As for plates, they are only obtainable through mining. I have no idea where Soft Sand and Black Belt are located however. I'd assume they're near Apophyll. If all else fails, look for pokemon that hold the items.

Sorry, but where is the mine?

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There is no specific mine.. In caves and tunnels etc. you will find rocks that look smashable, but have some glowing streaks in them.. These allow you to mine, but only once (atleast till you reach the 7th street, then also only twice when you use blast powder).. They are the only places you can mine.. I think you first come across these under the Grand Staircase..

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  On 12/23/2014 at 5:06 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

Wait, what. I swore I got it from a Wild Kricktune.

Implemented, as in "working", since Essentials' changes implemented in E14 have messed some things up. Kricketune can hold 'em, and there's (or used to be) some for sale in the O.Dept Store.

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